Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, January 9, 2012

Picture Story On How A COG Brain Works

Here's a fine example on what Armstrongism will do to your brain:

Bull standing by covered wagon and not a sin to have as it's not in a place of worship.

Same Bull but with quite a different background and is what God stated was sin.
God Himself stated that we should destroy those that are in the worship place...So!

I took a hammer and destroyed that Pagan Bull as God commanded.

Here is a Pagan symbol and is what God stated was sin.
God Himself stated that we should destroy those that are in the worship place...So!

I took a hammer and destroyed that Pagan symbol as God commanded and if this offends you and the destruction of the bull did not then that means you do worship it!


  1. Does using the shredder on The Good News also count for ridding ourselves of pagan images -- what with that "Preparing a People for Mental Control" and all?

  2. What steakhouse kicked you out, after you did all that? :--O

  3. Douglas Becker said...
    "Does using the shredder on The Good News also count for ridding ourselves of pagan images -- what with that "Preparing a People for Mental Control" and all?"

    MY COMMENT: Only if you spread it out on a table with a doily, a plate of unleavened bread, and tiny little glasses of wine. If you have it by you when you're on the shitter, well, you know what to do with it.
