Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Life in "Wicked Doomsday Cult"

Hat tip to both Gavin and Felix for continuing to bring Benjamin Grant Mitchell's story to light.  He recently was featured on the Australian version of "Inside Edition."  Check out the video about growing up in the the Worldwide Church of God, where it is rightly referred to as a "Wicked Doomsday Cult."

The video is here:  "Neighbours" star's dark secret

Mitchell tells of his siblings death and his grandmother who both died because of the church teachings. His father was a WCG minister until he ended  up in Pasadena and got to witness first hand the corruption.  Disfellowshipment loomed and they were exiled and shunned.

Some of the die-hard Armstrongites who saw the show are none too pleased and drop the proverbial COG mantra: "Just get over it."

The creepy thing for me watching that clip was listening to Herbert bellow from the stage and from his radio/tv broadcasts in his bombastic know-it-all "authoritative" voice.  I could feel my stomach muscles start to tighten at that sound! I guess that stems from too many years of having to sit there and listen to him bellow and vomit his crap all over us year in and year out.

Benjamin's blog and book information is here: The Last Great Day


  1. The reason there are "doomsday cults" and ideas is because the Book is a Doomsday book.

    While there are many crazy fundamentalist/literalist Christians gone out into the world, they still get their script from the Book.

  2. Exactly, Dennis. I say amen.

    I'm tired of hearing apologetics on how benign it really is. The Bible was crap. It still is crap. It always will be crap. It was invented by crappy mentalities with self-serving agendas.
