Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spiritually Unclean Asses

Apostle Malm has this to say about your ass:

God cares about his people far more then about asses.  This is a practical physical law since the two are of different strength and inclinations.  This is also a spiritual principle that we are not to yoke the spiritually clean with the spiritually unclean.  We are not to knowingly marry an unconverted person, nor are we to take part in unclean unconverted actions polluting ourselves with the evildoing of others by participating with them in their unclean activities such as christmas, birthdays etc..
10 Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together.


  1. God cares about his people far more then about asses

    Well, you wouldn't think so, looking at the current crop of ACoG obstreperous ministers.

  2. Maybe a good stoning would clean Malm's dirty ass.

    Bend over, Malm!


  3. How many asses does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Answer: "This topic was resumed from last year's discussion, but is incomplete
    pending resolution of some action items. It will be continued next year, but we will put it up for a vote of the General Council of Elders, as soon as we elect a new president, provided he doesn't leave to start his own organization. Meanwhile..."

  4. How many Armstrongists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Answer: None. They like everything to be dark and gloomy. Then they can say, "I told you that light bulb was going to go out 5 years, er 10 years, er 20 years, er fifty years ago!"
