Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Secret Video of Approved Dancing For Church of Malm Feast 2012

Below is secret video ready to be sent out to those who will be attending James Malm's upcoming Feast of Tabernacles this fall.  Apostle Malm is thoroughly disgusted by ballroom dancing and any kind of dancing that is "touchy feely."  He does approve though of dancing in the style of David.  

In Apostle Malm's church I guess men obviously cannot control their sexual desires when they ballroom dance. I do have to wonder how women will react to naked or loin covered men cavorting down the aisles at the Feast. 

Since many COG have square dances during the Feast  I guess this gives a whole new meaning to "swing your partners round and round."

Malm seems to be typical of the various COGers that try to be wanna-be Jews.  They already think they alone are the world's best law keepers so it is a natural progression to want to be like the Jews. This pretend Jewish  atmosphere is what caused the Ambassador Foundation so many headaches.  Itzhak Perlman and  some other Jewish performers refused to perform in the auditorium because they though the church was pretending to be Jewish and that it was trying to lure Jews into the church through our fake Jewish observances.

Men, rip off those shirts and pants, gird up your loins and grind down the floor!  Ladies, please no laughing.  that would be so unchristian of you.

The King David Dance

Dance Like David


  1. If I get to see naked men dancing I just might go back to the Feast this year. They had better be hunky though. The hubby can stay home and watch the kids that day.

  2. Now if anyone were to say that was over the top, I might possibly be inclined to agree with them.

    The second video look more like calisthenics -- I am pretty sure that Mr. (Pastor?) Malm did not have anything of the sort of that which was presented in these videos.

  3. Basically, dancing is a mating ritual. Young people go to dances to scope out what's available in the opposite sex, and also to have social fun.

    I found two mates in square dancing, even though I thoroughly loved the dancing just for the dancing. While I was enjoying the dances, I was deliberately "on the prowl." Does that make me a pervert? I needed loving companionship -- and sex. I went out to get both. Oh, how could I be that sensual?

    What's wrong with sexual overtones in dancing? Look at the rest of the animal kingdom. Peacocks don't strut just to show off those pretty feathers. They have an ulterior motive.

    We're still saddled with the perverted thinking and approaches of idiots like Augustine.

    Yeah, dancing can be very erotic. Viva la erotica! It keeps the species going.

  4. Alrighty then.


    To each his own.

    Who am I to criticise?

  5. Sorry, Sharon. If Malm is going to do it right (that is, follow Jewish example), he will divide the dance space with a screen, the way it was done at my daughter's Jewish wedding. Men will dance only with men, women only with women, and they will not be able to see the action on the other side.

    Can't you just imagine how scandalized Rick Santorum would be by all this same-sex revelry?

  6. I agree Sharon! I might go back to see hunky men dancing down the aisle too. Woo Hoo!

  7. Hmm. I think that is probably what Tom Cruise was doing on Oprah's couch. Looks the same to me at least.

  8. And of course we know how David danced from eye witnesses who are still around after all these years to lend that air of credibility to these dances.

    This Davidic dance crap is just that, made up crap .

  9. I'd go to the "feast" if I could see young hot chick babes dancing, you know, the kind you see on TV in the commercials and TV episodes, and the news commentators. I wonder where they get all those hot chick babes? What happens to all the hot chick babes when they get too old? Do they file them under "Old Hot Chick Babes"?
