Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Imagine If.....

Could you ever picture a COG youth standing up in front of the congregation and being truthful like this? Imagine the hell that would break forth if one ever did! 
Charges of blasphemy would be leveled and the kid would be kicked out and his parents disfellowshipped.


  1. That was refreshing.

    I know most branches of Judaism are very tolerant of contrary thinking and a lot of Jews think as this young man does. They just follow the traditions to belong, and many of them don't believe in the veracity of any of it.

  2. Ministers of the Armstrongist churches of God should stand up and say the same things because it is truly what they believe.

    Not to worry: They are already committing blasphemy.

    At least by being honest, they could stop breaking one of the Commandments.

  3. A lot of kids like to lip off like that these days and think it is funny. Jews too. Then, when someone like Hitler throws them in the gas chambers and ovens (perhaps as a result of their sinning) they act all upset and confused and ask, "Where was God, if He exists?"

  4. I think that primarily, the kid's being honest.

    Anon, you seem to imply that Hitler's gas chambers and ovens were God's tools of punishment.

    If, in the World Tomorrow, you were in charge of your own territory(or planet), and there were people like this kid, would you love them and be willing to sacrifice your life for them?

  5. Anon, you seem to imply that Hitler's gas chambers and ovens were God's tools of punishment.

    HWA taught that a coming "United States of Europe"--probably controlled by Germany--will arise and will be God's tool to punish the sinning people of the USA and Britain.

    As for that lippy, shaggy, mop-top kid, I'd tell him to watch his mouth and get a haircut.

  6. As for that lippy, shaggy, mop-top kid, I'd tell him to watch his mouth and get a haircut.

    Do you own a hair salon?

    (Sorry, sometimes I get suspicious of ulterior motives)


  7. I guess I count to some people as a lippy senior citizen. I still find what the kid had to say refreshing. He was being honest and demonstrated some very clear thinking.

    Sometimes, the mouths of babes can bring forth wisdom.
