Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bitter WCG Executive Sells HWA Treasures

Apparently a WCG executive has sold some treasures of HWA on Ebay recently.  According to Craig White this executive despises HWA. so much so that he wants to get rid of any reminder of him. This included leather bound copies of Herbs books, a model of Herb's jet plane, and a model of the ark of the covenant.

This apparently mind boggling sale has a minuscule group of  COGgers giddy with excitement over these most significant find..  Can anyone say IDOLATRY..................

Craig White writes:

I recently took photographs of HWA’s model aircraft and special bounded books he authored and uploaded them here. These items were procured by a friend. The model plane was sold on EBay by a WCG executive that despised HWA! The entire historical trail that I am developing may be found here.

All I can say is that small minds  can only get excited over something so insignificant as these items!  Don't these people have a real life?


  1. It is funny you posted this topic. I was on ebay over the weekend and noticed a couple pages of Herbert Armstrong booklets and books for sale. There were no bids on any of them, and of course the low prices for the opening bids reflect the perceived value of the items in the marketplace.

    I surmise that people in their retirement years with little retirement savings are selling Herbert Armstrong and WCG items on ebay to recoup a miniscule fraction of a penny on the dollar given to WCG in tithes, offerings, special offerings, and the all important building fund all so little Joey Tkach could some day be a multi multi millionaire (with a very comfortable retirement).

    Oh, and who wants to pay $100+ for an autogragh picture of Garner Ted Armstrong?


  2. I wanted the Silver Mayflower ever since I laid eyes on it at 18! I know it is here in SC somewhere and was purchased for a song!


  3. Even if I had millions or billions, I wouldn't give a dime for anything that immoral old hypocrit laid his ravenous hands on.

  4. I'm surprised there isn't a bidding war amongst the cult leaders claiming to take their spiritual authority from the HWA phenom. Flurry is probably distraught that his obligations to HWA auditorium prevent him from aquiring these things.

    Personally, I believe the right thing to do is to destroy HWA memorabilia. If sought, God will provide for the indigent without their having to stoop to selling the objects of HWA's idolatry.


  5. I've got some free pictures, won't cost you a thing over at the Painful Truth. It Herbert's last traveling junket before his disappearance from the scene.
    Just click on the links and enjoy!


  6. I wonder, if someone were to sell a nostril-hair of HWA's on Ebay, how much it would go for.

