Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Prophet Wienerdude Declares "In 2 Months Endtimes Begins"

Forget about disgraced Congressman Wiener.  We have our own COG Wienerdude!  That is none other that Ronnie Weinland the failed prophet of Armstrongism.

Wienerdude has published a long missal to his acolytes declaring how magnificent he is as a prophet and how everything he has declared has come to pass (even though every single things has failed so far.)

Weinerdude says:

In two short months, the world will be thrust into the seventh and final phase of this end-time. This period will be marked by well over fifty percent of all Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
 God first revealed to His two end-time witnesses, His final two prophets that His Son would return to this earth in a second-coming as King of kings on May 27, 2012. That revelation gave way to numerous other revelations concerning end-time prophetic events. But anyone who hears of this, in the world or in the Church that was scattered, considers this to be absurd, presumptuous, arrogant, and filled with self- aggrandizement. Such was also true concerning the world’s behavior toward Jesus Christ at his first coming.
So God is speaking directly to Mr. & Mrs. Wienerdude?  How incredibly stupid can two people be?  Even worse, how incredibly stupid can those people who believe this filth can be!


  1. Wienerdude, in making these pronouncements, is not basing them on any timeline you can find in the Bible. It all seems to revolve around himself, and his witnessship. I wonder where he could have learned that way of thinking?

    Delusional is probably the best word choice to describe him.


  2. Would it be too extreme to say that "The End Times" began when man invented religion?

  3. If we agree to show up, we agree to leave. RW can't imagine a life where he is just one of the rest of us and nothing special.

    THe EU could completely fall apart in weeks along with all of Europe and we'd be fast on the heels of it all. Prophecy screwed up!

  4. And...If Israel is stupid enough to attach Iran, it could be a smoking parking lot by sunset of the same day so ...prophecy screwed up!! again...

  5. That is a GREAT Picture of the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile!!! I can see it now...

    To the Tune of I Wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner.

    "Oh, I hate I was a Mighty Weinland Witness
    That is what I thought I want to be
    Now that I'm a Mighty Weinland Witness
    Everyone my many goofs will seeeee....... "

  6. Hey, I thought Wienerdude was supposed to be trained by David C. Pack? Maybe I have it mixed up.

  7. "Weinerdude" has pronounced a death curse on David Pack, who is going to die any day now to prove the prophetness of Weinerdude.

  8. So with this pronouncement, has Ron and his 2nd witness created a will? If so, who's in it? Jesus Christ, the children of this false prophet, or better yet, the Painful Truth?

    And why are his taxes on "his" property all paid up for 2012?

    Perhaps the Devil is in the details........

  9. Armstrongism is the spiritual equivalent of flatulence.

    ~Miguel de la Rodente
