Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, February 2, 2012

More From the Darkside of Restored Church of God

William Behrer has a warning tonight for all COG members in ALL the various splinter cults.  You have been warned!  You are deceived!  You are being lead astray by "evil men and seducers..." who are out to steal your crown!  These "serpents and vipers" are out to deceive all.

This task is increasingly important today. A list of end-time conditions in II Timothy 3 begins with, “in the last days perilous times shall come” (vs. 1). Verse 13 summarizes one of these trends: “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Put simply, the Bible warns of a massive increase of false teachers and deception—today! Look around in the WCG offshoots to confirm this reality is upon us.

When we warn of doctrinal error, sometimes we use strong language intended to stir readers to action—which can, again, make some feel we are “attacking” others. Recall, however, Jesus Christ’s sharp words to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23, where He called them “hypocrites,” “fools and blind,” “full of hypocrisy and iniquity,” “blind guides,” “serpents” and a “generation of vipers.” How many would accuse CHRIST of being “too harsh” or “unloving” in these verses? Yet God’s Church is blasted for using language that hardly approaches His choice of words. Combating False Doctrine

Reading the above it sounds like a perfect description of the putrid mess that is Packism and the Restored Church of God. Vile vermin out to destroy the lives of over 2,000 members.

Behrer also has a warning to me and all the others that mock this absurd little cult called Restored Church of God:

Internet critics continue to ridicule and mock the clear command of Jesus Christ to “anoint your eyes” (Rev. 3:18). They do so at their peril.

At what peril?  It is certainly not from RCG's little impotent god that was so weak he lost his message for 1,900 years and had to wait for Davie to find it after HWA dug it up.   I have no need to fear Behrer's god or the Baals that Pack bows down to.  Nor should anyone else!


  1. "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” This describes David Pack and his leading cronies. It's ironic how those that call the rest of blind and tell us to anoint our eyes can't see they are the most deceived of all. Examine yourself and stop trying to work our our salvation. You act like a bunch of self-rightous fools!

  2. Matt 5:22 "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell."

    Matt. 23:17 You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?"

    Never could understand, though I know the apologetic on these two saying of Jesus, how one could warn of such danger in calling one a fool and then turn around in the same book, one chapter later and call everyone a fool. I know...Jesus meant not to call the brethren fools, just the real fools not in the brethrenhood. Doesn't work for me.

    In the same way, the Apostle Paul pretends that "when cursed we bless and curse not," and then turns around and curses and damns anyone who preaches another Gospel than his.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.


  3. PS as long as we're at it...here is the apologetic.

    "While this verse, when taken in its context, is seen to be consistent with Jesus’ words and actions recorded elsewhere in the gospel accounts, His prohibition regarding the manner of a word’s usage should not be overlooked in the apologist’s effort to defend biblical inerrancy. We may call an atheist a “fool” for not acknowledging God’s existence (Psalm 14:1), but to do so in a hateful, malicious manner is sinful. Remember, the Christian is called to “give a defense to everyone” in a spirit of “meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15)."

    So as long as you don't call someone a "fool" with a bad attitude or in a hateful way, it's fine.

    So we have to ask if this RCG Dorksider...oops sorry, bad attitude there...minister, is being hateful calling all others fools or just being nice about it with no malice.

    I imagine if he answers he might say, "I call people fools out of love and concern for them with the hope they will turn towards the Dork..., oops, truth and be healed."


  4. NO2HWA,

    I love it! They are all paying attention to your site because you have their number. All of those deceptive little bastards know that you know that they are just little con men peddling the word of god for profit and power over their followers.This is great! Keep up the good work of exposing these false teachers.

  5. You have been warned! You are deceived! You are being lead astray by "evil men and seducers..." who are out to steal your crown!

    It's interesting that people who join cults seem to fall into the following categories, which are rather at odds with one another-

    1) Thinking that joining the cult will yield rewards


    2) A genuine altruism

    The cult leaders maximize their recruit numbers, appealing to both groups, by using various tactics.

    But, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog POOPS on ALL of their tactics!


  6. William Behrer needs something different for his eyes so he may see with clearer vision.

    William wrote about: "...A list of end-time conditions in II Timothy 3 begins with, “in the last days perilous times shall come” (vs. 1). Verse 13 summarizes one of these trends: “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Put simply, the Bible warns of a massive increase of false teachers and deception—today!..."

    Well, who says these are the latter days? Those conditions existed back in Christ's day when He walked this earth; and yes, they exist today and they will again exist when Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit. I think William might want to consider after reading the events that occur after Satan exits that pit that the latter days are much further off than he imagines.

    One other reason William needs another eye check-up is evident when we read where he wrote this: "...Recall, however, Jesus Christ’s sharp words to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23, where He called them “hypocrites,” “fools and blind,” “full of hypocrisy and iniquity,” “blind guides,” “serpents” and a “generation of vipers.” ..."

    Christ was speaking through the scribes and Pharisees to Satan and his angels, who were controlling them. In context, Christ said: "That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar." Matthew 23:35

    Which scribe and/or Pharisee that Christ confronted was responsible for what happened to Abel and Zacharias?

    Christ spoke to the scribes and Pharisees like He did that one time to Peter when He said to Peter: "...Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."

    Also, William Behrer, if you read this...we don't need any of your "Fear Religion" put on us...


  7. Where's Dale?
    I miss him already. Compared to the drivel the Prince and Mr. Bill are shoveling, Dale seems normal. At least he admitted his momentary lapse of judgement in using his own mind to form opinions.

  8. Those who lead the RCG are not brethren. They are false prophets. They are actors pretending to be true ministers of God.
