Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Idiots In The Pulpit: Buzz Aldren Does What Many People Would Like To Do!

Here is an idiot minister who claims Buzz Aldren never walked on the moon.  
Pay close attention towards the end of the clip to see Aldren do what so many people would 
like to do to some ministers (including many in Armstrongism).


  1. Moon Conspiracy people are constantly claiming that Neil Armstrong won't do interviews because of a guilty conscience. Actually, he won't do interviews because the public isn't kind, even to it's heroes. He is a private man, and even moreso because of creeps like this guy.

    If I was Buzz Aldrin or Gene Cernan, or any other guys who got to visit the moon, and someone came at me with accusation, and then started telling me what I had to do, like swearing on a bible, I wouldn't submit to anything he wanted me to do either. It's insulting.

    Michael Moore has done a world of harm to the field of investigative journalism and the documentary film genre. This guy trying to follow in his footsteps is just one example of that harm.

    GO BUZZ!

  2. I don't like violence, but that jackass deserved the punch.

  3. Didn't Jesus say "do not judge" yet this man is saying Buzz is a lier. What a hypocrate.

    Good for Buzz for punching him in the face.

  4. Jesus didn't say you can't "Judge other". He said that we shouldn't do it as a hypocrite. Throughout the NT its writers made judgement calls about people. Read the passage in context,please!

  5. I must say that was pretty good form for a man of Aldren's age. Heck, it was good no matter his age. And that guy was indeed a jackass.
