Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wit and Wisdom From The Messianic Armstrongite Kabbalists

Oh the joys of the Internet!  No longer can Armstrongites sit back and claim they are the most unified, biblical oriented true church on the face of he earth.  There are so many factions and beliefs in Armstrongism now that there will never be unification.

While some branches of Armstrongism have unrepentant sinners going to the Lake of Fire, the Messianic Armstrongite Kabbalists have EVERYONE being send to  hell for a twelve month purification process. But if you were a good little boy or girl on earth then your stay in hell might be a little shorter.  The better person you are the less time you will have the flames of hell licking at your feet. Then, if you are still and rebellious sinner, you will get sent to the Lake of Fire.

The Messianic Kabbalist Pastor General writes

The Zohar reveals that the maximum duration of stay in Hell of an unclean soul is 12 months. For the souls that are less impure than others, they may stay in Hell just for hours, days, weeks, and a few months, depending on how impure they are, and depending on how easy the impurities are removed from them. 

People may think that it is just a short period of time, but the pain that will be experienced here in Hell, for every second or minute is indescribable! It is hope that by this length of time, or less, the person would have totally and humbly accepted God's purification process. If this is the case, God will now allow that purified soul to enter His Kingdom and be given eternal life.

In spite of all of this you should be encouraged!  Your evil angel that's been assigned to you will perish too and will no longer be able to influence anyone.

The Zohar revealed that one who commits one sin acquires one prosecutor. A fire descends from up high and burns the body parts, the fat and the portions of the bullocks, the sheep, the he-goats and the she-goats, which is a secret of Yud Hei Vav Hei that descends like a lion of fire to burn them. Their members are burned and the Demons or the Evil Angels in charge of the sinning members are also burned.

I guess God was too stupid to give each person a good angel.  So much for the loving God......

Next our glorious leader in Armstrongism discusses our reentry into the Garden of Eden.  Alas, the chances of you making are slim because of climate change.  Say what?

Man's re-entry to the Garden of Eden was enabled by the death sacrifice of Christ, and Christ's resurrection from the dead enables man to eat from the Tree of Life. For an in-depth explanation about  how can one be qualified to re-enter Paradise, please go to: DO YOU KNOW THE BIBLE PARDES? It is the 4 Levels of Bible Knowledge and Understanding! Reaching the 4th Level, which is the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, Qualifies You to Enter Paradise (the Garden of Eden)!

But before man can enter back to the Garden, he must be purified to that status of Adam before the sin. Climate Change is one of the major purification processes in this human life that every human being must be exposed to and tried (Rev 3:10). MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM is the other option, which is relatively easy and less painful.

If you are not being purified in hell I guess the sun's going to fry your sorry butt.

Then he moves on to Elijah.  From the qualification he lists below it immediately dismisses most Armstrongite ministers and evangelists from ever being Elijah.  Most of them are not sexually pure and are filled with greed and lust.  It's tough being an Elijah in Armstrongism!  Even Elijah Reimann feels this.


According to the Zohar, Elijah is the reincarnation of Phinehas, also known as Pinchas. During the time of Moses, while Israel succumbed to the sexual and idolatrous temptation of the Midianites, it was Phinehas' zealousness that protected and preserved the Covenant. And because of this zealousness, GOD gave him the Covenant of Peace, with the agreement of Moses (Numbers 25:12).

1 comment:

  1. With that might I add, Armstrongism in any form is an insane asylum.
