Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, November 7, 2011

When You Change The Way You Look At Things


  1. Good thinking!

    The idea reminds me of the episode back in WCG when someone presented a large picture on stage. Depending on how one looked at the image, it was either an old witch-looking woman or a younger pretty woman wearing a gay bonnet.

  2. Dyer's version of the the drunk who was looking for his keys under the streetlamp, because the light was better.

  3. I fortunately grew up in a loving, supportive non-religion moral based home that encouraged free thinking, tolerance and acceptance. I never heard of HWA or COG for all I knew those acronyms could be another delicious version of the BLT. I fell in love and married my husband who grew up in the church and had left the church before I met him. He told me he grew up in this church and tried to explain to me his background and past to the best of his ability and all was well it was simply his childhood experience and that was the past and the present is we are in a loving relationship. I believe he wanted to talk to me more about his experience but I was ill equipped to really listen to him. I just kept asking questions about his parents who are still members and their broken and dysfunctional family unit. After 2 years of dating and coming up on 1 year of marriage he was telling me, my brother and his wife a story about when he was little how during class parties of holidays or birthdays he had to leave his peers and sit in the library only to later be ostracized and teased or pitied by his classmates. I knew that he did not celebrate holidays as a child but I was unaware of all the implications that would go along with that. After 2 years of dating and coming up on our first wedding anniversary I decided to look into the history and teachings for myself.
    I have to say thank you to all of you from the ex to the current members for sharing yourselves and your experience so that I could in turn better understand my husband and his history. I have always known myself to be accepting and respectful of all mankind regardless of race, religion or gender. I am educated and understood the textbook differences in religious culture & doctrine but what I lacked that you have provided me with is true empathy. I have been able to experience the courage, joy, hurt, fear, logic, triumph and confusion thorough your sharing. You have made me a better woman, wife, mother and professional.

    The Butterfly Effect,
    The Mrs.

  4. Yep, that's what happened to all of us attending public schools during the Christmas season. I don't know how ACOG kids fare in public schools now in the post-Christian era, but back in the '60s we seemed to have our own tribulation going on.

    Sad part is, what we went through was all totally unneccessary, and based on the rantings and personal opinions of a false teacher.


  5. My husband was born in 78 so they were still going strong! I made sure to let him pick out and eat all the Halloween candy he wanted this year :) Stay Gold BB
