Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dad of the Year!


  1. Why would anyone admit, on the world stage, what a bad parent he is? I do not understand the interest in airing one's dirty laundry in front of the world. People like this make all law abiding, and safety minded, gun owners look bad.

  2. An irrational response to irrational behavior.

    And the winner is...

    for best illustration of the "Warrior Gene".

  3. He's not admitting he is a bad parent. What can be worse that a snot nosed obnoxious 15 year old teenager? Kids on Facebook today say all kinds of filth to make their friends think they are cool. Believe me I know, I have two and have had the same problems with them.

  4. Maybe there is a reason she is a jerk. Maybe because her dad is a jerk.

  5. After thinking about this, I believe this will prove to be a big mistake on the part of Dad. Like millions of others, this event in their family drama should be handled privately. The daughter took the low road and perhaps a simple "I read what you said on FB" would have been sufficient. The daughter was emotionally showing off her independance to her peers and the dad was showing off his emotional control to the parents. Same prob, different view maybe?

    At any rate, the first reaction is "whoa...kick ass.." the second is "I wonder how their relationship will go the rest of their lives..."

  6. She went on Face Book
    He went to the world

    She embarassed the family
    He embarassed the daughter

    She used bad language describing Dad
    He shoots holes in her computer

    She is young transitioning between being a child and adult
    He is older transitioning between acting like a child and an adult

    She is going to have to face him at home
    He is going to have to face her at home

    Everyone in her school and community knows what she did
    Everyone in the whole world knows what she said and his reaction

    He is going to have to forgive her
    She is going to have to forgive him

    She will learn never to air your dirty laundry in public
    He will learn not to air your dirty laundry to the world

    She will probably never view her dad in quit the same way again since he used a gun
    He will never view his daughter the same way since she didn't talk with him directly about her feelings.

    She will learn not to inflict the wrong on parents
    He will learn why do you rather not take the wrong and rise above it.

    She will learn this was not worth it
    He will learn this was not worth it


  7. I don't agree with the slamming of the father at all! Most adults do not understand the power of the internet, Facebook in particular, on youth of today. "Friending" is a serious business with them. Facebook is most powerful in alienating many kids from their parents and society around them. they will say things there that they will never say at home or to their parents face. Profanity and sex abound. Look at the power it has over the kids who have committed suicide over the last few years because of Facebook taunts. I congratulate this father on taking a stand with the best way possible in reigning his daughter in. She may be mightily embarrassed and angry, but I say SO WHAT! She is fifteen and does NOT control her family and should not be allowed to do what she did. If I were her father I would have taken a sledge hammer to her computer, cell phone and everything else.

  8. Yet another Dr. Phil opportunity.

  9. I myself put the blame exactly where it belongs: The Disney Channel.

    I won't name names, of course, but maybe the example of Selena Gomez may spring to mind; is it really an act, or what?

  10. In some ways, I'm glad that I'm not a teenager today, during the era of electronic devices. I've heard stories of horrendous, malicious usages of them by both teenagers and adults.

    On the other hand, one positive aspect to modern electronics is that they do help in forcing accountability, such as in cases where police brutality is filmed on a cell phone. In that respect, I wish we'd had these things to film WCG child abuse when I was a teenager living at home.

    (sigh), People have found ways of using virtually anything made to accomplish either greater good, or the worst imaginable bad. Making bad decisions has always been the downside of free will.


  11. My reactions:

    1. The father is a dumbass.
    2. The daughter is a dumbass.
    3. It is probable that dumbasses comprise the entire family.
    4. Overall, I feel sorry for the daughter for having being born into that family.
    5. I am glad I am at a point in my life where I can choose to limit my exposure to people like that.
