Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gerald Flurry Declares Fast Because of Exodus of Members

I affirm, it's only this big

Exit and Support had this little bit of information in the Letters section on their web site:

Gerald Flurry Calling for Worldwide Fast on January 8:
January 1, 2012
Gerald Flurry recently announced on December 24 that members worldwide are to fast on January 8. He said about 100 people a year for the past five years have been leaving PCG. --Anonymous

January 1, 2012
I, personally am thrilled to see Gerald Flurry admit that their numbers are falling, and over the past 5 years have lost 500 people, 100 a year in 5 years. Makes you wonder, how honest he is being. I believe that his numbers are a lot more than that. He himself is a liar, and I hope by this fast that he has ordered on the 8 of January that the people will see they are not growing by LEAPS and BOUNDS as my daughter tried to tell me some time ago. By admitting they have lost 500 people in the last 5 years, should prove that Gerald Flurry is indeed a liar.

It has been rumored for quite some time that Philadelphia Church of Goo is losing members.  Because of his Hitlarian style of government, his hundreds of failed prophecies, his failure to flee to Petra, and  his begging members to mortgage homes to  build his Mini-Me Auditorium in the middle of nowhere has led members to leave in droves.  With his aging membership and his declining health this is yet another splitter cult that may soon bite the dust.  The day he dies and little Stevie takes over you will see scores more leave.  Members only tolerate little Stevie because Gerald would make life hell for them if he knew.
See link above for the complete story.


  1. I love that picture of him. He looks like a one of the many televangelists. He looks like Jimmy Swaggart. Except without the tears.

  2. Philadelphia Church of Goo

    Ooooh! I like that! I shall steal it for my own with attribution! Was it a typo? If not, good one!

    So now I'm confused about this whole fasting for membership thing and wonder if someone can enlighten me.

    Was the fast called to retain members, or to get more members to leave?

    If it is to make them leave, we have suggestions to make the exodus much faster and the good guys at Armstrong Delusion can really help.

  3. Why didn't he set the fast for January 16?

    We all know how important that date is -- especially to Mr. Flurry.

  4. Very heartening post. I know the pain people are going through but it is worth it to gain the freedom, provided they don't just hop over to some other splinter.

    Damn. I ate a hearty breakfast before I even knew about this call for a fast and couldn't proclaim it a feast instead!

  5. It is great to hear that more people are escaping from the PCG. Some people can only take so much satanic abuse before they split. The so-called "ministry" in the PCG has always delighted in abusing the trusting members and kicking them out. At the same time, the predators have always been allowed to stay. At the rate they are going there will eventually be no more people left to abuse, and no one left to hand over any more money to these perverts.

  6. I imagine that the financial weight of the auditorium in Edmond is going to be felt more and more. I think something like six million is still owed on it.

    I recently read that a member reported that Flurry was urging people to sell their homes to finishing paying it off. I do not know if it true, but it certainly sounds Flurry-like. I can't imagine what the auditorium would be used for it had to be sold off.

  7. Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights at the Herbert W Armstrong auditorium.

  8. If Flurry could switch his mind into "neutral", and then ask God to reveal why these people are leaving, perhaps something amazing would happen.

    Unfortunately, that is just not possible.


  9. Anonymous said...
    "I can't imagine what the auditorium would be used for it had to be sold off."

    MY COMMENT: Maybe UCG will buy it and use it for a big TV studio from all the money they're going to collect from the dumb sheep.

  10. The REAL PURPOSE of the fast was to make the PCG members feel GUILTY about not honoring their pledges, (that Gerald Flurry MADE them pledge in the first place),they made to the Auditorium building fund. THIS was the TRUE reason for the fast. I know this because I was IN the PCG. I was recently DISFELLOWSHIPPED by BRIAN DAVIS, for trying to defend myself after he and his brother-in-law, (Andrew Hessong), called me up trying to make me feel guilty and ACCUSING ME of ACCUSING PEOPLE! The REAL REASON FOR THE DISFELLOWSHIP: I am a single mom struggling to raise my son by myself, AND CAN'T HELP SUPPORT THE MINISTERS,THEIR WIVES, AND THEIR CHILDREN, AND EVERYONE ELSE AT "HEADQUARTERS". Brian Davis told me to LEAVE my husband in 2004. I did. This caused all kinds of problems for me and the PCG. The PCG ended up having to hire TWO ATTORNEYS for the church and myself. Then more recently I was told by Brian Davis' brother-in-law,(Andrew Hessong), to contact the Office of Attorney General to take my EX to court. My Ex was already paying me me child support on his own. When I took these ministers advice, he stopped giving me support.So between all this BAD ADVICE FROM PCG MINISTERS, I also get THROWN OUT OF THE PCG. IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY. THAT'S THE TRUTH!! THE END!!!

  11. P.S.- This comment goes along with the last one I left-(me and my 13 year old son getting disfellowshipped by Brian Davis with his accomplice brother-in-law Andrew Hessong of the Philadelphia Church of God): I forgot to mention that Brian Davis tried to SECRETLY DISFELLOWSHIP ME in February 2006. He and a Mr. Reese Brown called me up, (SURPRISE ATTACK), after I OBEYED MR. BRIAN DAVIS, and had left my husband. I was in Washington State at this time. The conversation went like this: "Hello B...this is Brian Davis. I've got Mr. Reese Brown on the line also. ...Did you tell Mr. Brown you did NOT try to get an attorney before you left your husband?" Then I replied: "I told Mr. Reese Brown that I DID try to get an attorney before I left my husband, but the attorney told me that I COULD NOT FILE until we had settled our bankruptcy"...(later I found out she was only telling a half truth)...Then Brian Davis told me, "Well, B...I've prayed about this, and I've come to the conclusion, YOUR LYING, AND YOUR DISFELLOWSHIPPED, AND DON"T TELL ANYONE WE HAD THIS CONVERSATION!"
    Very soon after this conversation, I got a call from the church's attorney, and he told me..."No, B...your not disfellowshipped. Mr. Flurry and others were sitting at the table about to disfellowship you, when Mr. Brown confessed to his part in this".
    BUT Brian Davis HAS NEVER CONFESSED! He later told me, "B...I was just trying to get you MENTALLY PREPARED". He has been trying to find ways to get rid of me ever since,(THE BIG COVER-UP) because the church had to hire an attorney to defend the church's doctrines, so I was included. They paid for my divorce. Brian Davis really secretly hates me for this. My divorce went terrible. I now can pretty much assume it was because BRIAN DAVIS was slandering me to the attorney. I always wondered why the attorney RARELY would come to the phone or call me back when I had a question. Brian Davis had made other attempts to discourage me, hoping I would disappear and quit the church, BECAUSE OF THE MESS HE CAUSED. He loves to PROVOKE. This way he can tell everyone, "She talked bad to me". That's one of his favorite sayings. He ACCUSES others of what he does. Well, he finally achieved his goal on February 22, 2012... I'M OUT!...I never found that "open door".

  12. AND ANOTHER THING...About that "open door" policy? I've already written to Mr. Gerald Flurry. I didn't get a response. I kept hearing "horror stories" about other women getting disfellowshipped and still after YEARS, not being able to "GET BACK IN".
    Now I ask you...IS THAT BIBLICAL? According to "THE CHURCH". Christ calls you into the Church...Where in the Bible does Christ say his ministers are suppose to use, abuse, slander, humiliate, intimidate,twist scripture, THROW OUT, all those innocent little "babes" in Christ, and REFUSE to have anything to do with them again?
    Christ says in Luke 17:2...It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he be cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
    Did I forget to mention...Brian Davis also SUSPENDED me while I was going through my divorce. I innocently sent him an e mail I had sent to my attorney. You see, the church was ready to stop paying the attorney/attorneys, after they cleared themselves,so everyone, (the attorney, Brian Davis, my local minister), were pressuring me to agree to pay my ex, child support, for my son, so the church could "wrap up this whole frivolous mess" My local minister told me several times..."B...The church isn't paying for your divorce anymore!"...B...The church isn't paying for your divorce anymore!" The funny thing is...I DIDN'T CAUSE THIS MESS AND I CERTAINLY DIDN'T ASK FOR THE CHURCH TO PAY FOR MY DIVORCE!!BRIAN DAVIS CAUSED ME AND MY KIDS TO GO THROUGH HELL!!...And that's what it was...My daughter ended up in Rusk State Hospital...suffering from post stress disorder...after what her "so called father" did to her...(which no one still wants to believe)...On one of my long journeys to visit her, while I was driving down the highway, low and behold, guess who called me? None other than BRIAN DAVIS. My mother was in the car with me, and since I was AFRAID OF WHAT BRIAN DAVIS WAS ABOUT TO SAY, and did not want my mother to hear the conversation, (as I was STILL trying to protect the church's reputation), I pulled my car over and got out,...(my hair blowing all over the place in my mouth, etc.)...This "so called" minister of God, could care less what I was going through...(and he dared not even ask)...All I remember about that UNEXPECTED CALL FROM BRIAN DAVIS, were these words..."B...You've made A LOT of mistakes in your life!"...What a "CHEERY" thing to say to me. I wanted to STRANGLE HIM by that time. That's a normal response, considering the circumstances. But I thought that he was "GOD'S MINISTER", and somehow MAYBE he was right... WRONG!!!...He was actually talking about HIMSELF...and still didn't know it. I've learned, people usually ACCUSE people of doing what THEY are guilty of. The purpose of the call was to DISCOURAGE ME and maybe I would GIVE UP and LEAVE THE CHURCH, so they wouldn't have to continue paying for my divorce and Brian Davis could say..."See...told you...she wasn't converted after all!"...BRIAN DAVIS' BIG COVER UP PLAN!! To Be continued...

  13. Back to the e mail I sent to "MR. BRIAN DAVIS"... Because my divorce was going so terrible and everyone was pressuring me to "just agree" to pay my ex child support to wrap things up...I sent this e mail to my attorney which basically said...No, I'm not listening to anyone...I'm THINKING FOR MYSELF THIS TIME, (using my critical thinking skills)...I am NOT going to sign the divorce papers and agree to pay my ex husband child support. After all...I left him because he was living and working in California, and he was running around with other women, and actually had a woman living with him...THIS IS WHY I TOOK MY SON AND LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE!
    I forwarded this e mail to Brian Davis ASSUMING he would be on my side...OH, NO,.. ANOTHER "MISTAKE IN MY LIFE"...Brian Davis took that one line..."I'm not listening to anyone"...and suspended me. I was told to read "God's Family Government", and an "anger management" paper, and fast and pray, etc. and call him back. It took months for him to accept that MY attitude was right, and FINALLY let me come back "in the church". He also told me to call my attorney and apologize TO HIM! I was so stupid,...I Did...I wonder what other "HOOPS" Brian Davis could have gotten me to jump through? The day I was FORMALLY ACCEPTED back into "the church", I could tell by my local minister's response...I don't believe he wanted me to come back...He walked off as Brian Davis was reluctantly welcoming me back. Could that ministers actions have been caused by BRIAN DAVIS SLANDERING ME!! Of course...I know this because after the local minister walked away...Brian Davis said to me, (while glancing back and forth between looking at his cell phone and the local minister)..."B...Mr. so and so is a fine minister...BUT...from now own, if you have something to talk about, don't talk to him...call me" WHAT'S UP WITH THAT I ASKED...Even though I put it all together later and figured it out. Now If I would have followed Brian Davis' ORDERS, and never again talked to my local minister and just called up Brian Davis...THAT probably would have turned into a MAJOR FIASCO TOO!!...It's all crazy...

  14. I can hear um all now..."That woman's POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL!"...So what's the minister's excuse??...B.

  15. I'm telling you Anonymous, undue influence. Launch a lawsuit. Name Davis as a co-defendant.

  16. STILL ABOUT BRIAN DAVIS...Let me clarify some things. The reason I'M remaining anonymous is because I'm trying to expose Brian Davis. Brian Davis knows who I am. That's all that matters. Brian Davis would consider this as being a coward. NO, HE'S THE COWARD PICKING ON WOMEN IN THE CHURCH AND THROWING THEM OUT!! HE DISFELLOWSHIPPED ME THIS TIME BECAUSE I WOULDN'T OBEY HIM AND SHUT-UP WHEN I WAS JUST TRYING TO DEFEND MYSELF AND EXPOSE HIM TO THE OTHERS ON THE PHONE LINE AND OTHERS SECRETLY LISTENING TO THE PHONE CONVERSATION AT "HEADQUARTERS" THE LAST TIME HE DISFELLOWSHIPPED ME, (FEBRUARY 2010)...And besides that...I don't know if THIS DISFELLOWSHIP IS LEGITIMATE OR NOT...Because as I wrote earlier...Brian Davis tried to SECRETLY DISFELLOWSHIP ME February 2006, after he had told me to leave my husband...but later DENIED ALL BLAME, saying, "B...I was just trying to get you MENTALLY PREPARED". He told me in our last phone conversation from "Headquarters", that..."B...you were confused and not in your right mind"...(oh, so I'm just a LUNATIC, (as I believe that's the way this SOCIOPATH thinks about all women)...So...He's telling me I didn't hear him say what I thought I heard him say??...What a LIAR! telling me,..."And don't tell anyone we had this conversation!"...yea, right!...THAT'S THE FIRST THING I TOLD THE CHURCH'S ATTORNEY WHEN HE HAD TO CALL ME BACK AND HIRE ATTORNEY'S FOR THE PCG AND ME!...NEXT SUBJECT...

  17. Anon: I would think you would be thinking that it is a blessing to no longer be part of Flurry's cult. You should realize by now that the ministers and leadership are abusive - as they are in all cults.

    Impotent little men on power trips

  18. ABOUT MY CHILD SUPPORT ANDREW HESSONG, (BRIAN DAVIS'S BROTHER-IN-LAW), WANTED ME TO "GET RIGHT" WITH THE COURTS...Andrew Hessong and our local church minister came to my apartment(at my request) in 2010. This was after Andrew Hessong was made regional director in place of Brian Davis, as Brian Davis was moved up north to a more expanded area, I suppose. So...during this very pleasant visit with these two, (and after I had voiced my concerns about my ex husband visiting my son and making very bizarre statements),Andrew Hessong suggested I try to get an attorney, pro bono, and contact OAG and get the child support orders changed, in my favor, (as because I was PRESSURED to sign and agree to pay my ex child support as I previously explained in another long PCG complaint on this site, but Andrew Hessong didn't know about any of this),and he, Andrew Hessong) told me he was going to TRY to get me third tithe assistance,(of course it would have to be cleared by Brian Davis first), so as I would not even have to deal with my ex anymore if the church was helping me out. At this time my ex was voluntarily giving me about $600.00 a month for my one son. Well, as soon as my ex got a letter from OAG, he quit giving me ANY money to support his son. ALSO, Andrew Hessong NEVER GOT BACK WITH ME AND NEVER SAID ANOTHER WORD ABOUT THE THIRD TITHE ASSISTANCE, Even though he was at our congregation many times and I had several brief conversations with him when he was there. I thought if he wasn't saying anything, it must be bad news....(to be continued)...B.

  19. FAST FORWARD TO NOVEMBER 2011. Well, by this time me and my son had moved to a mobile home on 6 1/2 acres, about an hour and fifteen minutes from services, which my uncle had left to my mother, but my mother already had her own home. I didn't have to pay any rent. About November 2011, after I had not had my car since the motor had burned...not my fault... But because I was blaming the burned up motor on the mechanics that worked on the car last...this gave Brian Davis an "IN" to find more reasons to INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE!", as I'll explain...So anyway, as I said, my ex quit paying his support for his son, and it was as you know, it's not easy to find a job when your, "IN THE CHURCH". You can't work on the Sabbath, (might as well say Saturday, which all but government jobs require). And since the bad economy, employers have many more people to chose from. If you tell them you can't work this day or that day..they throw you in the trash and find someone who can. THEN...if you have to get your son to school at 8:00 am, and that's what time you need to be at work...your out! Oh, Yes...and you can't work past whatever time sunset falls on Fridays...I had MANY JOB OPPORTUNITIES WHERE THEY WERE GOING TO HIRE ME...BUT I wouldn't give up my "silly religion" and be their slaves! ALL THIS SACRIFICING, but still the ministers were not on my side. Andrew Hessong told me..."God's stronger than Satan!" There's no reason you can't get a forty hour week job!" When was the last time Andrew Hessong had a "WORLDLY" FORTY HOUR A WEEK JOB? The most they give you these days is thirty...if your lucky. To continue...I had sent an e mail to my local minister telling him that my son and I would not be at services that Sabbath because I did not have gas money. The local minister immediately forwarded my e mail to Andrew Hessong and he forwarded it to NONE OTHER THAN BRIAN DAVIS OF COURSE! In the first place... What gives them the right to forward an e mail meant only to the person I sent it to, as there was a statement in the e mail only my local minister understood what I was talking about. But when it got to the second and third parties...they MISINTERPRETED IT...and didn't even let me explain myself...THEY JUMPED TO THEIR OWN INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION...but I won't get into that long explanation. To try to "wrap up" the story...Andrew Hessong had "jumped on me" for I suppose "THINKING ON MY OWN" and moving so far away...AS HE SAW IT!...Now about the second thing he said to me over the phone that day was...B...MR.DAVIS SAYS YOU ACCUSE PEOPLE!"...I thought, "Where did that come from. What's that about? What is he talking about?"...NEVER GOT AN EXPLANATION...I believe I told Andrew Hessong Brian Davis has a problem with me...OH, I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT!!....BECAUSE...the next call I get was from none other THAN..THE GREAT (ALREADY GOD HIMSELF)...(he thinks)... BRIAN DAVIS!...He started by saying, "Mr. Hessong tells me you have a problem with me". While trying to defend myself and tell the others listening on the phone line, (and who knows who else was listening at "Headquarters on speakerphone)the same things I am now writing about, (which I didn't get very far as MR. BRIAN DAVIS kept telling me to BE QUIET, B. BE QUIET..(he really wanted to say...SHUT-UP!..but others were listening. I wouldn't OBEY MR. BRIAN DAVIS AND SHUT-UP...So he replied..."O.K...Your DISFELLOWSHIPPED!"...THE END...B.

  20. Yes, that's true Sharon. But as you know, most people just make short little statements about the Philadelphia Church of God. I wanted to share my "real life" experience with them...B.

  21. I think we all are glad you are sharing your experience in the Flurry cult. They need to be continually exposed for the sick men they are.

  22. On the March 28, 2012, 7:46 a.m. post, I wrote the wrong year of my last disfellowship by Brian Davis. My last and FINAL DISFELLOWSHIP BY BRIAN DAVIS was February 22, 2012. Before that, I was SECRETLY DISFELLOWSHIPPED in February 2006, but later was told by the church's attorney I was not. So if I was not, why wasn't I allowed to return to church services until my divorce was final,(21 months later??). BRIAN DAVIS' next attempt to disfellowship me, (but it was just a so called "suspension"), was when I innocently sent him the e mail I had sent to my attorney, saying, "I'm not listening to anyone". Then, as I stated, This last disfellowship February 22, 2012, when I wouldn't "shut up"...OBEY BRIAN DAVIS!!!What a bunch of crap!

  23. YOU KNOW THE "OPEN DOOR" that Gerald Flurry is always saying is there? Where was it when I tried to call "Headquarters" after my disfellowship by Brian Davis? I asked the secretary if I could speak to Gerald Flurry. She said he was out. I asked if he had an e mail...NO! I asked for the address to send him a letter...which I did...NO RESPONSE.
    I know there is a "certain someone" who was mad as H... when "HE" was DISFELLOWSHIPPED BY THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. He still holds a GRUDGE against them, (because that's all "he" talks about), But "he" calls it "Warning the Laodiceans!" This same person was arrested for DRINKING AND DRIVING, (and anyone can prove it by just LOOKING UP HIS MUGSHOT in Oklahoma)...BUT, "little ole me"...never was arrested...NEVER BEEN IN ANY KIND OF TROUBLE WITH THE LAW...STAY AT HOME (RAISING FOUR CHILDREN, MOM)...and still raising one without help from his father...NAIVELY and INNOCENTLY TRUSTED AND BELIEVED EVERYTHING I WAS TOLD BY THE PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD "HIERARCHY",...was LIED TO, INTIMIDATED, COERCED, SHAMED, SLANDERED, GOSSIPPED ABOUT,(made up gossip),...in other words... TRASHED MY
    By the way...Who DISFELLOWSHIPS people who are arrested for DRUNK DRIVING...hmm?...No ONE??...hmm...Oh, I see...It only applies to the DUMB SHEEP.
    I bet they're announcing over the "loud speakers" that they've "MARKED" me...ain't that somethin...B.

  24. Could it be...People are leaving the Philadelphia Church of God...not because THEY have decided to leave...but because they are being SECRETLY DISFELLOWSHIPPED?...OR...Disfellowshipped the normal way they do it...(TRUMP UP FALSE CHARGES AGAINST YOU)...
    I HAVE EXPERIENCED ALL OF THE ABOVE...SO, I'm sure that's what's going on with everyone else...B.

  25. I know a couple in the PCG that went to the Feast of Tabernacles last year and the man was suffering from a painful skin disorder. After enduring the pain through each service he would go back to his room and put medicine all over his body, as he didn't want to have the medicine on during services because of the smell. He was miserable. He also had been out of a job for about a year and a half but was receiving unemployment and that was their only income. The woman had been in a car wreck, (but uninjured), about a year before the Feast, and she had gotten her driver's license taken away for driving without insurance during the car wreck. So she had not been able to drive on her own for about a year. This man was very conscientious about paying his bills, so I just assumed they could not pay their car insurance because of their lack of money and I did not ask my friend why she was driving with no insurance. This woman was having to get rides from fellow church members to services. I was wondering if the ministers knew her situation, and I was thinking, if that was me...I would have already been THROWN OUT OF THE CHURCH! So...There they were, without a job which is a no, no in the "church". All of a sudden SOMEONE in "the church", started a rumor that there was BIG MONEY to be made in North Dakota. The ministry jumped on that one and started uprooting everyone who had been without a job for a while from their homes and forcing them to move to North Dakota. I say forcing because if you don't OBEY THE MINISTRY, YOUR OUT! My two friends were put in this situation. First the man went by himself. That left the woman to stay back and try to figure out how to get around without being able to drive. Finally, the man landed a job back in December, I believe. It was heavy construction. He came back and took his wife back up there to their new (mobile) home. Not the Taj Mahal like at "Headquarters" where Brian Davis lives. Well, my friend called me one day and told me her husband had been laid off for the winter. He had only worked for a month. The job was temporary. The woman was curious as to if her husband knew that when he took the job. My friend also had gotten a letter telling her that she needed to pay $6000.00 towards the other person's automobile expenses in order to get her driver's license back, which wasn't going to happen any time soon. I do not know what has happened after this as I was DISFELLOWSHIPPED and my friend is not allowed to talk to me. WHO KNOWS...They may have gotten DISFELLOWSHIPPED TOO. after the "church" finds out about him not having a job again and his wife's situation with her license.
    None of this is ANY OF THE CHURCH'S BUSINESS!
    I know that the man probably took the first job that came along because of the pressure coming from the ministry. They uprooted from their home in Washington State to move to FREEZING North Dakota in the dead of winter...All because the MINISTERS TOLD THEM TO!
    The ministers are causing their own downfall. People are leaving BECAUSE OF THE MINISTRY. The ministers want to keep THEIR "comfy" job and life going, so their treating the "dumb sheep" like their slaves. The pledges that the PCG members made are falling way short, because PEOPLE ARE DISCOURAGED...AND LEAVING...If not being as I mentioned, SECRETLY DISFELLOWSHIPPED, or just THROWN OUT! Everyone I know of in this church is UNHAPPY. NO LOVE IN THE PCG!...B.

  26. Gerald Flurry says the people called into "the church" in this end time are called to support the work. Now this is Christ's words/idea? Called only to "support the work?" AND "the work" includes building all those beautiful homes for the ministry, Armstrong College, AND God's House/Auditorium?" Then Christ needs people with LOTS OF MONEY, RIGHT?...Most people in the PCG are on SS. BUT, they are suppose to "GET A JOB" on top of that...NO MATTER HOW OLD OR WHAT BAD SHAPE YOUR IN! People are KILLING THEMSELVES to help support the work...Only because they are AFRAID OF BEING THROWN OUT OF THE CHURCH!!
    "The Church" is SO CONCERNED WITH IT'S SHEEP'S FINANCES AND HOW THEY SPEND EACH LITTLE PENNY THAT THEY EARN, BUT...Gerald Flurry decided to build that extravagant auditorium...AND STRESS EVERYONE OUT EVEN MORE! He made everyone pledge a certain amount towards the building fund. When the economy got bad...people were unable to KEEP UP...So therefore Gerald Flurry assumed it was the MEMBERS and CO WORKERS FAULT and they had "SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS", so a letter was written by Gerald Flurry to the PCG Members and co workers making them feel ashamed of what they did, or DID NOT DO! SUPPOSEDLY, (because Gerald Flurry said so), the members and co workers got "on the ball" and sent in money which made a quite a difference in the money owed towards the Armstrong Auditorium building fund... (according to Gerald Flurry).
    Where does God say he wants "his people" to brake their necks and kill themselves to build "HIS HOUSE??" The ministry does not even let people HELP EACH OTHER OUT,... like Jesus taught! They say "It will hurt their faith", if someone tries to give another person money. REALLY, the minister wants everyone to give every penny to "the work". FORGET ABOUT LOVE AND HELPING YOUR FELLOW MAN, LIKE CHRIST TAUGHT! Most people are VERY POOR in "the church". They are on food stamps and going to Catholic Charities and other Protestant churches for help with utility bills, clothing, and FOOD. Yea, it will "hurt their faith" if the PCG help's them out any...RIGHT! "The Church" teaches about how to manage your finances and how not to get IN DEBT. Looks like "The Church" isn't taking it's own advice!!
    And besides...the only people that are benefiting from Imperial Academy, Armstrong College, and Armstrong Auditorium are Gerald Flurry, the ministry and others that live at "headquarters" that have their "Little Utopia" right at their front steps.

  27. ...And the PCG's commission in this "end time" is to warn the Laodiceans how "terrible" THEY are??...Give me a break.

  28. How ironic is this...The Philadelphia Church of God does not want to be called a "cult", but as I recall, there was an article written by one of their writers,(possibly Dennis Leap, but I can't say for sure), which I read a few years back, that was titled: "Jesus was the First Cult" Now, if Jesus was the first cult and the PCG claims to follow Christ, with the help of Herbert W. Armstrong and now Gerald Flurry, WHAT'S THEIR PROBLEM WITH NOT WANTING TO BE CALLED A CULT??...HMMM???

  29. Speaking of "unprofitable servants" and "tares"...The Philadelphia Church of God seems to pick and choose which scriptures they want to go by. Take for instance the scriptures concerning the "unprofitable servant", Matthew 25:14-30:... Jesus says THAT will be HIS JOB to judge when He returns, who was unprofitable, concerning talents. The PCG seems to think Jesus gave that job to them somehow the way they can so easily DISFELLOWSHIP MEMBERS for any reason they find. BUT...these same ministers, I don't see separating the wheat from the tares, as in Matthew 13: 24-25.
    Could it be that THEY ARE THE TARES? Makes since to me.

  30. Speaking of the "Place of Safety"...To show you how vain the people at Philadelphia Church of God Headquarters" are:...Once a few years back the person over the music department there was answering some of the members questions and I was sitting there listening. The conversation came up about the "place of safety". The head of the music department said..."Well us at "headquarters" will probably go over there FIRST, (referring to Jerusalem), then THE REST OF YOU WILL GO LATER". He's the same person along with his wife that put a photograph of their family in the annual "Silent Auction" the PCG puts on, as if they are so special someone would want to bid on their picture and win it and take it home and set it on their side table, etc. to admire...IDOL WORSHIP...How vain is that?

  31. I heard the PCG ministry has been disfellowshipping older women on third tithe assistance a few years now. So where are they using that third tithe?

  32. There is a couple in California that are SO AFRAID of being found out by the PCG ministry that the man AGAIN does not have a job. This man is older and in excruciating pain while standing. That's why he had to quit another job. He really should not be working at all. But he knows that if the "ministry" finds out he doesn't have a job...he'll be disfellowshipped!...How SICKENING is that?
    The Ministry needs to be disfellowshipped!...Though not all. Some ministers are sincere. But they have to do as Regional Directors, (such as Brian Davis), tell them to do or THEIR OUT!
    Mr. Flurry has said that the next downfall of the church will come from WITHIN!

  33. Gerald Flurry once commented: "You Regional Directors need to be careful who you make ministers.
    Could it be Gerald Flurry needs to be careful who he makes Regional Directors?...Especially ones that are claiming their from "the line of David!"...

  34. Gerald Flurry has edited HWA's "Mystery of the Ages". Wasn't this what he accused the WWCOG of doing to this and other HWA's books??

  35. Here's a story...I was contacted by a friend of mine in Washington State a while back. She was upset because a certain favorite minister there was being replaced by another minister. She told me that the replacement minister had announced that,"I've come to whip all you into shape. Your all Laodiceans!" This minister was so obnoxious and vain, he was coming up with so many insane ideas. My friend told me this minister was training the congregation on how to make a "perfect pot of coffee" because only Jesus Christ would accept THIS MINISTERS perfect pot of coffee. This man and his wife have a daughter in Imperial Academy. The daughter was caught cheating, (because her mother or someone was giving her the answers online), but they were not suspended or disfellowshipped. The teacher was reprimanded though for accusing the girl of cheating. This minister has several children that have graduated from Armstrong College and this family has a prosperous family business that helps fund the Philadelphia Church of God. The other minister was just "recycled" and sent to headquarters. People not found contributing to the "pot" are out! What is that scripture/scriptures?: James 2:2, Acts 10:34, etc. It's all about money with this cult!


  37. Brian Davis Temper Tantrum Story...

    A few years back, a friend of mine was telling me how Brian Davis had given a sermon that day and how he was very angry at his wife Suzanne for something. She was sitting in the congregation listening as was everyone else. My friend told me that Brian stood there and told everyone something like, "If my wife ever did that, I would tear up the whole motel room!"

    Brian Davis is known for his bad temper.

  38. Andrew Hessong is another one from that family whom likes to publicly embarrass his wife. But his wife just happened not to be there this certain day, as seemed to be becoming a habit at that time. She was probably suspended or made to stay home by her hubby or they were fighting and she refused to come to services with him. What ever the case, he was telling us (the congregation) all about his wife's fears that some other women in a congregation (where they attended)were talking about her and she thought they did not like her. Of course Mr. Hessong thought that was a bunch of bull. His wife was JUST IMAGINING THAT because surely she doesn't have enough sense to know what she is talking about, as he thought. His suggestion was that his wife go up and just ask these women if they had a problem with her. Well, Mrs. Hessong took his advise and asked the women. They all replied, "Oh, no, we don't have a problem with you!" SEE... Andrew was right, wasn't he? No Problem!

    No Problem??...In the first place, he was PUBLICLY HUMILIATING HIS WIFE. I don't know if she ever found out about that, but I'm sure if she did, that only created more problems for her, don't you think?...In the second place, NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO ADMIT THEY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A MINISTERS WIFE IN THIS CHURCH, FOR FEAR OF DISFELLOWSHIP!!...And in the third place...If Mr. Hessong's wife ever did that to him...Well, guess what?

  39. Another Brian Davis story...The PCG holds the annual Silent Auction/ Pine Car Derby Race every year. It's suppose to be for the kids. Well, a few years back there was a certain woman and her son whom kept coming in first. When Brian Davis heard about it, I was told that he went to the science lab or something at "headquarters" to get help because he wanted to build the fastest car...TO BE THE BEST...#1. One such year he was so intent on WINNING that he even forgot his suit coat. He had to stand in front of the congregation embarrassed because he didn't have the right coat. Most didn't realize it was because he was all in a MAD RUSH to drive from "headquarters" to the event, with his mind focused on WINNING THE PINE CAR DERBY RACE...He was going to show that woman!...I believe his car BARELY out run hers that night. Later, the man that was in charge of holding the cars (at the top of the track)insinuated he purposely held hers back so Mr. "I want to WIN'S" car would come in first place. That was also the year they started handing out trophies... Just for Mr. "Weh-Weh" Davis! Yep ...future King/Priest!

  40. Isn't Davis the guy that likes to parade in Lycra bike shorts around the kids? Creepy!

  41. I think you're getting him confused with Dennis Leap...but I don't know, maybe he's picked up the habit too!

  42. We've solved the mystery of who inherits "The Kingdom of God" at Christ's return...Here's the list: Gerald Flurry, his son and his family, Gerald Flurry's daughter, her husband and family. Gerald Flurry's son's wife's father and mother and Gerald Flurry's sons' wife's' brother and his wife and family. The Brian Davis Clan...because... Brian Davis is from the "LINE OF DAVID" just like Mr. HWA and GF, and HIS KIDS are the MOST specialestest!... The Cocomise's...because only MR. COCOMISE knows how to make Christ "a perfect cup of coffee", and the Cocomises are the "MOST SPECIALESTEST", and give "lots of money", and probably know "lots of secrets". Oh yeah...The Hessongs, (all of them)...because Brian Davis is married to Andrew Hessong's sister. Good ole Eric Burns and his wife, (who are liars and crooks), but spend lots of money at the annual Pine Car Derby/Silent Auction. All black people in "The Church"...because the PCG doesn't want to appear "racist". The head of the music department at Armstrong College and his wife and family, because "they'll be going to Jerusalem FIRST"...and the rest of us will have to figure out how to get over there later... Most of the brainwashed Armstrong College students...yada, yada, yada.

  43. Matthew 7:21-23

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    I Never Knew You

    21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

  44. who is this guy Anonymous? he shur has a lot of kids.

  45. Hey Guy's, leave Flurry, this is not God's Church, look at the fruits, this is a man who misuses and exploits others for personal gain. He is so full of it, thinking he is HWA,(one minister told us that HWA had taken him out of an area because of unbalanced views. He seem's to have a way of saying the right thing, but twisting it in an evil way. I have never liked Flurry (false minister), all I have ever heard is that PCG hurts its members or are just incompetent as ministers. Sorry to hear of so much unemployment in USA, sound's bad, all the best my friend's. I will tell you now don't feel bad about being disfellowshiped, God looks on a humble and a contrite spirit, and does not care if you have money or not, he looks at our faith. Don't get discouraged about the Sabbath, was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath, keep the faith, I hear of many people starting to work on the Sabbath. I have been tested many times myself, but I obeyed God and it all worked ok. l hope this will encourage you. Love you all
