Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Does Eating Meat From Stupid Unclean Animals Make You Mentally Challenged?

I haven't laughed so hard at Armstrongite stupidity as I have tonight.  I was forwarded the following from one of the weird COG Yahoo groups.  As usual it was an entertaining mess filled with  racist, bigoted and idiotic comments. I have always wondered why so many Armstrongites are such hate filled humans pretending to be Christians or pretend Jews.  Can you imagine living in their "worlds" in their world tomorrow when they are ruling with iron fists?  It would be pure hell!  Being thrown in the lake of fire would be a relief!

According to this person, Arabs are stupid human beings.  They are stupid because they eat camel meat.  Camels are "stupid" and therefore Arabs that eat stupid camels end up being stupid themselves.

The best part is the venom dripping towards the people sending me this info, and towards me for posting it.  Considering the numerous death threats I have received from other COG deviates I consider this simpletons comments hilarious.

Have you ever wondered why the Arabs eat camels, rabbits, and horses and snakes and why Israel was commanded not to eat such unclean animals?

Perhaps there is a lot of symbolism associated with certain animals.

If you stop and think about it, the animals included in the unclean category
include intelligent animals and stupid animals. For example we don't eat frogs or lizards or snakes.

So if someone eats an animal that is considered stupid, well there is much that could be said here about that. There sure is a lot of stupid people in the

I forgot to add just about everyone else along with the Arabs eat unclean

I wonder what the ratio of stupid people who eat unclean stupid animals is to
that of highly intelligent people who abide by the food laws and do not eat
unclean stupid animals. I don't think any animal is really stupid per se but
there are those who don't have the intelligence of other animals. I wonder if
people who consume the lesser intelligent animals are affected in some way, say maybe a biological chemical reaction in the brain takes place caused by some substance in the not so intelligent creature.

And people who eat creatures like the shrimp, they might as well go eat a
cockroach. I mean really, if you think about it, when you step on a cock roach and squish it, it is about the same thing with a creature such as the shrimp.

Really not much difference.

I was also thinking that maybe people like the blogger who likes to read our
posts and steal them and post them out of context on his blog, just perhaps he has suffered some kind of brain damage from eating all of the unclean lesser intelligent animals that he most likely indulges in. He is really not a very intelligent person, mocking God and God's laws the way he does.

Oh and blogger if you have come here to read this, you really are not so
intelligent now are you.


  1. Actually I have never noticed how Arabs eat camels and horses, snakes, lizards and such. What a fool.

    Arabs eat better than the average slob assed Westerner and certainly better than this foolish poster.

    I have noticed how many COG thinkers eat too much splenda and aspartame, along with msg and chemical loaded carbs which tends towards their own form of stupidity and brain damage. Oh, and sheep which of course accounts for the follower aspect of their minds.

    A group of Arabic spices and herbs in bowls, usually used in Medicine, and Arabic Cuisine
    Coffee in SyriaOriginally, the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula relied heavily on a diet of dates, wheat, barley, rice and meat, with little variety and heavy emphasis on yoghurt products, such as labneh (لبنة) (yoghurt without butterfat).

    There is a strong emphasis on the following items in Arabian cuisine:

    Meat: lamb and chicken are the most used, with beef and camel used to a lesser degree. Other poultry is used in some regions, and in coastal areas, pork is completely prohibited—for Muslim Arabs, being both a cultural taboo and prohibited under Islamic law; many Christian Arabs also avoid pork as they have never acquired a taste for it, although this is often not the case in Lebanon, where cold cuts of ham are frequently consumed in Christian neighbourhoods.[1]
    Dairy products: dairy products are widely used, especially yoghurt and white cheese. Butter and cream are also used extensively.
    Herbs and spices: mint and thyme (often in a mix called za'atar) are widely and almost universally used; spices are used much less than the Indian cuisine, but the amount and types generally varies from region to region. Some of the included herbs and spices are sesame, saffron, turmeric, garlic, cumin, cinnamon, and sumac. Spice mixtures include baharat.
    Beverages: hot beverages are used more than cold, coffee being on the top of the list, mostly in the Gulf countries. However, tea is also served in many Arab countries. In Egypt and Jordan, for instance, tea is a more important hot beverage than coffee.
    Grains: rice is the staple and is used for most dishes; wheat is the main source for bread. Bulgur and semolina are also used extensively.
    Legumes: lentils are widely used as well as fava beans and chick peas (garbanzo beans).
    Vegetables and fruits: Arabic cuisine also favors vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplant (aubergine), zucchini (courgette), okra and onions, and fruits (primarily citrus) which are often used as seasonings for entrees. Olives as well as dates, figs and pomegranate are also widely used.
    Nuts: almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts are often included.
    Greens: parsley and mint are popular as seasonings in many dishes, while spinach and Corchorus (called "molokhia" in Arabic) are used in cooked dishes.
    Dressings and sauces: The most popular dressings include various combinations of olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, and/or garlic, and tahini (sesame paste). Labaneh, thinned yoghurt, is often seasoned with mint and onion or garlic, and served as a sauce with various dishes.
    Notably, many of the same spices used in Arabian cuisine are also those emphasized in Indian cuisine. This is a result of heavy trading and historical ties between the two regions, and also because many South Asian expats live in the Arab Gulf states.


  2. "I don't think any animal is really stupid per se but
    there are those who don't have the intelligence of other animals."

    I can think of one hairless ape whose quote this is that is and doesn't have the intelligence of his peers.


  3. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    And some animals created He them stupid and others less stupid or more smarter.

    And the more smarter he done called Clean but the stupid called He them Unclean.

    And it was good

    And then God created man out of dirt upon which the Clean and Unclean had trod and pooped. Both Smart and Stupid. And the Smart one he called Adam, but the stupid one he called Eve for she was made from an unclean rib.

    And Adam knew his wife and they made sorta smart and sorta stupid.

    And the sorta smart ones they called spiritually minded and critical thinkers but the stupid ones went on to be followers of others more stupid than themselves and called He them "Good Morning Brethren, let's take up our songbooks and pretend we are not divideds, all one body weeeee."

    And God saw it and it was hilarious.

    And God divided the stupid ones between sorta stupid and really stupid into splits' schisms splinters and slivers,

    And the stupid ones called he Mere Bible Readers With No Education and the really stupid ones called he "Flurrites, Weiners and Packatollas" and they were unclean and with their speech did stupify more unto themselves

    And God wept

    And God said, "Smart want I thee to be and with others of smart shalt though hang for thou art a chosen people. But of the stupid shall thou not partake. They are stupid unto thee and unclean and there be many, no matter how sincere, that are of stupid."

    And God said, "Do thine homework and offer not up the sacrifice of fools."

    And it was good. :)

  4. The "Wonderful World Tomorrow" reminds me so much of the extremely dystopian world of I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison.

    If the Armstrongists ever get the power....

  5. How much do you want to bet that the person that wrote this is 100 pounds overweight. So much for stupid Arabs.....

  6. Someone needs to take the keyboard away from this idiot!

    These fools ridicule others that don't adhere to the child molesters doctrine, while they themselves ignore the more weighted matters of their law such as love and compassion for the child victim. These people have an ethically bankrupt mode of existence.

    It seems what you put in your mouth is what really matters to these idiots. It matters not that their apostle and false prophet was fucking his OWN daughter!

    These armstrong worshiping sinners, (the people with the smallest minds having the biggest mouths) are the lowest among mankind. They glorify the things that everyone else execrates. Why if they were in charge of the world, I believe that they would embark on wholesale torture and slaughter of innocent civilians.

    As of this new year, "Armstrongism" will now become part of my everyday vocabulary. Whenever I see someone driving myself or others into a state of apoplexy, I will tell him or her to stop "Armstrong-ing."

    This is a free country, and I claim we ought to keep it that way. Although the Armstrongites (accomplices) may be eager to buy a lifetime's supply of snake oil, the rest of us would like nothing more than to disseminate his monolithic engine of heathenism.

    Hey, Armstrongites! Satan just called; he wants his worldview back!

  7. Talk about crazies in armstrongism, I read this on the web this morning concerning another massive black bird die off.

    "The Ark of the Covenant is buried at the foot of Mount Nebo; not in Jordan but in ARKansas. It was brought here and hidden by the Knights Templar in the early 14th century after they found it under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem along with the Temple Treasure, The Holy Grail and a large portion of the Library of Alexandria. The Library went to the Vatican, the Grail could be several places, the Treasure was hidden on Oak Island but the ARK was considered too dangerous to be kept near large populations. The Templars sailed from Oak Island down the St. Lawrence and finally to Lake Superior. They left a marker stone at Kensington, MN then proceeded down the Mississippi River then followed the Arkansas River to where Mount Nebo is located and buried the Ark there. I would guess that the fish kills and bird deaths in Arkansas are due to the Ark becoming active and may be a sign that the countdown to 12/21/2012 has begun."

    There is a lot of deluded people from groups other than armstrongism.

  8. I never realized a cow (clean) was smarter than a came (unclean).

    Who would test such things? PETA??

  9. "I wonder if
    people who consume the lesser intelligent animals are affected in some way, say maybe a biological chemical reaction in the brain takes place caused by some substance in the not so intelligent creature."

    He says he "wonders"--but this is his entire thesis, a profoundly stupid misunderstanding of how pretty much everything actually works in reality. He wonders? That's a weird way to wonder. Leave it to a sheep (now those are some dumb animals--clean though).

  10. This doesn't surprise me at all to read this. I know several COG members in the LCG and PCG cults and they are the most bigoted and hate filled people I have ever met. If you are not a sabbath keeping COG member then you are filth that needs to be wiped from the bottom of their shoes.

  11. I always thought that the clean animals were among the less intelligent. In case no one has ever pointed this out, cows, sheep, goats and chickens are not the "smartest" animals. Surely they're not smarter than a camels. Chickens are known for their jokes, not their brains. If someone describes you with the word "bovine" he is not paying your intelligence a compliment. Who is smarter the sheep, or the sheep dog? Dogs seem pretty smart to me, but they're not clean. Dolphins are not clean. Primates are definitely smart, but not clean. Regardless, eating a monkey, chimp or gorilla would seem too close to cannibalism, especially if it knew American Sign Language, like Koko did. I shy away from eating animals that can speak human languages. I'm just squeamish like that. I think Koko was actually smarter than some people, which just makes the thought of eating her even worse.

    If we ate the smartest animals, what would the difference be between reality and the TV show, "V"? Not much, except that WE would be the Visitors. I think the dumb animals are the clean ones because the dumb ones don't make television shows about us raising them just so we can eat them. Humans making a TV show about animals that are smarter than us preparing us for the meatpacking plant is actually kind of hypocritical of us, don't you think? I always thought so. Especially since I think animals are so tasty. But only the dumb animals.

    And I haven't even gone off on this person for being soooooo ignorant of Halal, and the Muslim way of life in general.

  12. Found you surfing had to chime in.

    The teaching that non kosher food has effects on the mind come from Judaism actually, long ago.
    You can see that here in the daily daf which is a study of talmud I participate in.

    Since the life is in the blood and since we now even see transplant recipients taking on certain likes and dislikes of their donor, there is some little evidence of a man being what he eats, etc. What is put in the body.
    It requires study , however.
    But your church is hardly the originator of such a belief is it is indeed one of their doctrines which I doubt.
    Judaism does teach it however.

  13. Ignorant superstition! When will it end? Probably never. There are still believers in a flat earth -- and a hollow one!

    The idea that we are influenced by the meats we eat being a part of Judaism doesn't surprise me. Jewish religious thinkers, especially those of the past, were just as dumb as all other religious adherents.

    Once protein passes through the digestive process, it is broken down into its chemical and elemental components which our bodies utilize to produce and maintain our own physical systems. The source is completely broken down and wiped out.

    Let this insane idea remain the provence of primitive and uneducated tribes. It has no place in a modern world.

  14. By the way D - there is NOTHING posted out of context here, it's all YOUR words just as you wrote them. Thanks for being sooooooooooooo entertaining!
