Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Honey, I Shrunk The Church Vol 2: UCG

Even though UCG's attendance has dropped from an all time high of around 25,000 (according to Apostle Malm, 18,000 by others), that they have lost thousands of members and 3/4 of the ministry in numerous splinterings, they want you to know they are still the most important work in the world today.  However, with only 7,621 members left, it is up to you to foot the bill for everything!  Open those wallets and purses!  Mortgage those houses, businesses and farms!  Give it to us!

The newest United News reports that in the COE session in December Victor Kubik, Dir. of Ministerial Services gave an attendance figure of 7,621. This figure is for the US only.  When UCG first started it had about 25,000 attendees. Now after major splits (Hulme, Big Sandy and Associated Churches & COGWA) they are down to <9,000 or about 30% of where they started with. (Apostle Malm)


  1. Actually, when UCG first started(correct me if I'm wrong), I think there were about 8,000 or so, then it started to grow to greater numbers over the months and years.We were some of the first to leave in the Houston Area.

  2. I thought 25,000 sounded a lot for the initial breakaway. I also question if they every reached that amount at any point since they started.

  3. It was more like 18,000 early on and I think that was world wide.

  4. "Every plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted" (Matthew 15:13)!!! Just wait for it, it may not happen over night, but it will happen! All in good time!

  5. Douglas Becker said, "It was more like 18,000 early on and I think that was world wide".

    MY COMMENT - That is what I recall too Douglas - 18,000 max.


  6. NO2HWA said...
    "I thought 25,000 sounded a lot for the initial breakaway. I also question if they every reached that amount at any point since they started."

    MY COMMENT: Didn't COGWA report that they only had around 7,000 for the feast, and UCG reported a while back that they had around 9,000? That's only 16,000. So, what happened to the other 9,000?

    Lake of Fire Church of God said...
    Douglas Becker said, "It was more like 18,000 early on and I think that was world wide".

    MY COMMENT - "That is what I recall too Douglas - 18,000 max."

    MY COMMENT: I think you may be a little off. I don't think the UCG started with that many. If they did, why do their numbers(UCG and COGWA combined)fall even short of that amount? I'll find the correct documentation and get back to you.

  7. MY COMMENT: Here's where I found the number to be 12,000, but you know how the "ministers" always like to "exaggerate".

    Worldwide Church of God - Christian or Cult?
    ... the United Church of God; ... What is Happening With the Worldwide Church of God?** Many well-known ... A Personal Note from a Former Worldwide Church of God Member…


  8. Thanks Steve! I stand corrected.

    Now that I think about it more, the 18,000 may have been sourced by the UCG - and we know how Armstrongites exaggerate (especially the attendance numbers),

