Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

LCG's Preeminent Scientist Speaks Out Against Synthetic Vitamins and Non-Feast Goers

Prophet Thiel wants you to know what an important scientist he is.  He claims he is the first scientist since WWII to have his article published in a major medical journal about synthetic vitamins versus natural food vitamins.  His pomposity reminds me of  Samuelle Bacchiocchi who loved to brag that he was the first Sabbath keeper allowed to use the Vatican archives and have a book published by them about the sabbath.

I guess we are supposed to be groveling at the Prophet's feet now.

And when I say that nearly all multi-vitamins sold are synthetic, yes, I mean nearly all sold in health food stores and through multi-level marketing groups.  Those that buy them are normally deceived,  FWIW, I am the first scientist since WWII to have a paper published in a major medical journal explaining why food vitamins are superior to the synthetics that the mainstream supports (this can be found at www.healthresearch.com). 

For some reason Prophet Thiel has to use vitamins as a segue into TRUE Christan's keeping the Feast of Tabernacles.  If you are not already or about to be keeping it, you are filthy, low life pagans who are going to suffer horribly when the Germans take over this country and throw you into concentration camps!

For being such a preeminent world renown scientist you would think he would have to brains to see that he is part of a man made religion too!

Of course, most of what passes for Christianity by the mainstream is also human-developed.  If you are not about to (or actually) observing the Feast of Tabernacles now, you are not following the practices of the Bible and early Christians, but instead relying on human-developed alternatives to biblical Christianity.  And while synthetic vitamins are dangerous physically, false religion is more dangerous spiritually.


  1. Would we be in error, or facing the Sanhedrin if we to refer to this gentleman as being a narcissist?


  2. I'd like him try to explain away all the studies that chiropractic "medicine" is nothing but bunk. I know this has come up before, but much of Robert Thiel's entire worldview is faith based. That's all well and good for yourself, but when trying to convince people on any given subject it's not such a great background.

    When you throw in a some arrogance and stubbornness, his arguments are even less appealing.

  3. Byker Bob,

    I think we would be safe.

  4. Byker Bob,

    Safe on narcissist.

    Not sure about sociopath. Maybe.

    Same with psychopath.

    Nutjob. You all know where I stand on that.

    Better that he write an opinion piece on synthetic religion as a health hazard. At least he has the experience.

    And how ironic that today he writes about the danger of the Occult.

    Oh, well.

  5. "synthetic religion"

    Isn't that being just a tad bit redundant Doug ;-)

  6. Jace, as you know, Armstrongists just never get it the first time.

  7. What is so amazing to me is that since this posting, Theil has posted umpteen blog entries.

    It is so tempting to set up a Wordpress blog called "CoGReWriter" and parody his blogs, but it would be so time consuming as not to be worth it.

    He continues to spool more out while he is at the Feast. At this writing, he's taken on the Jehovah's Witnesses about being wrong about the King of the North / South. [Really -- like anyone in Living would know. At best, it happened B.C., at worst, it may never happen at all, but prophesying the past is a good strategy -- if you get it right! Not much chance of that!]

  8. There is no need to do a "parody" of Thiels blog or others. Their own words make fools out of them for all the world to see.

    Most of it is so incredibly stupid that it does not deserve to be rebutted with endless details.

    That's why most of the time I just cut and paste things from their own writings. They provide so much great fodder to showcase their beliefs with. I never have to look far to find something new and absurd.
