Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dave Pack: Miraculous Healings, Demons Being Cast Out, Thousands of New Members

Packatolla wants all of you COGers out there that are looking for a home after years of wandering around from XCOG to XCOG and never being satisfied.  Pack wants you to know he has the worlds largest, most important and most miraculous COG on the face of the earth. He has written a letter to all of you apostate, demons possessed, slackers out there.  Amazing things are happening in RCG.  Web hits are up dramatically, Web downlands are earth shattering.  Miraculous healing are occurring.  Demons are being cast out.  Income is up 102%.

His church is experiencing, allegedly,  astounding growth with "thousands" being brought into the church.
He refuses to release his numbers though, as well as his finances.  So when he claims thousands, that could literately mean two thousand and two people as members.  "Thousands" plural can mean a lot of things, but in Armstrongism it usually means minuscule and irrelevant.

Dear Dave: Can I call you Dave?  Ok Dave.  
The above picture is what thousands (maybe even ten thouosand) symbolizes.  
Not the miniscule little "thousands" you claim.  
Once a liar, always a liar.

Jesus taught, “You shall know them by their FRUITS” (Matt. 7:16, 20). How often did Mr. Armstrong repeat this? Only one organization passes the test when fruits are the standard. These fruits spring from having the truth, traditions and standards of the past, and God’s guidance and blessings—which are all demonstrably provable! The many fruits in this letter represent the fingerprints of God for those interested and willing to look.
Every year the statistical growth in all categories within God’s Church and Work show an increase, and usually all of them a significant or large increase. But what follows is nothing short of a STATISTICAL TIDAL WAVE unlike anything we have seen before—and we have seen a lot of growth!

Some mind bloggling statistics of the greatest show on earth are:

"...it should be obvious that 20% growth for 12 straight years puts our official attendance in the thousands."

"All ministers (and wives) in the RCG ministry undergo a very extensive, sophisticated training program, via Ambassador Center, The Pastor General’s Report, numerous special Pastoral Care lectures, and an annual Conference for all ministers, among other means. Nothing like our training program is occurring anywhere else. In fact, nothing else is close."

"2011—102.2% above 2010
It is my prayer that God will help everyone in the splinters understand what the statistic you just read—growth in income—should mean to you. It should be literally IMPOSSIBLE to miss God’s fingerprints in just THIS SINGLE NUMBER. "
   " The millions of dollars we received in 2010 more than doubled in 2011!!!"

"A World Headquarters campus is scheduled to open in April 2013—and to begin construction in April 2012. " (Obviously this will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the fasted construction of a college campus and Auditorium in human history.)

 Someone had better get out the measuring tape to see who's dick is the biggest. with this boastful pissing contest:
 "Perhaps examine the quality, professionalism and “authority” (or lack thereof) of your organization’s telecast, in light of World to Come broadcasts, which can all be found at worldtocome.org and youtube.com/restoredcog. Incidentally, RCG’s YouTube totals for World to Come views is significantly greater than UCG, LCG and PCG combined! And we are just starting."

" Finally, and this is most important, view any of the 125 broadcasts available to compare the messages with those of your organization—and then decide who is continuing the fulfillment of Isaiah 58:1-2 in the same way as did Mr. Armstrong!"

" Regarding the amount of literature we offer, virtually all of our enemies ascribe the writing of these books and booklets to me, at the human level. While these enemies are trying to discredit me, they in fact greatly overcredit me. When they suggest that either I or my late wife (as my constant typist) could have done this on our own, even a fraction of it, they have unwittingly assumed a human being is capable of what no man could do, and over a short period of time, without tremendous miraculous help from Almighty God. Discerning brethren in the splinters will recognize God’s handprint."

"God’s Church continues to experience many dramatic healings, as well as a host of other miracles. Of course this has been most inspiring—and faith-increasing!—for the Church. No one hears in the splinters of outright truly miraculous healings any more. We do time and again. Here are just five brief examples, quickly assembled for my letter, of what is a long list of such healings:" ( Obviously God hates all the other splinter cults because they are dying from all kinds of diseases while we are being healed.)

 "Healings are only one of many kinds of miracles we see in God’s Church on a regular basis, miracles that His enemies cannot gainsay. For instance, we see dramatic open doors, special protection from calamities, and demons cast out. In this regard, Jesus instructs those listening in Luke 11:20 that “the finger of God” is responsible and “no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.” Are you listening to what these miracles mean? "

"I fear—I truly FEAR—for those who so freely speak against the work of the Holy Spirit in The Restored Church of God. If only they could have the good sense of carnal Gamaliel in Acts 5:34-39, and stop attacking us “lest haply [they] be found even to fight against God.” " (So we are supposed to fear Pack and his impotent little god? Hardly!)

"All eyes in God’s Church are looking ahead to the absolute explosion of additional growth that this letter heralds for 2012! It will surely be a year like none other for the reconstitution of God’s Work for this final age. It could now be said that we are on the last few pages of the last chapter of God’s Work!" 

Dave goes on to prostitute out Dale Schurter some more:

We are pleased to announce that a longtime minister in God’s Church, Mr. Dale Schurter, has resigned from the United Church of God (UCG) and, with his wife, Mona, come with The Restored Church of God (RCG). A resignation letter to UCG brethren and ministers explaining the reasons for Mr. Schurter’s decision has been posted on rcgtruth.com. Over the last five days, a great many people from every corner of the world have contacted us from UCG, but also other organizations, because of Mr. Schurter’s powerful letter and call to action. Our Mailing Department has been extremely busy. To see more and more people waking up to the false doctrine, wrong standards, poor fruits and continually worsening condition of their organizations has been most encouraging. We will have more to report with the passing of time.

 Schurter and hundreds of other defecting ministers will soon be exposing the false doctrines and teachings of all the other 600 some splinter cults of Armstrongism.  With the mind boggling, soon to come defections, of hundreds of COG ministers, the RCG will have first hand knowledge of how evil these 600 some splinter groups are.

Has the Church of God ever had such a bold liar as they now have with Davie Pack? 


  1. Dave has "grown" every church he ever pastored by stealth and deception. In the old days when he wanted more people in his church he simply redrew the church boundries, usually without telling the ministers in the adjacent areas, and forced folk to come in to him. The minister usually found out when the member called complaining that now they had to drive further and they didn't like Mr. Pack to begin with.

    When Dave says, "It's not about the numbers," this always means, "It's all about the numbers."

    Any church that won't reveal it's annual income nor how many actual members it has is a Church of Fraud and those that attend it deserve the disinformation they get and don't demand corrected.

    See what , "Once I give my money to the Church, it is not mine any longer and "God" can do with it what he wishes..thru the Church," can get ya?


  2. It would never cross Dave's mind that he may have the most literature and booklets and the most amazing broadcast none of which is really presenting the message of the Bible properly, if there is such a proper message.

    The Bible itself tends to present any number of messages depending on who you read and they don't match either. But I spare you.


  3. In order to have "thousands" all you have to have 1,001. Technically, that is 1.001 thousands. Anything over 1, even a fractional amount, in English takes a plural.

  4. And we could have a living human as 1/1000th of a person just how?

    Well, yes, the math works -- that's good enough!

  5. As for NUMBERS, when David Pack says, "It's not about the numbers," this just means, "It's all about the percentages." He simply refuses to be open and honest and give the actual number facts about attendance or income. He deals in deception, not facts.

    As for HEALINGS, the fact is that David Pack's first wife was NOT healed and died at the age of only 62. People who requested anointed cloths were refused, and were not helped either. David did not even have time to talk to them. Yet now we are told unverifiable stories of healings.

    As for MONEY, David Pack's followers had better be prepared to do "fundraising" for the rest of their lives to pay off the buildings he has planned. And they had better do it "voluntarily" too or they might have to be yelled at and kicked out of his Restored Church of Revenue.

    As for MINISTERS from the other splinter groups trying to jump on board David's supposedly rolling band wagon now that it claims to be moving along quickly, they will probably slip and get crushed under the wheels. David Pack has never been able to get along with anyone.

    As for David's supposedly FREE LITERATURE, in one of his sermons he flew into a rage about people "stealing" his cult's literature because some had requested hard copies of it but did not send money. As a former WCG member once said, "Never touch anything that says FREE. FREE cost me $60,000. I humbly submit this so you will remember it."

    As for trying to find the ONE TRUE CHURCH, many people have suffered many things in their search.

  6. Rod Meredith is Dave Pack packaged to be more palatable. -Anon 43

  7. Interesting. Unfortunately, Pack has his geography mixed up. This stuff is actually happening over in China, which, due to the home church movement, is rapidly becoming the most Christian nation on the face of the earth.

