Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Even Elijah's Facebook Friends are Ignoring Him!

Did you know that Elijah III (Harold Reimann) has moved to Lucerne Valley, CA (up by Victorville) so he could  live in the desert like John the Baptist did?

Elijah III would tell you to quit saying, "Happy Birthday." You rave against Christmas and yet say the pagan happy birthday. It stamps you as Satan's, just as Rx, the eye of Horus, stamps drugs as Satan's. Just as the 2 snakes of the medical caduceus stamp the medical profession as Satan's.

Elijah III would tell women to quit wearing makeup. Don't look like a whore! Let your kosmeo (where we get cosmetics - your adorning) be in subjection to your husband like Sarah was. Not outward adorning but inward adorning of a meek and quiet spirit. Do not try to usurp authority over a man. Be keepers at home!

So where is Elijah III? He's here somewhere. If it's me, Lucerne Valley, CA. You think he lives in a big city? Wilderness probably like John the Baptist. That's why I moved to the desert. Plus I didn't want all the crime connected with all the minorities. Will he be a minister? God is sending a special messenger because his ministers are not doing their job. I don't think he will be a minister. Look for someone who has not changed in the midst of doctrinal change these last 50 years. I have not changed.

Elijah Harold has been posting  his junk about the evils of doctors for fifteen years now.  In all those years only 1 person has ever responded to his craziness. Even his so called 'friends' on Facebook are ignore him:

A daughter of one of the church's evangelists told me to to tell her when I found Elijah III. I told her everyone will know when Elijah III comes. Just like Elijah and John the Baptist. Both made a lot of waves! Now John did not perform any miracles. But then he preached before Jesus was killed. Elijah III will preach before Jesus comes as King of Kings and kills most of mankind. So I believe we shall see POWER from Elijah III. And that's why I destroyed my best work, "God Or Doctors?" I've had those words of TRUTH since 1996 on the web AND NO RESPONSE (except 1). I'm tired of words but still I write. I want to see POWER! I want to see Elijah III. And I'm so sure he's coming that I tied my hand behind my back, my proof that the whole church is off the track in healing and would go into the tribulation if it wasn't for the coming of Elijah III! That's why it's so easy to be on the inside track. The church isn't even racing.

Look, I've just started this book. I have 293 people on my friend's list in FB. Very few women because my page is very serious! Yet, not one response to my book as yet. Not even from Tim Hall. So so far, no interactive book. But this is only Day Two.


  1. "Plus (he) didn't want all the crime connected with all the minorities."

    Yet another racist nutjob to come crawling out of the rotting corpse of WCG.

    Seems like they just keep on coming.

  2. guy is also has a racist flair about him. Pretty dangerous to the more serious member. scary stuff, really scary.

  3. "Elijah III would tell you to quit saying, 'Happy Birthday'... Elijah III would tell women to quit wearing makeup...So where is Elijah III? He's here somewhere. If it's me, Lucerne Valley, CA. You think he lives in a big city? Wilderness probably like John the Baptist. That's why I moved to the desert...Will he be a minister? God is sending a special messenger because his ministers are not doing their job. I don't think he will be a minister. Look for someone who has not changed in the midst of doctrinal change these last 50 years. I have not changed..."

    What Elijah III isn't telling you is how he left his first wife, abandoned his children, skipped town, and started a new family. Why did Elijah III do this? Because his first wife caught him sexually molesting their daughter! That's why! Does it really matter what Elijah III would tell others to do if he wouldn't tell himself to quit molesting his own children?

    He is straining at gnats and swallowing camels! Hypocrite! First take the 2x4 out of your own eye, then remove the splinter from your neighbor's eye! If Elijah III has not changed in 50 years, then he definitely belongs behind bars.

    Racist nutjob doesn't even begin to cover it. This man was a sick bastard, and he claims to be the same sick bastard, apparently. Even if this man did start to work miracles, I would seriously doubt that they were by the power of God.
