Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 20, 2012

Another UCG Minister Goes Over To The Darkside

 Today, another UCG "minister" spills his guts on how he was brainwashed into coming over to the dark side.  This so called "minister" is Vidal Wachuku.

But before we get started, Davie is orgasmicly delighted at this latest revelation.  He writes breathlessly:  [The following letter, in its entirety, is a “must read.” - rcgtruth.com]  Strangely, this is the same thing he said about Schurter.  But Schurter then had to go and embarrass the hell out of him.

Before Vidal starts his story, he and RCG's PR department, want to make sure  that you are not being swayed by the rampant criticism of Schurter's mind washing that has spread around the world over the last week and a half.  Davie Pack and his Restored Church of God cult are circling the wagons in order to save the minds of people who have been turned off by criticism of Davie and Schurter. Schurter has come off looking like a complete fool with the things he has been forced to write about after he was exposed for  many of his aberrant beliefs that went against Davie's revealed knowledge.

Before telling the story of my previous affiliation with the United Church of God (UCG), I first want to urge you, brethren: do not allow slander and false accusations against Mr. David Pack, Mr. Dale Schurter or RCG to keep you from returning to the “faith which was once delivered” (Jude 1:3)!
Vidal/RCG PR Department goes on to write:

Have you ever considered that ignorant and mischievous people falsely accused Jesus Christ of all types of sins? True servants of God have over the millennia similarly been attacked, including Mr. Armstrong!
Since Schurter never once discussed Jesus in his letters and Davie is largely silent about the man, I find it laughable that Vidal equates pointing out the hypocrisy and lies of Pack and Schurter as persecuting Jesus. Plus, Schurter, Pack and you Vidal, are NOT true servants and in no way, shape, or form are anything like martyrs down through history.  Turncoats, backstabbers, and hypocrites, yes, martyrs no.

Vidal goes on to write:

To provide some brief background on myself, I am a Prince of the Royal Wachuku family of Nbawsi in Abia State of Nigeria. My grandfather was the Supreme Head of All Ngwaland, presently constituting 7 of the 17 local government Areas of the State. I come from a large extended family of lawyers, judges, doctors, engineers and other professionals. My legal career commenced under the tutelage of a late Uncle, Dr. Jaja Anucha Wachuku, who was Nigeria’s first Foreign Affairs Minister, the country’s first Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and First Speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives. He later served two terms as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Over the years, I have also had the privilege of serving in distinguished capacities in my country.

So?  What's the point in all these personal accolades?  You sound like Davie who is the biggest narcissist in Armstrongism today.  There was a Prince in Ambassador in 1975 from Nigeria also. He too came from a large family with a father that had 20 some wives. So what! As Yoda says, "Not, we are impressed."

Vidal then goes on to throw more accolades around about his wife:

As an Attorney-At-Law (Solicitor & Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria), I was admitted to the Nigerian Bar in 1984. My wife, Christine, is a professional colleague who was admitted to the Bar in 1986. She served as a State Prosecuting Counsel for some years before joining me in private legal practice..
Davie must be soooooooooo impressed!  Yoda still is not.

Vidal then tells about how he also started a splinter cult in Nigeria called The Narrow Way Church of God.

In time, with the Church’s doctrines being watered down and eventually thrown out by apostate leaders, some members, including two other faithful ministers and I, later formed the Narrow Way Church of God (NWCG), with our base in Abuja, Nigeria.

Next Vidal  throws around a recurring phrase that Schurter and others have used, "anointing our eyes".  The paragraph he has supposedly written below sounds exactly like what Pack and others have repeated over and over.  Can these guys ever come up with an original thought that does not have Pack's hand all over it?

Even though some followed his advice, the majority decided to individually investigate RCG, and came to the conclusion any discerning inquirer will reach: that in the cacophony of dissenting and disagreeing voices among the “COGs,” RCG, by its fruits, stood out (and still stands out) as the only genuine continuation of the Work led by Mr. Armstrong. For us, the process started with several days and sleepless nights of investigating the over 300 splinters and slivers on the Internet, followed by several weeks of intense study. Despite all the attacks launched against Mr. Pack and RCG, our studies revealed that it alone held to and taught the precision of doctrine as restored by God through Mr. Armstrong. In the circumstance, my wife and I, after anointing our eyes (Rev. 3:18), along with our children, became reconnected to what we once all knew and believed. So did more than two-thirds of the membership of the now defunct NWCG. This was a homecoming that immediately rejuvenated many who were beginning to be discouraged.

Vidal next writes:

I have first-hand knowledge of what Mr. Schurter and others are battling as they return to the Body of Christ. He looks forward to resuming his posts on this site, but as he continues to work intensively with members, I and other ministers will relate our own personal experiences. Recognize that deceivers (II Tim. 3:13), including many “long-time ministers” thought to be “faithful,” will do everything in their power to cloud the real issues and distract us from what really matters—truth, traditions, standards and fruits!

Translation:  I have seen first hand how Schurter got ripped over the coals by THE Mr. Apostle Davie and there is no way in hell I am going to write something here that would lead me into the same reeducation and mind washings sessions that Schurter is going through right now.  Please bear with us during this reeducation process, once he has been  mind washed completely he will return with glorious pre-chosen words from The Dear Leader.

He then goes on to smear United Church of God with rather angry words.  It looks like not all of his  small cult followers went with Vidal to RCG but stayed with UCG.  That was because these foolish members had NOT "anointed" their eyes.  They were too dumb and blind to see that the worlds largest and most important Church of God  on the face of the earth was calling them.

At the time we made contact with RCG, the aforementioned UCG minister immediately flew to Nigeria and came to Abuja to try to persuade us not to go with RCG. He and the former WCG minister (who had so recently passionately disavowed UCG) succeeded in convincing some (15 out of 55) who were not willing to study and anoint their eyes. The attacks on Mr. Pack got so personal that even the UCG Pastor in Nigeria sent text messages to one of my daughters, claiming that Mr. Pack would lead her astray and advised her not to follow us to RCG.

Vidal ends with :

I urge you to take time to find out what RCG is. Determine to dismantle the mythology that others have woven about Mr. Pack—just as my wife and I did, along with many others! There is not space here to tell you all that I discovered and how life has taken on a new meaning since we returned to God’s Church.

Thank God!  It would be hard to read much more of this kind of silliness.  The back stabbing and whoring out of ones self to Davie is appalling.  These letters just get weirder and weirder.  I can't wait to see who the next back stabbing UCG minister that has defected over.  Will his letter be just as dumb?  Will his be written and approved by Davie and RCG's PR Department too?

You can read Vidal's entire letter here.  Another Voice Speaks Out
There is more that was just to dumb to make fun of.


  1. Lets see how long it takes for Malm to copy this and repost it.

  2. Hey, I wonder if this is anything like the initiation cetemony over at RCG?


  3. Too funny !

    A Nigerian prince. He should be excellent with emails to the brethren to help finance this great work !

  4. Anon: Good one! Pack can run a Nigerian scam on his members. Oh wait, he already does that!

  5. "To provide some brief background on myself, I am a Prince of the Royal Wachuku family of Nbawsi in Abia State of Nigeria. My grandfather was the Supreme Head of All Ngwaland, presently constituting 7 of the 17 local government Areas of the State. I come from a large extended family of lawyers, judges, doctors, engineers and other professionals. My legal career commenced under the tutelage of a late Uncle, Dr. Jaja Anucha Wachuku, who was Nigeria’s first Foreign Affairs Minister, the country’s first Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and First Speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives. He later served two terms as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Over the years, I have also had the privilege of serving in distinguished capacities in my country."

    Before my uncle's death he had in his possession the sum of 23 million US dollars (which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war.) These funds were supposed to be for the rehabilitation of water reserve and roads throughout my country before the outbreak of war. When war broke out, the rebel leader demanded that the funds be given to him. My uncle insisted it was not in his possession, and he was killed due to his refusal to release the funds.

    The only assistance I need from you, (which I know you would do for me) are as follows: (1) be a silent partner and receive the fund into your account in trust, (2) provide a bank account under your control to which the fund will be remitted, (3) receive the fund into your account in trust, take out your commission, and leave the rest of the money until I arrive in your country, after the transfer is complete.


    Mr. Vidal Wachuku

    (The apocryphal half of this letter was borrowed from Ze Frank's Nerdcore Comedy Video on TED.com)

  6. I'll take one Nigerian prince over a half-assed vitamin salesman any day.

  7. Perhaps other Armstrongist churches should check if they are contributing funds to the same congregation -- it is not unknown to have African congregations get multiple subsidies from wildly divergent sources: One minister took money for the Feast from the ccg and the lcg at the same time.

    Check with the SDA too.

    You never know.

  8. You guys are so bad! I love it!

  9. Is Mr. Vidal Wachuku a member of the Ibo or the Yoruba tribe? (Hausas are not usually this grandiose.)

  10. This is so confusing! I checked David Pack's list of "fruits," and didn't find anything which matched Paul's list in Galatians 5:22-23. When did it change -- and who changed it?

  11. What happened to Pack's policies on non-apostles not having a voice on the "internet cesspool"? Had he extended these to cover Dale Schurter, this would all have played out mysteriously and behind the scenes. Of course, Dave would once again have come off as being the despotic tyrant which he always has been, but the massive embarrassment would largely have been avoided.

    Also, it seems obvious that Mr. Schurter appears to be at an extremely vulnerable moment in his life. It is always best not to process things externally during such times, as it causes people to worry about strength and leadership potential.

    Bottom line is that this is yet another exemplary symptom of the huge meltdown which seems to be accelerating through the Armstrong movement since the Weinland debacle. It makes NASCAR "silly season" look mild by comparison.


  12. If there ever was a Nigerian scam this has to be one of them. Big time! Like others have said, WEIRD! WEIRD WEIRD!

  13. " Have you ever considered that ignorant and mischievous people falsely accused Jesus Christ of all types of sins? True servants of God have over the millennia similarly been attacked, including Mr. Armstrong!"

    The reason those who see what they see and can't not see it is because they don't connect the person being viewed as being criticised just as Jesus was.

    This old line is used by every wayward human who knows the story of Jesus on this planet.

    "Well they persecuted Jesus too..."
    Mao Tze Tung

    "Well they persecuted Jesus too.."

    "Well they persecuted Jesus too.."
    Jimmy Swagart

    "Well they persecuted Jesus too.."
    Benny Hinn

    'Well they persecuted Jesus too.."
    Charles Manson

    "Well they persecuted Jesus too.."
    Herbert W Armstrong

    "Well they persecuted Jesus too.."

    I think we get the point.


  14. "To provide some brief background on myself, I am a Prince of the Royal Wachuku family of Nbawsi in Abia State of Nigeria......"

    IMHO for a man to have to explain just who he is in this way is human nature at its best. This entire paragraph is simply to say, "Listen to me, I am important and smart." It is exactly how DCP pictures himself and describes himself in his own "autobiography" though I still have ever read one where the author refers to himself as "Mr. Pack then said...." etc.

    Of course, the Apostle Paul does the same thing by letting his readers know he was the smartest pencil in the box and then the least of the Apostles. This kind of hyperbole and contrast is suspect to me in terms of using it , even if subconsciously, to get people to think the writer is amazingly special and unlike them in every way.

    A child's observations can be more true and intelligent than any Emperor.

    I picture DCP searching through his subscription lists and donations listings for really important people or politician (the two aren't the same :)to feel good about.

    2100 people are not going to build the amazing and new Godatorium without seriously wealthy types or at least RCG giving the impression they are out there to any bank foolish enough to fund this either.
    Nuther topic I guess


  15. Best hope is that this public play is seen as such a farce that it actually has deterrent value in keeping more ministers from turning to Pack.


  16. Does anyone know -- is his wife's name Christine?

    I was curious about his alleged royalty (aren't they all princes in Nigeria anyway?. It appears that he and his wife have some wealth management program. Except when I tried to take a look at one particular link, my anti-virus software blocked it as having a "poor reputation".

  17. Where was that photo taken? I'm in Miami and want to this is for myself!!!! I was contacted by Mr. Wachuku and after reading your article I'm now highly skeptical of joining.

  18. Demonicaly possessed people will never find the truth nor the Pease that comes from God
