Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is what it felt like for me to leave Armstrongism. Breaking free, dancing with delight with the amazing world around me!

"The moment you can visualize being free 
from the things that hold you back, 
you have indeed begun to set yourself free."


  1. What a cool sculpture! That is exactly how I felt walking out of a PCG service one day when I had had enough of the lies and garbage coming out of Flurry's mouth.

    I got up with my family and walked out during one of his sermons. Walking out that front door was like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.

    PCG is a truly SICK cult filled with some of the most degenerate men. I would not allow my wife and kids to be left alone around any of them.

  2. Wonderful artwork which reminds me of casting off this mortal coil into the blessedness of spiritual sonship.

    Hallelu-YAH! Can't wait!

    The Law of YAH teaches me not to murder, steal, commit adultery, covet, worship worthless idols, lie, etc. That's FREEDOM!

    There is no burden in striving to do these things. Only freedom of mind and lack of guilt!

    The bondage of HWA, JWT, and every other opportunistic leader to whom men foolishly give their allegiance is also cast off!

    But there is no freedom in "Do What Thou Wilt!"

  3. 24 years of freedom for our family!

  4. Very nice art. One man's freedom is another's bondage. The video just before this posting answering Paschal's Wager makes this clear as well.

  5. I find the idea of 'TRUE' freedom to be a bit suspect. This tends to rank right up there with "True Church," "Plain Truth," "Shocking Truth about..." "The Truth about..." and so on.

    These titles tend to get updated over the years as facts replace faith.

  6. Concerning freedom, has anyone noticed that Bob Theil has an article over on CoGWriter touting and praising the fact that California has now signed a bill to stop the ban on circumcision? It seems to praise the event as some sort of religious victory!

    Oh, my.

    I thought the Apostle Paul -- in fact all the Apostles in Acts 15 -- had put this issue to rest.

    I guess you can have circumcision and non circumcision both ways at the same time: To be physically circumcised and to be mentally... oops... er... spiritually circumcised is not mutually exclusive. Praise Baal or whatever deity Roderick Meredith worships these days (in spite of any claim he may make).

    And glory be to circumcision! May the slavery continue!

    And the question to which we all know the answer: Is there any end to this silliness?

  7. Here' a doozy piece of theological advice from the Apostle Paul.

    1 Corinthians 7:18,

    " Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised. "

    Let him not become UNCIRCUMCISED????

    Ok, let me get this straight, If you are called uncircumcised, let him not be circumcised..This I get. Don't do it!

    If you are already circumcised, don't feel you have to get uncircumcised????????????

    How do you do that??? At least a tatoo I can remove but a foreskin? Can I sew one back on? Ouch...and where did I store it all these years?

    I did not know that was a bell you could unring.

  8. There are certain penile exercises which one can do to stretch skin and recreate the foreskin. Given the ignorance of many details of human sexuality until the mid-1950s, I don't know that Paul knew of this, but what he described is indeed possible.

  9. . "Given the ignorance of many details of human sexuality until the mid-1950s, I don't know that Paul knew of this, but what he described is indeed possible."

    Well if Paul did not know of this what was it he did know that could undo this? And anyone can pull your hat down further over your head so I don't believe this is much of a solution to undoing it.

    I have my doubts about "Exercises on can do" as well as the organ has no muscle in it to build up . It's why steroid filled muscle guys can have little binkies. There is no way to build it up by working out.

    Sheesh...what a great topic! Ugh :)

    I think Paul probably as a former Gentile now "Hebrew" got circumcised late in life before his conversion, it went very very badly, turned into a thorn in his flesh and in his rage he came up with the doctrine of "you don't have to do it." :)

  10. I knew a guy whether in the spirit or out, I forget, who circumised elephants at the circus for a living. He always said the pay was lousy but the tips were big.

  11. You don’t suppose that Paul could maybe be using a metaphor here do you?

    Probably a silly idea, after all the Bible never uses symbolism at all does it?

  12. "PCG is a truly SICK cult filled with some of the most degenerate men. I would not allow my wife and kids to be left alone around any of them."

    That is a very good observation and some very good advice.

    I have had the great misfortune of meeting some of the degenerate men in the PCG. The PCG also has some really filthy old women in it too. The basic reason that the PCG is full of perverts is that it is Satan's cult. It is ruled by one of Satan's false prophets who set up a bunch of wicked bums as Satan's false ministers. That is why the PCG actively does evil and fully supports evil.

    This is not meant as a criticism of God or the Bible. Rather, it is a criticism of these satanic impostors who come in God's name and yet do nothing but evil continually.

    The simple fact that Satan is behind the PCG is the reason why nothing but evil has ever come from it and nothing but evil ever will come from it.

    I have no use for ignorant, idle talkers, only active doers. Any people who disagree with this well-informed and plainly truthful assessment of the situation in the PCG are free to try to go there and check it out for themselves.

  13. Who do you think you're foolin'?

    You're as miserable now as you ever were in the 'glory days' of WCG.

    Only a genuine relationship with the Messiah gives the kind of JOY of FREEDOM so well expressed in the l'ouevre d'art displayed.
