Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

See What Happens WhenYou Mess With "God's" People!

Click to enlarge and enjoy

I don't know who Mary is, but I saw her comment tonight on the COG Halloween Mythology entry.  Her comment brought out the rabid legalists here in all their bitterness.  I have copied one of the posts below just to show how warped their thinking really is:

Mary, or whatever your real name is, you are one disturbed individual who may be in need of some serious psychiatric help. For someone to take posts from a private forum and then put them on a blog out of context for whatever your sick purposes are, is just downright evil. You talk about your pagan Jesus (the real Jesus kept the laws of God and the sabbath and holy days)and grace and all that love, love, love, you are really going to need God's grace for your hateful doings. Perhaps you should read the book of Esther to see what happens to people who mess with God's people. God does look after His own

Pagan Jesus?????  Grace?????  Love, love, love?????  Your bitterness betrays you.

Messing with "God's people"?  Where?  Who are they?


  1. you are one disturbed individual who may be in need of some serious psychiatric help

    But, but, but!!!!

    I didn't think ACoGs believed in psychiatrists!!!

  2. Somehow Jesus' words about loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you seem to have not sunk in.

    Often I think that fundamentalism depersonalizes anyone not part of the group so that somehow their status makes any kind of hatred jusstifiable.

  3. What's the history of that picture? I know Herbie is a "little" inebriated, actually, he looks sloshed, but, what's with the mop head, and who's that moron next to him? Inquiring minds want to know!

  4. Perhaps they need to review the video, You're Bitter!

  5. "Perhaps you should read the book of Esther to see what happens to people who mess with God's people. God does look after His own"

    If this bozo is a "REAL" "TRUE" Christian, he has no choice but to FORGIVE Mary.

    Do I need to quote all the NT verses to show this?

    "What's the New Testament????" Bozo might ask...

    Generally, it'st he part of the Bible you guys have not gotten to yet...

  6. Phariseeism, then and now, blinds and prevents people from having a genuine spiritual experience.

    And, of course Jesus kept the law. Although He laid the framework for the New Covenant through the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes, the New Covenant didn't actually begin until His resurrection, when He fulfilled all of the shadows.

    WCG never quoted much from the Epistle to the Romans, and the Epistle to the Galatians. If one could only switch one's mind into neutral so that the Holy Spirit can do His work, and prayerfully read those two epistles without one's preconceived filters, there are some real surprises there. It's a difficult process, but well worth the enlightenment.


  7. PS

    If I had to guess, I'd say that's probably Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle looking a bit like Tony Orlando) at the table with HWA.

    Ramona probably left the mop with them while she went to powder her nose.


  8. I always thought the other guy in the picture was HWA's grandson, Larry (Galt?), Beverly's son. He was a student at AC Pasadena for awhile and went on some of HWA's trips, along with his mother. Larry has some videos on You Tube in which he comments on religion. He sounds amazingly like HWA when he wants to.

    Glenn Parker

  9. "I know Herbie is a "little" inebriated, actually, he looks sloshed, but, what's with the mop head, and who's that moron next to him?"

    Mop??? Moron??? Now I am curious too and want to know the plain truth about this picture.

    I have seen that picture before but I always thought the guy was a chef and that he was holding a bunch of spaghetti. Just some fancy dining gone a bit wild.

  10. About the picture--

    Remember the guy in school that tried like heck to be funny but he looked so stupid you wanted to just punch him in the nose? Thats who the guy with the mop reminds me of.

    Armsrtong looks like he is about to pass-out!

  11. Mickey wrote:
    "Often I think that fundamentalism depersonalizes anyone not part of the group so that somehow their status makes any kind of hatred justifiable."

    That is why Jesus is rarely mentioned in church or at home.

  12. That's AWFULLY thick spaghetti! I think we need to have a contest to see who can come up with the best caption for that picture.

  13. "WCG never quoted much from the Epistle to the Romans, and the Epistle to the Galatians."

    Especially Galatians 1-2 where we see:

    1. Paul's Gospel was his own rendition of Jesus, and not of any man, never asked any man about Jesus and damned anyone who followed others...like Peter, James and John's.

    2. Paul, like Jesus and Jeremiah was only the third human ever called from birth.

    3. That Paul was not a man pleaser even though he later said he was all things to all men. If need be a jew, then a jew, if a gentile, then a gentile etc.

    4. That Paul never heard of Luke's Damascus Road story.

    5. That Paul called Peter, James and John "reputed pillars" showing his contempt

    6. That Paul crows "I learned nothing from them."

    7. That Paul said he went immediately into Arabia for three years and not taken after a blindness to meet the Apostles in Jerusalem as Luke says.

    8. That like his flight into the third heaven which he could not discuss all he heard, he also did not even hint at why he spent three years in Arabia, COG speculations aside.

    9. That Paul was loved, adored, believed and sent by the Jerusalem elders, and we all got along just fine.

    10. And that the Book of James was a rebuttal to Paul faith without works views.

  14. Dennis, you identify with Paul, don't ya?

  15. Larry Gott, not Galt, is the name of HWA's grandson.

    Glenn Parker
