Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Can Dave Pack be trusted to tell the truth about himself or anyone else?

Can Dave Pack be trusted to tell the truth
about himself or anyone else?
Dave Pack has made many false and disparaging remarks about those that have left his employ or have left his church. How can you be sure whether he is telling the truth or telling lies? Unless you have firsthand knowledge of  him and his behavior, it may be difficult to determine with absolute certainty.

What if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has lied about himself, in order to make himself look good to others? And what if those lies can be exposed for the lies that they truly are? Then you could know with certainty that he is the type of man who will lie about others who are exposing him in order to make them look as bad as possible and him as good as possible.

Let’s examine some claims Dave Pack has made about himself!
"I am certainly ready and willing to do the work of spreading the message of the Kingdom of God to the world. I have a whole host of ideas about HOW to do it should Christ make the funds and staff available. For instance, The Plain Truth newsstand program was largely a project that I developed, almost from its inception."David C. Pack, Why The Restored Church of God? Page 19 second Paragraph Edition 1.2 June 1999
Surely, Dave Pack would not mislead anyone or "misspeak himself" about himself. He of all people would know whether the above statement is truthful or not! He of all people would know what events have happened in his life!

To put the above statement in print in a foundational booklet about his church must be proof that he is telling the truth about himself. Right?

Let’s see what official Worldwide Church of God documents and publications from the time period in question reveal.
In Volume 1, Number 2 of The Worldwide News dated April 30, 1973 on page 3 it says:
Plain Truth Newsstand Distribution Rapidly Accelerating Worldwide
Bricket Wood – A dramatic idea fired our imagination almost two years ago here in England. The idea – newsstand distribution – came from Mr. Ronald Dart, then director of the foreign educational service.
The door of radio broadcasting in Britain had already closed very firmly in 1967, and the Work had one less medium by which to advertise and educate. A new method of promoting The Plain Truth had to be found.
In 1971 Mr. Dart said he believed that newspaper and magazine shops and outlets in rail, bus and air terminals would prove effective distribution points for The Plain Truth.
Experience has shown he was absolutely right. Now, the program of newsstand distribution is gathering momentum in other countries.
From humble beginnings in July, 1971, when 399 magazines were placed on newsstands in Britain, the operation has accelerated rapidly.
Now, a total of 170,000 copies are dispatched each month to the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal, the Falkland Islands, French Canada, South Africa and Japan.
By including subscription cards in the newsstand issues, many thousands have been encouraged to request regular mailed copies. A full five percent of each month’s readership request a subscription.

It is clear and beyond any shadow of a doubt that Dave Pack has lied to us in the pages of his booklet entitled "Why the RCG?" Official Worldwide Church of God literature informs us the idea was Mr. Ron Dart’s, not Dave Pack’s. Nowhere in the article does the name of Dave Pack even appear. Interesting indeed if the statement "The Plain Truth newsstand program was largely a project that I developed, almost from its inception" was actually true. What is even more interesting about Dave Pack’s claim to fame regarding the newsstand program being his idea and not Mr. Dart’s is the fact that Dave Pack was still a novice in the truth at AC at the time Mr. Dart created the newsstand program. His claim has a similar ring to his stealing the credit from Karen Ray and her compilations of doctrinal changes and calling it all his own ("Except There Come A Falling Away" and "Except The Lord Build The House").

This is just one of many provable examples of how Dave Pack makes boastful claims about himself, in order to glorify himself, all the while telling a pack of lies.

From the Way Back Machine:  Can Dave Pack be trusted to tell the truth about himself or anyone else? 


  1. In 1973-74 I was sent to Chicago under the Regional Director. It was that year the RD brought Dave Pack into the ministry from which he had been laid off previously. He did not start any PT News Stand program.

    He may have put PT's out in stands around Chicago and then , in his mind, remember that as "starting" or "being responsible for" the program.

    I have read the "Chicago" part of his autobiography and evidently there are two Chicagos on the planet.

  2. I would LMAO if we start seeing the spin machine crank up over at the Longtime Ministers Speak Out page. There is no excuse for DP's psycho behavior other than being a narcissist. I can't believe he still even has a church. Are people really that dumb to live under that kind of tyranny?

  3. Yes, people are that dumb.

    What Pack does is very common in all corporate. Dedicated people work their behinds off only to find those who have wheedled their way into superior positions taking the credit to agrandize themselves.

  4. Dennis,

    I'd tend to wonder about him putting PTs out around Chicago. There are anecdotes in the Ambassador Reports archives over at Painful Truth indicating that Pack was afraid to go into "negro" neighborhoods around New York while working his visiting program.

    You know, some of us worry about occasionally sugar coating or exaggerating in our own favor, but Pack takes all of the self hype to (pun intended) an ungodly level! He's the kind of guy whom you'd wish could restrict himself just to sugar coating. I have to wonder if while growing up he never got any recognition or respect.

