Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 21, 2011

Apostle Wants You To Know How Perfect He Is

Apostle Malm has laid down the law on what you should do about food on Saturdays.  This is how he does it and expects you to do it likewise, because only grievous sinners would DARE to eat out or fix food now that they know the truth!

I have not cooked on Sabbath or Holy Days since the early 80s and with a little thought and adjustment of habits, it works out very well. There is simply no need to cook etc on any High Day if one is properly prepared. We need to break free of our addiction to big food and a party style good time; and make God our passion. Just relaxing and discussing scripture with a loaf of bread, cheese, a salad, piece of fruit etc and something to drink would make for an excellent High day repast. We usually have a grand dinner before Sabbath or High Day making sure of some good leftovers for the next day. Often I enjoy a tea and ban muffin with marmalade for breakfast, a salad, pear and cheese, with bread and even sometimes warmed soup for lunch; and for late afternoon some of those leftovers. Its just that easy.


  1. I can just picture Malm going thru the grainfields with Jesus. "But, Jesus, I've got some leftovers here. I'M not going to pick that grain and eat it! I was made for the SABBATH!"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually, "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath...for the son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath,' is probably a much more realistic and meaningful teaching of Jesus about such things than meets the eye.

    We/I always thought and taught it meant that Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath, so he could do what he wanted etc...Actually sounded kinda arrogant.

    But in many Gospel references, Jesus talks about the son of man as if it was NOT himself. A better rendition and one that makes more sense in the context as Jesus and Disciples were hungry and probably on the run as well which is why the story of David taking the shewbread was used. It would make no sense to use a story about a desperate person in the OT taking sacred bread when he was on the run and use it for Jesus who just wanted to eat because he was too lazy to walk back to town etc.

    Anyway, I believe "son of man" means 'humans" Therefore in context it means.."Humans take presidence over the Sabbath," 'Human needs come first even on the Sabbath.'

    Jesus, in this context was not talking about himself as the son of man. It is a term that simply means 'humans' and Jesus was pointing out the much more human and obvious fact when on the Sabbath, there is a real human need.


  4. ok, not amen...:)

    The Gospels do not present Jesus as God in the Flesh etc. All that came later. We are all "sons of men." or "the son of man." If Jesus was referring to himself he would have meant he had a father like anyone else, who was a man. All the heavy theology of who Jesus was came later.

    If Jesus is the literal son of God then he can in no way be "the son of man," unless God is also a man. If Jesus knew in reality he was the son of man, and that he just didn't know who the man was or the man was Joseph, then it would make sense.

    There are only three ways it could be:

    Jesus was the literal son of the Deity called "God"

    Jesus was the illegitiment child of Mary from a man unknown to him and only to Mary

    Jesus father was Joseph, who shows up only in the later added birth narratives of Jesus in Luke and Matthew which each tell a different birth story and then disappears..conveniently, and is a construct just for the story.

    Perhaps Jesus as a child asked Mary who his father was and not wanting to tell the truth just said, "god is your father." He may have taken that too literally?

    just sayin'

  5. I can't imagine a God that really would care about such things about whether the food the bacteria called humans on earth eat on Saturday is cooked or cold leftovers.

    I'd be more comfortable if He cared about the Pol Pots, Stalins, Mao's, Hitlers, greedy bastards, psychopaths in high places and Planet wreckers among us.


  6. You've got to wonder if this Pharisee pre-sheets the toilet paper he's going to use on the sabbath!

    On the day God asks him why he feels he should be admitted to the Kingdom, he's going to have this huge list "proving" how observant he was, and probably won't even think to mention that of and by himself he couldn't possibly qualify but trusts that Jesus died for all of his sins.

    Bummer for him!


  7. Somebody should tell Malm's followers about crock pots.

    Like Malm, my Jewish relatives prepare on Friday a fancy meal to feast on right after sundown and to eat as leftovers on Saturday. Also they keep a kind of stew in a crock pot as hot food to go with the leftovers from Friday evening.

  8. But Professor you seem to forget that when you use a crock pot you are using electricity which means someone has to work to make that electricity and you will be causing that person/persons to sin grievously! It doesn't matter that they are already at work or not, because your crock pot is the cause of them losing their salvation! That's how Armstrongite thought works.....

  9. NO2HWA said...
    But Professor you seem to forget that when you use a crock pot you are using electricity which means someone has to work to make that electricity and you will be causing that person/persons to sin grievously! It doesn't matter that they are already at work or not, because your crock pot is the cause of them losing their salvation! That's how Armstrongite thought works.....

    MY COMMENT: Actually, according to the Armstrongite mind, that person working was never converted, so he will go thru the tribulation in suffering, pain, and death, then be in the second resurrection. Of course, all Armstrongites think they will be in the first resurrection. Now that's a CROCK of shit if I ever heard it!
