Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 20, 2011

More Crazy Things COGgers Say

Poor COG-Writer Dr. Bob just doesn't get! Those guys who never
where nothing in WCG shouldn't try to correct a Senior Evanglist who would never hurt a flea. Talking about who needs to repent and
needs prayers???

Christ taught the Apostles who in turn taught the
church what Christ taught them. HWA was taught by
Jesus Christ and we all were taught by HWA. If we
don't follow what the teacher taught us then why did we need him in the first place? Government is what God wants to see all His people follow and obey.

We had better heed to the one whom God sent and used to teach us what we should be following not our own ideas or the ideas of other men who claim they know better than HWA.
 Regarding The Passion of the Christ movie.  Jesus is obviously a graven image in the movie.....go figure that one out!
Maybe I am the dumbest person on this forum. But, the second commandment says not to make images.

So, when you say "Should we not then allow that the Gibson movie  naturally suffers from similar flaws"... The flaw is that its breaking one of the Ten Commandments. End of Story.  There is no *allowance* for that.
We are forbidden to make images of God or of anything angelic or heavenly that even *could* be worshipped.. or that was worshipped.  This includes many earthly objects that were worshipped in times past.   This movie is exactly an image of Christ.. a false image set up.

Maybe this is what God plans to use the YELLOWSTONE
super volcano for -- TO RAIN FIRE AND BRIMSTONE DOWN

Maybe THIS will be the kind of language these perverts will  understand, to die in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS SODOM AND GOMORRAH!

And with the lake bed of Yellowstone Lake rising at least 3 ft.+ per year, and the animals dying all over the park from SULPHUR POISOINING, I dont' think our gay hugging Canadian friends will have long to wait!

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