Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meredith's Wife Has Stage 4 Cancer

Living Church of God Northeast has announced that Rod Meredith's wife has stage 4 cancer.

Your prayers are requested for Mrs. Sheryl Meredith, wife of Mr. Meredith, who has been diagnosed with stage-4 cancer throughout her liver and other parts of the stomach region. 

It has always been a fact that wives of so many ministers and church leaders have been stricken by cancer.  During the 1980's there was a huge number of ministers wives that were stricken.

I am sure this has to be hard on Rod Meredith, since his first wife Margie also died from cancer. Plus, with Rod's stroke and his declining health this does not bode well.


  1. Isn't there e link between extreme stress and cancer. It can't be easy for ministers' wives.

  2. It certainly isn't easy for ministers wive, yet that was the almost universal goal of most Ambassador coeds. I can only imagine the psychological stress.

    Whether or not the stress has led to more than usual cancer is a matter of speculation.

    I'd say Rod had better be lining up a successor. This added stress can't be having a very good effect on him either. It will be interesting to see how much power struggle is in the offing. You can bet there will ba a lot of sour grapes from all those narcissists.

    Have they proclaimed another fast for the Mrs.?

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Winnail is named as successor. Speculative. He has a legitimate Ph.D., which lends to some credibility. All-around nice guy. Although he is now past retirement age, so he may not want the job.

  4. It's not easy for ministers wives. It is nothing but stress and the drama of others that invades your life. Expectations of her are unrealistic and you can't ever let em see you less than the best example of all things God.

    Both minister and minister wife is an unnatural, unrealistic and can be an inauthentic experience.

    My wish for Mrs M is peace, acceptance and strength as this time in life approaches. I wish the same for Mr. Meredith.

    Ultimately, we are all one and the same.

  5. His first wife, Margie, had skin cancer, and Rod laughed about it while talking to my father, and said, "It's only a skin condition!"

    It went untreated, and Margie died in '76.

    My mom tells me that Margie was a very gracious and nice lady.

    Too bad her husband was a cult leader who made people die unnecessarily.

    I wish better for Rod's current wife.


  6. His first wife, Margie, had skin cancer, and Rod laughed about it while talking to my father, and said, "It's only a skin condition!"

    It went untreated, and Margie died in '76.

    My mom tells me that Margie was a very gracious and nice lady.

    Too bad her husband was a cult leader that made people die unnecessarily.


  7. Certainly the humanity in all of us triggers feelings of compassion when we hear news regarding the suffering of others. I've always felt that it's appropriate upon hearing such news that we put our philosphical differences on the back burner, and either pray for or think positive thoughts on behalf of others whom we know are suffering.

    This is no exception.


  8. Is there a doctor in the cards or are they depending on prayer?

  9. That's the truth BB. I still believe he will have no mercy who shows no mercy in someway.

  10. I never was too well acquainted with Margie Meredith. She was a McNair, sister to Raymond, Burk, Carl, etc. Both she and Rod graduated just prior to my attendance at AC. I visted the college the autumn they were married and was at their wedding and reception.

    The whole atmosphere of the college and church was totally different then. There seemed to be a tangible feeling of love and humility. That soon changed with the growth of church corporate.

    I'm sure Margie was a sincere and dedicated person, just as we all were back then. I'm sorry she had to suffer as she did when it probably could have been thwarted. We've all paid some stiff prices for our foolish dedication.

    I never had the opportunity to even know his present wife. Out of human compassion and concern, I sincerely wish her the best and hope that she doesn't have to suffer needlessly.

  11. I'm no longer part of any COG or any religous corporation, but remain a commited Christian. I can only hope and pray God looks mercifully on her and her family, and their faith gives them some strength and comfort in the days ahead. We all need a little faith to get us by in these uncertain times so my heart goes out to her and hers in this hour of trial.

  12. My mother was a member of Rod Meredith's Living Church of God. She died in 2009 of horrible breast cancer. Putting our religious differences aside for a moment, the few members of the Living Church of God here locally were very supportive visiting my mother at the hospital in her final weeks and days alive on this earth.

    I trust the dedicated few members of LCG locally will be there for Mrs. Meredith and her family in the same way that they were there for my mother.

    And I agree with Dennis - he will have no mercy who shows no mercy in someway.

    We are all human beings connected in some way. No one is perfect. I feel compassion for the Meredith's at this difficult time in their personal lives.


  13. Dr. Meredith may have laughed about his first wife's "skin condition" while he was alive - but once she died, his perspective certainly changed.

    One former A.C. student told me she witnessed Dr. Meredith break down and cry during a class, as he talked about his late wife.

    So my prayers are with both him and his wife.

  14. RCM was visiting me in NY and had dinner with us right after his first wife had died. He started talking about it and broke down crying as anyone who loved someone now gone would. We just sat and listened and I saw that all of us are just folks. He may have been in a bit of denial and such when she fell ill, but I see that all the time in many people. Fear makes us say, do and deny many things until we can't any longer.

    In addition, all the "promises" in the Bible that if we do this, then God will do that haunt us into inaction at times thinking they really are true and will deliver which they don't.

    I feel personally that I can count on one hand the ministers still doing what they do as being insincere and in it for either ego needs or suffering from delusions and mental issues. This is my experience.

  15. I feel personally that I can count on one hand the ministers still doing what they do as being insincere and in it for either ego needs or suffering from delusions and mental issues.

    Perhaps they are not consciously doing it for those reasons.

    We note that no matter what, they still take the money.

    And the model of the Princeton Prison Experiment still seems to apply.

  16. I just hope they allow her to take morphine to stop the terrible pain, but knowing them, they won't

  17. Roderick Meredith is a sinful, porn addicted liar, and his LCG and it's ministers are satan's minions especially Wallace and Douglas! They have supported spousal abuse, child abuse and misled many who died from not receiving medical attention. I have compassion for Mrs. Meredith and I will pray for her but the old Rod can't die soon enough and with him, I hope, the entire satan inspired LCG corpooration!!!!

  18. To "anonymous" who stated that " but the old Rod can't die soon enough and with him, I hope, the entire satan inspired LCG corpooration!!!!" do you think that this is a Godly attitude? You seem to have a severe judgemental, accusative mind and heart condemning a whole group to death, something that only God is the judge over, you must think that you are God himself!! May God have extra mercy on You in the judgement day!!
