Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Being A Thorn In The Side of the COG

click map to enlarge

A few interesting facts about this blog from the last month.  In September we had 13, 950 page views from over 6.500 visitors.  We average 400+ unique first time visitors every day (according to Blogger) with an average page view of 488 every day.  Visitors in the last 2 1/2 weeks (as long as I have had the country flag map up)  are from 97 different countries.

Mulling Things Over With Dennis has had over 1,400 readers. The UCG meltdown at the first of the year still continues to draw readers with 2,300+ views.

Not bad considering the hate mail I get occasionally from COG members who drawn down the fires of heaven on me hoping I will die.  Three people are actually praying that I will die a gruesome and painful death so "I can cry out to God for mercy."

Dennis and Douglas get the most views when it comes to their responses.

Some of the word searches that directed people to us were:

Adventist prostitute
Jim Franks
women rule
world devil
your fired
cry baby
bake sale
abomination of desolation
Dibar Apartian
Church of God a Worldwide Association
Herman Hoeh
new moons


  1. I guess I'll have to be more careful what I say.


  2. This is one of the first blogs I go to each day. Not everything is of the same interest to me, and I don't always comment, expecially on what I consider trivial theological things. Theological arguments are to me a waste of time. That's just me.

    I can understand the hate. What appears here is devastating to the true believers out there. They'd like for all of us to just shut up. I used to be in their ranks decades ago, so I understand the mindset.

    Nothing is more devastating to cultism than freely available facts and information. This site, along with others, is doing a valuable service in keeping the heat on.

  3. That hate does not bother me. I find it entertaining. Several of us went head to head with Neville Stevens cult "Zion Ministry" for a couple of years on an alt.newsgroup. I was damned to death on the eve of Passover every year bythose idiots.

    I had another dweedle-brain from Palm Springs, named Sharon who tried for a couple of years to shut me up. She would have threads closed down on AOL relating to anything that was not favorable of Herb. Finally she had a meltdown when she realized I did not care and that I was not going to stop doing what I was doing or the Church was not going to stop with the changes. She was a mental case. The people that knew here said she had several screws loose. It was entertaining to say the least!

  4. NO2HWA, your blog is so very much appreciated -- you do a most excellent job.

    I'm glad you are doing it. I wouldn't be able to.

    I keep hoping the ACoGs will get the message and stop lying, but it seems that they are stubborn and digging in. Nevertheless, the erosion of their empire is continuing and more people than ever are understanding what a scam they have. The more they try to kill off those exposing them, the more they fail to improve their own position.

    It looks very much that something has changed this week. The next few months on into 2012 seem to be significant and the Armstrongists won't be able to stem the tide. There will be continuing bad news for them and their decay will become ever more evident.

    Keep up the good work. You inspire us to keep going.

  5. Thanks Allen.

    Theology fascinates me. At least it has since I left Armstrongism. It was easy for me to understand all the changes coming down the pipeline when they did. I was already reading into that years before. I knew the church was screwed up. What I find even more fascinating is to see people continue to prostitute themselves to legalistic bullshit that ultimatly is making their lives miserable. There were soooooo many unhappy, grumpy miserable people in the Pasadena church. I can only imagine what miserable people they are today parked in a splinter cult. Though a few of them are still part of WCG/GCI because that is where "god placed them." they sit there, week after week, getting pissed off and mumble and groan all week long on how apostate the church is, yet they don't have the ball's to attend where people believe similar to them.

  6. Thanks Douglas. I don't know if it is inspiring, but I have fun doing it. These idiots open themselves up to be mocked and made fun of day in and day out.

    Then just when I think I have no new material to post, someone open their big mouths and I am on a roll.

    I don't editorialize too much on most of their stuff, mainly because their own words condemn them. Malm supplies an endless stream of material.

    So many of them try to present themselves as legitimate churches to the world. Its's our job to hold them accountable. The internet has made their lives miserable and out of control. They no longer can shut people up, disfellowship them or suppress them any more.

  7. Thank you Mr. NO2 for giving me an outlet to relate my own experience. It probably helps me personally more than others to process the experience. Like yourself, I have always been fascinated with theology, origins and what's real about life.

    I do have an eclectic view which is why i don't accept labels as being a this or that. Besides, it makes 'em crazy. :)
