Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ex-UCG Minister Vidal Has More Tales From The Darkside

"Just look at those demon possessed youth from the other tribes that are having FUN!  
Shame on them!"

The craziness in Restored Church of God continues on tonight with another entry by Vidal Wachuku.  Poor whiny Vidal is in a Royal African snit about UCG's Youth Camps. If you thought Vidal and Schurter's letters were weird before, this one is even worse!  Does Davie realize how incredibly STUPID this is making his cult look?  Do these men realize how incredibly STUPID they look?  If I was one of those "supposed ministers ready to tell my story" I would be thinking long and hard about doing it.  Especially after these two imbeciles have prepared the way!  Vidal's Tales From The Darkside 2 contains his latest letter.

Like any good African tribe member, loyalty is to one's tribe above all others. Vidal does not seem to like the fact that UCG's Youth Camps brought youth in from a large number of tribes.  All those different languages, customs, and tribal uniqueness all barging together at one place. Is there any wonder there might be a little competition?

“The UCG youth camp was filled with a competitive spirit, and rules were ignored. The competition was not just between sports teams. There was also unhealthy, parochial competitions between the various tribes represented from different parts of the country. Those from the UCG Regional Office in Lagos were always in the majority and their language was Yoruba, the Owerri branch spoke the Igbo language, the Benin branch spoke Edo, and the youths from NWCG Abuja mostly spoke the Gbagyi language. Campers had been told during orientation to cease from speaking their native languages in favor of English, in order to prevent barriers between people and undue strain. But with the lackadaisical attitude of the campers and even some members of staff, that rule was ignored and everyone did whatever pleased them.

Oh boo hoo!  When I went to WCG's summer camp at Orr Minnesota in 1971 there were kids there from all over the country.  Those from the Southern States tended to congregate together, those from Western States had more in common with each other than they had with the kids New England States.  On I could go with the many differences. You get that many kids together and they will do what they want even if they are told otherwise by some snot nose Senior from Ambassador College.  Kids are kids, regardless of where they are from.

Then God's most perfect Christian, Vidal writes:

“The major strain was caused by the leaders themselves, who were from the Yoruba speaking group. The Yorubas in Nigeria are generally known to love their native language so much that they simply could not go a day without speaking their mother tongue—in defiance of camp instructions.

A little tribal hatred there Vidal?  TRANSLATION: Those poor trash from the other side of the tracks (border) think they are better than us and I don't like it!

Because the Southerners (the Yoruba, Edo and Igbos) kept speaking their language, there was no shortage of gossips, which in turn polluted the camp and robbed the setting of a true Christian atmosphere. Members of the two major Southern tribes, the Igbos and the Yorubas—traditional arch-rivals in Nigeria—were like cat and mouse, resulting in several unruly clashes between them in the camp.

Vidal, I should introduce you to Harold Reiman, a true Church of God racist. You obviously have a lot in common with him.

Vidal then goes on to imply how the dirty, filthy kids from UCG were fornicating all over the place while the sweet and innocent kiddies from his tribe were the pillars of righteousness.

What next sets Vidal into raging fits of anger is some UCG students who made a spoof of the UCG Home Office. Those disgusting kids are making fun of UCG leaders and themselves!  Oh the tragedy!  Ambassador students at all three colleges have done this since the day the colleges were founded.  Why is Vidal on such a stupid harangue?  At least these kids have sense to make fun of themselves.

Watch for yourself this shocking and disgusting piece of filth these apostates have made!

Vidal then showcases two other videos.  One of a UCG Summer Camp and one of Hitlers RCG's Youth Camp.  Three guess on which Summer Camp is the Holy and Righteous one and which one is the demonic evil one.  If you are having difficulty, it is the film with the archival footage of HWA since the RCG Youth Camps seem to be such BORING places and it is important to get HWA's face into ever story.  Plus, comparing an interior shot of a UCG class room with an outside shot is also disingenuous and rather petty (and I am not talking about Gary here). You can see Vidal's other videos here:   Youth Camp in Nigeria

Again, I have to ask.  Why does the Restored Church of God not see how incredibly STUPID they are looking right now?  These two men (Schurter and Machuku) have published their incredibly WEIRD stories and have come across as two of the biggest fools to leave UCG.  I can imagine UCG is quit releived these two guys are gone.  My hat is in UCG's court on this one!

ht to MM for this lead


  1. Pastor Machu Pichu obviously has yet to encounter the competive nature of Apostle Pack or how winning at all costs is somewhat an important part of his approach to competition..

    I spare you.


  2. We must all speak the same thing!
    We must all be of one accord !
    Stop speaking all these tribal languages. I will invent the one true pure language with no pagan influences and you will all speak it all the time !

    Fuerher General
    David C Pack

  3. Children broke free of their automaton programming? Oh the humanity! Now that he's left, I guess Vidal has suddenly realized that the UCG summer camp "Zone" is just a nice fiction (just like everything else in Armstrongism.) Whatever they call it in RCG, it is going to be a fiction there too.

    Isn't Dave Pack trying to recreate the 1960's era WCG? If Dave and Vidal think the kids weren't busy fornicating back in the day at WCG's summer camps and Imperial Schools, etc., then either they never went to any of those places or they weren't very aware of their surroundings.

    If these guys think that they have some kind of Jedi Mind Control over the kids at RCG to force them to be any different than any other kids since the dawn of time, they're kidding themselves.

    "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." -Princess Leia

  4. The Home Office parody video is probably doing more for UCG than anything else could possibly do.

    After seeing that, it almost makes you want to attend United.


  5. If these are all the kinds of topics these "Ministers of the Dork Side" can come up with, I'd say Dave Pack is not going to win any contests for the sharpest thinkers on the block.

    No summer camp in history has produced the God centered adults the not God centered adults either wish for. It's all control and compliance and kids just go underground in a game of catch me if you can.

    Those that comply usually wish they had not or when they get older realize how silly it all was and find out the adults weren't all that they said or appeared to be either.

    Most Church camps are re-education camps and all church services are compliance certification classes.

    Kids...just be yourself, be safe, get an education and don't leave your mind or brains at the door of any organization that makes you out to be defective, not good enough or not ok.


  6. They are being assimilated by the borg, or so the borg thinks!

  7. In the churches of God, it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between the children and the adults.

  8. "...true Christian atmosphere"

    No such place on earth. Wasn't even one in the New Testament.


  9. "If these are all the kinds of topics these "Ministers of the Dork Side" can come up with, I'd say Dave Pack is not going to win any contests for the sharpest thinkers on the block."

    None of the COGs leaders or members have entered any such contests.

    Churches are not successful because of their airtight logic. The topics ministers discuss are merely timely reinforcement of dogma. Thinking is dangerous. Thinking will lead you away from God. Your brain is a tool of Satan the Devil. Do not use it.

    If you have had a new thought, do not panic. Try to relax. We all know how upsetting this can be. Calm down. If you can, take a valium or a nap. Soon familiar, comforting thoughts will return, along with the peace of God's love. After such an incident, fellowship with the other inmates can help stabilize your progress. Always be sure to let the staff know. Your medication dosages may need to be adjusted to prevent future incidents.

  10. This actually raises a legitimate question which apparently no one has asked about the "cattle rustling" dispute involving LifeNets in Zambia.

    Is that really and simply a case of
    UCG members v. COGWA members? Or is that rooted in tribalism as well?
