Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's A Masonic Conspiracy!

Bet you never knew that ALL the McNairs were Masons did you? What about David Hulme? Rod Meredith? Imagine Rod as a Mason - Oy! Stan Rader we have all heard about and Tkach too. Is any of it really true or is this just another conspiracy theory for the mentally disturbed in Armstrongism to latch on to in order to make themselves feel special and set apart?

Apostle Malm is on an anti-Masonry snit-fest today. It was all a Masonic conspiracy that destroyed the Church of God.  According to Apostle Malm and Christan conspiracy nutjobs, the Masons have been instructed by Satan Lucifer to infiltrate all religions and destroy them.

The Apostle notes that for decades the WCG had articles and booklets on Masonry.  Jack Elliot had written several articles on the subject.  Then along comes Stan and the brakes go on and the booklets and articles are removed.

One thing that Apostle Malm did not know about was the Auditorium.  Years ago there was a man touring the building and he informed me he was one of the people that helped construct the building through the auspices of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall.  He claimed that the entire Auditorium was built with Masonic symbolism.  The Auditorium is a cube shape (take away the white pillars that disguise it).  It faces East so that all worshippers in the  building always faced the rising sun. There was a room in the ceiling area on the upper left side that was appropriate to Masonic symbolism in its placement.  The colors used. Various shapes in the design.  He also said that Masonic coins were located throughout the building in different locations, placed there by workers.

Nor did the Apostle mention this delightful little tidbit: the bridges over the lake intersect into a female sexual symbol with the fountain symbolising the penis with it's rigid shaft and spurting water.

Of course all of these things are nothing new.  There were rumors of this in the mid to late 70's, so much so, that GTA stood on the stage one day and said that some of these weird people who believe this kind of stuff would get "turned on by piano legs."

Never mind the fact that a huge percentage of Armstrongite churches have met in Masonic, Elks and Odd Fellows Halls over the decades.  I guess that all seeing eye staring down at us was Lucifer's way of infiltrating the church.


  1. Well, this conforms to another embeddable pattern found in Armstrongism, which would be the act of searching for, and fixating upon some sort of systemic evil influence.

    Whether it's the constant search for pagan influences, obsessively searching for unclean ingredients on the labels of foodstuffs, or the search for Masonic encroachments into "God's True Church", it all conforms to the same basic habit pattern. Add this to a constant search for conspiracies, and fear of approaching doom, and you've got a totally debillitating pattern of life! It certainly is not Christian, either, though some were programmed to label it as such.

    In real life, we classify irrational behvior and give it names that sound like diseases from which one should recover. In Armstrongism, apparently one is encouraged to embrace it all.


  2. Of course! It ALL makes sense now doesn't it!

    HWA copied his, "We Will Be God Beings as we are Human Beings" from Mormonism. Its founder, Joseph Smith, was a low level Freemason who'd embedded a host of Masonic symbology and teaching into his religion hence, "As man now is, God once was; As God now is, man may become."

    Not only that, but HWA was a sexual deviant and obsessed with sex (e.g. "Missing Dimension in Sex" tome) and we all know that the Masons worship sex since the "G" in the Masonic logo stands for the "Generative power." Is it any wonder then that he focused so heavily on sex and sexuality (e.g. God is reproducing himself, etc)?

    Or maybe because he cut and paste so much of his own teachings from other fringe cults who had copied it from other fringe cults like the Masons he really didn't know what he was playing with until it was too late?

  3. Just stumbled onto your site, am enjoying your articles. I haven't followed very closely the innumerable cults after the demise of WWCG, although I had my fill with a couple of them. So I always learn something when I find these kinds of materials. Your writing is interesting, entertaining, humorous and to the point, and a good point it is. Thanks.

  4. Hello, I never studied freemason hand signs, so I am speaking in ignorance, but when I saw this photo of HA, it made me wonder if it was a secret society hand position because it was a very deliberate pose.

    So if there was free masonry symbolism in the pasadena center, and if that symbolism was approved by HA (or maybe it wasn't, maybe just the architects' fancy?), what is the origin? Was HA a secret member of the freemason or other secret society? Did HA have any dealing with occult practices?
