Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here's What Dennis Fischer Says Will Happen If You Eat in a Fine Resturant on the Sabbath

Here's why it is a sin if you eat out at fancy restaurant on the sabbath.  There might be high class call girls in the room or business people might be doing some work and you do not want to be in the same space as grievous sinners. 

These are actual reasons that Dennis Fischer gives on his 30 Excuses: Fine Dining

Example I
"Working Girls"

    Suppose that this elegant restaurant was a gathering place of numerous prostitutes. However, these “ladies of the evening” are not the typical “hookers” one might see on street corners in sleazy parts of town. These particular women are high priced “call girls” with very influential clients. Each of these "ladies" is highly educated. Most have graduate degrees and may speak several languages. They enjoy the opera and are well versed in literature and the arts. They can converse intelligently about politics and philosophy. Additionally, they command as much as $10,000 an evening for their services. To put it mildly they are very sophisticated. But they are prostitutes nonetheless. Furthermore, at this particular restaurant they are everywhere—engaging in their craft, making contacts and networking. Add to that, dining with these very expensive “escorts” are men whose wives are at home with their children totally unaware that tonight their husbands will be spending some “quality time” with someone else.
     Now here is our question.
  • Is such a place conducive for honoring God’s Sabbath?
  • Or, would you recommend that God’s people choose another place to dine?
     Most would have to admit that such a restaurant is not an appropriate place to dine on the Sabbath or, any other day for that matter. After all, regardless of how you want to slice it, God’s law is being trampled on with impunity by its patrons. Furthermore, adultery is a capital crime in the Bible. It attacks the very core of decency.
     Now some may argue that such a hypothetical situation doesn’t exist—and even if it did God’s people would be unable to detect such behavior. After all, discretion is the stock and trade of such “ladies.”
     This may be true so lets try a different example—one a bit more real.

Example II
“A Capital Crime”

     Suppose you and your family are at another fine restaurant on the Sabbath and everyone there is desecrating God’s holy day right before your eyes. At every table this sacrilege is taking place. Work is being done. Business is being transacted. The conversations all around you (even if you can’t hear them) relate to the profane world. Even an occasional round of “Happy Birthday” is being sung by attentive servers.
Now, here is our question.
  • Is this a place that is conducive to keeping God’s day holy?
  • Furthermore, should God’s people actually pay to be in such a place? In other words, should they do business with it, on God’s Sabbath no less? Remember that profaning the Sabbath is also a capital crime in the scriptures.
                                                  Embracing Sin
    The reason most people in God’s Church dine out on the Sabbath is either 1) they never think about what is really taking place all around them or, 2) they don’t regard what is being done as an egregious sin. Tragically, we have become desensitized by our contemporary world to accept what God condemns. Furthermore, by never questioning what restaurants do on this day, we never have to question what we do.
    The bottom line is this. You can no more find a restaurant elegant enough to offset what is taking place in it every Sabbath than you could find a cathedral elegant enough to offset what it is doing every Sunday. No matter how fancy it is, no matter how exquisite its atmosphere, it is still POLLUTING what God Himself made HOLY! Here is the question we should ask ourselves. What does God Almighty think of what is taking place at this fine eatery every Sabbath and holy day? Furthermore, what does He think of His people seeking out and paying for this sacrilege?

Here's What Dennis Fischer Thinks About You Eating Out On The Sabbath


  1. Bloody Hell! I would rather look across the room at a pretty woman, even if she was a call girl, than at the scowling face of a COG minister any day! That would certainly be a "sabbath rest" experience!

  2. It never ceases to amaze me, the condescending things that leaders of the ACOGs write to people presumed by their doctrinal approach to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit! Further indication of a certain lack of depth of understanding!


  3. What rubbish! Would it be 'ok' if that 'fine restaurant' was frequented any other day with those call-girls around? Ridiculous! What about the highway you're travelling on, the classroom you sit in, the office or factory you work in, the hospital you're treated in, computer server you're tied to....it goes on and on. Unbelievable what hypocritical, pharisaical attitudes. Straining at gnats and swallowing camels...no wonder, "whenever Moses is read the veil is still there". Complete stupidity!

  4. To be fair, he used to be a lot more reasonable, but it was clear at the Feast in Redlodge, Montana last year that things have really gone down hill in four years.

    I'm not sure what happened, but something really changed.

    Here's hoping that the Eternal CoG will become more sensible without much cause for optimism.

    You really don't want to know.

    I'll just leave it at that until "Misery of the Ages" comes out.

  5. wow...where can I findt his place?


  6. So much nonsense!

    First of all, there never was a seven day creation to comemorate on any set day. This is another myth too much of the world still swallows.

    Humans need periodic rest for their health and should take it when they decide they need it. I do, and a set day of the week no longer has anything to do with it.

    I'm embarrassed that I once was so dumb that I superstitiously watched for the set of that sun on Friday and again on Saturday. How stupid I was!

    There is no place for mass sabbath keeping in a modern technological and interdependent world. When people lived in tents and herded animals and tended crops or gathered wild fruits and vegetables, a Sabbath was more feasible, but they still had to make allowance for the "ox in the ditch."

    I will be so glad when all such superstitions are replaced with common sense. Sadly, it won't happen in my now short lifetime or anytime soon. Idiots like Dennis Fischer aren't going to go away.

  7. What a racket!

    Sell an imaginary being and his imaginary book with a lot of constricting and impractical rules to a bunch of credulous, not-to-lucid people. Get them to dig deep into their pockets and deepen their life misery to support you and hopefully use that treasure to get multitudes of others to bite on the same life poisoning mixture.

    Meanwhile, you get to strut and shoot off your ignorant mouth like a pompous Mussolini or Hitler and be idolized by the masses you've lied to and conned into giving you what amounts to their fincancial life's blood.

    How thankful and grateful I am to have awakened in time and for having enough character to resist the temptation to join in some way.

  8. Right on Allen!
    Religion in all it's forms is nothing but control, built upon three main things; fear, guilt and superstition...has caused such misery for so many people over the ages. Been caught up with HWA-ism for over thirty years...shaped our whole life...left the whole mess behind 14 years ago. Freedom is beautiful! We just feel so badly for those still trapped in it.

  9. Dennis Fisher said, "they command as much as $10,000 an evening for their services".

    MY COMMENT - How would Garner Ted, ooooops I mean Dennis Fisher, know the current fee for high priced hookers unless from personal experience perhaps?


  10. Its all very cut and dried for me.

    If you believe in the Creator of the scriptures and you can read where it says, 'keep the Sabbath set apart, and you shall not BUY or SELL on the Sabbath day,' then you can follow His commands out of trust, love and respect.

    If you don't believe in Him, then don't do these things. That's your choice. I won't condemn you because sinners can't afford to condemn other sinners (law breakers).

    If you want to believe in a 'Jesus' who is nothing at all like the Messiah in the scriptures, go for it! You have 2+ billion brethren.

    If it makes you happy to keep the commandments in service to the Creator, good. If it makes you happy not to, ok.

    We will find out soon enough who was right and who was wrong. If you were right, we'll all quietly rot in our graves for eternity, but if not, the Creator will forgive those who sinned ignorantly.

    Just be happy and stop hating!

  11. SabbathPatrol said...
    "Its all very cut and dried for me."

    MY COMMENT: What man cut and dried it for you?

    "If you believe in the Creator of the scriptures and you can read where it says, 'keep the Sabbath set apart, and you shall not BUY or SELL on the Sabbath day,' then you can follow His commands out of trust, love and respect."

    MY COMMENT: Where did our Creator, who walked among us, say this in the New Covenant?

    "If you don't believe in Him, then don't do these things. That's your choice. I won't condemn you because sinners can't afford to condemn other sinners (law breakers)."

    MY COMMENT: I believe in Him. That's why I don't do those things. They are not required of a Christian. It's allvery cut and dried for me in the New Testament.

    "If you want to believe in a 'Jesus' who is nothing at all like the Messiah in the scriptures, go for it! You have 2+ billion brethren."

    MY COMMENT: If you want to believe in a "Messiah" that some man has pawned off on you, or that you have conjured in your head, go for it! You have 2+ billion brethren.

    "If it makes you happy to keep the commandments in service to the Creator, good. If it makes you happy not to, ok."

    MY COMMENT: Then, why are you wasting my time? :-)

    "We will find out soon enough who was right and who was wrong. If you were right, we'll all quietly rot in our graves for eternity, but if not, the Creator will forgive those who sinned ignorantly."

    MY COMMENT: Well, I already know YOU are wrong. I won't have to wait. Right or wrong, we're all going to rot in our graves, but I HOPE not for eternity, but that's up to the Creator. He can, and will do, whatever He wants. I hope the Creator will forgive all of us, whether we sinned ignorantly or just sinned. If so, we'll all rise up together, in the second resurrection. Sorry. No first resurrection for you or me.

    "Just be happy and stop hating!"

    MY COMMENT: And, stop judging!

    September 16, 2011 4:40 AM

  12. One problem here is that Example II can happen inside a Sabbath meeting hall, without even going out to dinner.

    Many's the time I've heard more "fellowship" talk about politics or business matters than God and Biblical matters.

    In fact, if you try to bring up Biblical topics (especially if you mention something which might cut against the COG grain), you might break up the fellowship circle in a hurry.

  13. Again, let's head for the trunk of the tree, axe in hand.

    That "new covenant" is just as much a piece of fiction as was the old. There never was a bona fide savior born of some fictitious god who supposedly, and mysteriously, bedded a human virgin. That all started way back in Egypt and was as much a fiction then as it was in the first century AD. Paul and his Greek followers plagiarised it and used it as a basis for his religion -- and that's what we have in thousands of forms today.

    For a covenant to be real, there have to be two real individuals or groups involved. The Israelites and modern-day Christians are real enough, but the "god" part is pure fiction -- as much a figment of human imagination as the original Osiris, Mythra, etc. The Hebrew priests, Paul and the Catholic bishops were very imaginative, but it's all a great big bucket of hogwash.

  14. I see I really started something when I spelled Mithra, Mythra!

    I would certainly agree that Mythra didn't exist -- not to be confused with Mothra, foe of Godzilla.

    Sabbath keepers are reminded that no Godzilla movies are to be observed on the Sabbath, not even the one with Mothra.

  15. Sabbath keepers are reminded that no Godzilla movies are to be observed on the Sabbath, not even the one with Mothra.

    For me, that's a deal-breaker.
