Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 20, 2012

Are You " Lukewarm, Wishywashy" Tired and Listless?

If you are you need a healthy dose of Elijah Message

The Apostle is on a tear this morning about the Elijah work and sinful, filthy, pagan embracing, commandment breaking, do-gooders in the Church of God.  I think he is a little ticked that no one is paying any attention to him.  He certainly is NOT an apostle nor is he here with any Elijah message.
Elijah did not preach some watered down message about a coming Christ or kingdom! NO indeed: he preached repentance and a turning back to the Holy One of Israel!  He did this with POWER and AUTHORITY ; the AUTHORITY of God’s commandments!
 Any man who comes up with a prophetic interpretation and then uses the teachings of the pagans to support that position IS a false prophet! (Three guesses on who this is aimed at: Bob Thiel!) Any man who teaches to tolerate and overlook sin IS a false prophet and will be destroyed by Christ if he does not repent.
Elijah was a true man of God, because he was passionately zealous for his God! He was not a fearing to offend wishy washy spiritual wimp, nor was he preaching a tertiary gospel about a coming kingdom:  He preached REPENTANCE and OBEDENCE to ALL of God’s commandments!
The primary commission of God’s people is tp teach all men to keep ALL of God’s commandments (If Malm is setting himself up to be some kind of Elijah he is mistaken and a liar!)
Or are we  lukewarm wishy-washy and  careless about God’s commandments.  Do we boldly declare what sin is and boldly preach repentance from sin?  Or do we present self help messages and speak of a coming kingdom that will solve all our problems, without any real reference to the need to keep ALL of God’s commandments?

Do we even keep God’s commandments ourselves with any degree of zeal?  We walk all over God’s Holy Sabbath day and His Holy Days and we exalt the traditions of men; above the word of God.

Those who are NOT as passionate as Elijah was, could never do an Elijah work!  If we are not filled with that same spirit of passionate love for God and his Law  it would be impossible to do a similar work!

If Elijah were to appear today: He would be rejected and called: Extremeist; Self-righteous; Pharisaical, Over Righteous;  and the COG Groups would demand of him:  Just who do you think you are to criticise God’s church and people as being less tan spiritually perfect?  If he were to try to turn them to the Eternal they would just declare: We are spiritually rich and have need of nothing,  you are crazy to disagree with us!


  1. ..."do you part out at poopies"


  2. I always found it fascinating where in I Kings 18 Elijah is bold and kick ass when he goes up against the Prophets of Baal and Asherah. No one seems to recall that he killed the prophets but kept the female priestesses of Baal for some reason. Perhaps it was a pissing contest between YHVH and Baal over the consort...but I digress.

    Then ONE chapter ahead, I Kings 19, Elijah goes into deep depression, wanting to end his life because Jezebel was coming for him.

    Hell has no fury like a Priestess robbed and few men can stand up to her.

    Elijah was a bi polar depressed male
    Ezekiel was probably schizophrenic with all the voices in his head, lying around on his side or 390 days then flipping over for a few more, breaking through a hole in the temple dragging his backpack, cooking his food with his own dung (Not a known ingredient or method of prep for modern Ezekiel Bread) and laying seige to a frying pan.

    Sure...no instability there.


  3. Malm said: " Any man who comes up with a prophetic interpretation and then uses the teachings of the pagans to support that position IS a false prophet!"

    Ummm...well there goes the Apostle Paul and Mr. Malm just ate crow. Paul quoted pagans all the time and didn't even tell you. I bet you thought it came from his own inspiration.


    "Euripides : kicks against the pricks came from Bacchae (about DIONYSUS which means divine son of Zeus no less) and they don't realize THAT is why Festus said ...much learning doth make thee mad

    Aratus : (About Zeus) ...for we are indeed his offspring. (Phenomenae 1-5)

    Epimenides : (About Zeus) ...for in thee we live and move and have our being. AND ...the Cretians, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies... (Cretica was A poem scolding the Cretians for making a tomb to Zeus because Epimenides believed him to be eternal.)

    Acts 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being as ertain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

    Titus 1:12 One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own said, The cretians [are] always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies...
    Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith.
    Titus 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish Fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth

    Menander of Athens ... Greek Dramatist and poet 342 BC: Bad company corrupts good character

    1Cor. 15:33 Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners

    BUDDHA: Work out your own salvation . Do not depend on others. (Mahaparini Buddhist scripture)

    Phl 2:12 ...work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

    Publius Terentius Afer (Terence) 190 BC: But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to show piety at home (Andria Act IV)

    1 Tim 5:4 But if any widow have children or nephews let them learn first to show piety at home

    I love it when Apostles step in poo poo

  4. I have no idea what Apostle Malm is talking about.

    For so many years I have been pointing out the sins of the leadership of the Armstrongists, encouraging them to repent, to turn from their idolatry, blasphemings, false prophecies. I have warned them to turn from their evil ways.

    Of course, I'm not the only one, so unless there can be more than one "Elijah" at a time, I'm just not him.

    However, the false prophets don't pay any attention, so at least we have that in common.

    And it's nice not to fear for my life any more. That was taken care of in 2005.

    Apostle Malm has his own idolatry of which to repent, but then there's no incentive to listen since nobody seems to have actually incurred the Wrath of God.

    The IRS and Federal Government, maybe, but not God.

  5. Has Malm gotten enough money from people so he could buy that spiffy laptop he was wanting?

    Seems a reasonable question.

    Something tells me he's not a person to expect reasonable answers from, though.


  6. Malm has fallen into a common trap.
    He has totally idealized Elijah, perhaps making him into an idol. The fact is that most of the men whom we are told that God used have been deeply flawed. Some didn't want to complete their assignments. Others became depressed, or sidetracked. The assignments were completed in spite of their weaknesses and failures.

    What I see in Malm is i-o thinking at best, coupled with an elitist mentality, very judgmental. Not that the ACOGs are even doing the work of God, but if they were, God's work would be getting done in spite of them, His strength becoming perfected in settings of human weakness. Legalism tends to defeat truly spiritual experiences.
    Malm has the legalism virus badly!


  7. Anonymous said...
    Something tells me he's(Malm)not a person to expect reasonable answers from, though.


    MY COMMENT: He's not. I have tried to converse with him on more than one occasion. If you don't agree with him or show him that he's wrong about certain doctrines, he'll banish you from his tiny, little kingdom.

  8. Apostle Malm is doing everything within his impoverished means to try to make himself feel important. He thinks he is using his little blog to preach a powerful end-time "Elijah" work, to turn all the fallen COG's and their backsliding members back to God. Besides the self-righteousness dripping from every post, his only other glaring problem is that his words and his actions don't agree. And what preaches louder, his words or his actions?

    So, here's a few words from the "zealous" apostle:

    "Any man who teaches to tolerate and overlook sin IS a false prophet and will be destroyed by Christ if he does not repent ... The primary commission of God’s people is tp teach all men to keep ALL of God’s commandments ... Or are we lukewarm wishy washy and careless about God’s commandments. Do we boldly declare what sin is and boldly preach repentance from sin? ... Do we even keep God’s commandments ourselves with any degree of zeal? ... Those who are NOT as passionate as Elijah was, could never do an Elijah work! If we are not filled with that same spirit of passionate love for God and his Law it would be impossible to do a similar work!"

    A few days ago, the apostle was caught passing other people's writing off as his own. Last time I checked, that was stealing. But maybe it was emailed to him and he didn't know whose work it was initially. A little communication should clear this all up. When this was attempted, what was his reaction? Apology? Repentance? Proper credit being added to blog post? You might be forgiven for expecting that, considering what he preaches.

    Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid):
    "Malm must feel that his spiritual status exempts him from certain limitations, like the 8th commandment. As I consider taking my words and represent them as his own as stealing. Nothing accidental about it either. I complained in a comment on his blog, he simply ignored it and didn't approve it."

    Modus Ponens' comment (that Malm did have the courage to post on his blog):
    "You try claim pre-eminience and the lead in breaking the story because the comment was submitted to you at 8:58 AM (MST) the same day...In other words, you aren’t the one to have broke it, nor was it your efforts that caused this."

    And what did he have to say for himself?

    Apostle Malm:
    "It is you who miss the point altogether. It was I who followed through and wrote Dale as per Mat 18 and asked others to do likewise; otherwise neither Dale nor Pack would have noticed the comment as they do not visit other internet sites by their own policy. You seem always ready to try and make a big fight out of nothing."

    When the dear apostle breaks the laws he SAYS we must careful to keep with zeal, instead of repentance, which he says we must do, instead he says, "It is you who miss the point." Instead he suggests that someone is spoiling for a fight. I for one am curious exactly what Malm would be fighting for. His self-righteousness? Would he defend himself using outright lies, or would he continue with the verbal sleight of hand, distraction, and misdirection? What preaches louder, the words he taps out each morning, or his example of hypocrisy?

    Who is setting an example of "tolerating and overlooking sin"? Who is teaching people not "to keep ALL of God's commandments"? Who is "careless about God's commandments"? Who is not "boldly preaching repentance from sin"? Who is not "keeping God's commandments with any degree of zeal"? Who is not doing "an Elijah work"? Who is not "filled with that same spirit of passionate love for God and his Law"?
    James Malm.

    Malm is just a carbon-copy of everything he rails against.

  9. Elijah appears to have been suffering from "battle fatigue." What did God prescribe for his treatment? The same thing we do today: rest, food, "light duty" away from the stress of battle. As for bi polar: I think that label could be given to Saul as seen in the way he treated David.
    Can anyone suggest other mental disorders in Scripture?

  10. What we've noticed before, based on massive and overwhelming evidence is that in certain circles of the religious world, plagiarism is not considered to be a sin or crime. The original thinker at the beginning of the chain often considers downstream publishers who fail to obtain permission, or give proper credit to be "spreading the gospel". In some cases, they're just happy to know that more people have been "enlightened". It would be very unusual for one "teacher" to sue another for appropriating his intellectual property.

    Stealing is stealing, whether there is a stigma attached or not.


  11. I think it's true that there are many who don't need or want any credit and would be happy if their material went viral, with or without credit. What it appears James Malm has done is certainly annoying, and I suppose you could find some angle to sue someone in a civil court over it, but I can't imagine anyone actually doing it.

    On the other hand, I don't feel that James Malm is enough of a grownup to admit to any kind of mistake. The problem is, it is a relationship destroying move if someone comes to you with something they have against you, but you decide to shut them out and refuse to negotiate. That just makes it appear as though you're willful and defiant. As though you know you've done wrong but you're trying to cover it up and make it go away. That would not be a Godly response. If you were innocent, you would want to tell your side of the story and set the record straight, right?

    I would think this story is not so notable because of the "stealing," for reasons stated above by Byker Bob as it is about the defiant attitude. That's the thing that just makes it seem like he feels he's above the law, or that he should be allowed to get away with certain sins, like Andrew has been addressing. That's the thing that looks the worst for someone who puts so much effort into preaching repentance.

  12. I see that Thielogical Bob has 8 points of criticism against the Elijah Dave. He left off plagiarism, but then Apostle Malm hasn't plagiarized Bob, AFAIK.

    If my words go viral, then great. Just attribute them to me (unless of course I've stuck my foot in my mouth). What's so difficult about that? Non-apostle Andrew was able to do that.
