Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Armstrongism and Social Media

LCG has a letter up to members regarding the use of social media and talking about Jesus Christ.

By Wyatt Ciesielka | Thursday, March 22, 2012

Social media services have become ubiquitous, and many Christians are asking whether, or how, to use them.  “If I use social media, should I talk about my faith?  If I do talk about my faith, what will my ‘friends’ think?  If I don’t post about my faith, am I guilty of not ‘letting my light shine’ (Matthew 5:16)?”  These are important questions!  What are the benefits, and what are the consequences, of using social media?

Wyatt goes on to ask:
So, if Christians choose to use social media, how should we use this technology?  And what are the possible consequences?  
So who is Wyatt specifically referring to here as "Christians?"  Your neighborhood Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopalian?  According to the official mouthpiece for the Living Church of God, Bob Thiel, there are no REAL Christians outside of the LCG.  Why didn't Wyatt refer to these Christians as "so-called" or "fake" as the official spokesman for LCG does?  So who is Wyatt referring to here - LCG members, of course.

Wyatt continues:

However, this does not mean that Christians [LCG] should proselytize, try to coerce uninterested social acquaintances or enter into foolish arguments (cf. 2 Timothy 2:14; 3:1-5). And while Christ expects our conduct, our words (and our posts) to be “honorable among your unbelieving neighbors” (1 Peter 2:12, NLT), we need to understand that Christianity has never been popular.
It's interesting that devout Christians in the "world" could care less if someone is offended at their talk about Jesus.  They understand what he means to them and want to share that good news with others.  Not that they do a good job of it, but the point is that they are unafraid to do it.

Yet, the Church of God has always been afraid.  Even God's most mighty Apostle could not discuss Jesus Christ or even God for that matter.  "Brethren, let me tell you about a strong hand from someplace." What the hell does a "strong hand from someplace" mean to people?  What kind of gospel message is that?  Why the shame?

The problem with COG  folk using social media for spreading their gospel revolves around the in-you- face attitude of so many in regards to law keeping.  How long can you spit out that people are sabbath breakers, or unclean because they eat pork and shrimp?  Or that that you must be keeping all the Jewish holidays and not the pagan, filthy, rotten, corrupt Christian days. Jesus Christ will not be discussed except as it pertains to Jesus Christ being a law keeper. Law will dominate, Jesus Christ will be barely mentioned.

However, this does not mean that Christians should proselytize, try to coerce uninterested social acquaintances or enter into foolish arguments (cf. 2 Timothy 2:14; 3:1-5).  And while Christ expects our conduct, our words (and our posts) to be “honorable among your unbelieving neighbors” (1 Peter 2:12, NLT), we need to understand that Christianity has never been popular.

Christianity or Armstrongism?

As Jesus reminded His disciples: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18).  Although Christians should avoid contentions and foolish arguments, and although we are commanded, “Let [our] speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Colossians 4:6), we need to remember in all our public interactions the biblical principle, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3).
Grace?  Grace???  How can speech be seasoned with grace when the topic is NEVER discussed without strict law keeping?  Who is walking with whom?  Apparently what Wyatt is specifically pointing out here is that your religious talk can only be with like minded LCGers since there are no REAL Christians outside of the LCG.  So why waste your Christ talk on unconverted, low life, dirty, fake, so-called christians who's sorry asses are going to get fired in the lake of fire.


  1. This is something near and dear to my heart. In Armstrongism, we were most certainly trained to conceal whatever light we might have. Now, some of my "mainstream" Christian friends have opined that I need to do a better job of sharing my testimony with everyone with whom I happen to come into contact, both socially and business wise.

    I think there is a balance between the two extremes, and that balance is described in an amazing book which I recently read, entitled "Reimagining Evangelism".
    Basically, the book counsels us to look for openings and opportunities where God typically does His work before just blanket sharing. It makes sense, because rather than machine-gunning the gospel to everyone, we look and listen, and can take a more surgical approach. That way, it becomes more effective, and people are less likely to mock. And, people get help and become uplifted.

    Bottom line is that every church seems to teach that we must or must not do certain things, whether based on Leviticus, or based on the great commission of the New Covenant. As a salesman, I always looked for opportunities where I could be most effective. It was never a one size fits all proposition. Equating sales philosophy to the WCG or Evangelical approach, one group would have us not make any "sales" calls, while the other wants us to go door to door, calling on everyone we could possibly find. To me, effectiveness is the most important element. Frankly, I would hope that all false cults would discourage personal evangelism or sharing as the ACOGs have done. You don't want them to spread and multiply!


  2. Two points. First, we in LCG do teach about Jesus. Second, if this website is going to continue to attempt to state what I teach, try to get it correct. I have never taught that the only Christians are in LCG. For details, please see http://www.cogwriter.com/position-on-churches.htm

  3. Well look who popped up here! It's Bob Thiel!

    So tell us Bob, as the official spokesperson for LCG, are REAL Christians those that are Sabbatarian, law keeping, holy day keeping, Church of God members or do you acknowledge that there are true followers of Jesus in ALL churches today? You have smeared them all so many items with "fake" and "so-called" that we certainly know you are NOT talking about any of them or God forbid, Catholics.

    Why do you need to post here when you do not allow anyone to dialogue with you on your blog? You are beyond hypocritical!

  4. Good points Sharon. He has smeared Christian belivers for years and has made it quit plain that true followers of God are only found in sabbath and holy day keeping groups. There may be a few in COG7thDay that he smears as Sardis. He says there are no Christians in GCI anymore.

    Bob. like LCG does very little in talking about what Jesus accomplished, but they sure can discuss the law and condemn all that do not keep it.

    So when will you open up for blog Bob so that people can comment on your posts? What are you afraid of?

  5. Since Bob showed up here, maybe he can tell us when LCG is going to give up the silly idea of British Israelism?

    And when is the LCG going to mark those who cause division? You know, the ACoG cult leaders that go around suing people.

  6. Hey Bob,
    You know, maybe some of the "so called" christians are the ones in LCG. I had helped a fellow LCGer to get a job in my company. Not only did she not follow the directives of our bosses, she started talking behind the backs of the people in the group she was assigned to. My boss finally had to fire her. My boss knowing my background couldn't believe that someone could act like that. She brought shame and reproach on everything the church says it stands for. Talk about "getting it right", can you post something on your site that a true christian is not smug, snotty, arrogant, rebellious to civil authority, not a gossiper or a cheat? I will never help another COGer get a job where I am working. Its too embarrassing.

  7. I went to the link provided by Bob Theil and it is quite evident that he only believes 7th day sabbath keepers as Christian ans ranking them in rightness according to their degree of association to lcg. Anyone else is merely religious.

    1. Ick! Typing on an aneroid device is a pain. Sorry for the bad syntax.

    2. Okay. I made a comment while typing on my kindle and it seems to have wiped out my previous comment. Still new to this device:) I went to the link provided by Bob Theil and it is very evident that he believes that the only people who are Christians are those who have some kind of link with the teachings of Herbert Armstrong. Then ranks them by degree of likeness to lcg.

  8. Also to Bob Theil's first point. Yes, lcg teaches about Jesus but in the sense of what they believe to be his role. Declare the kingdom, keep the law perfectly, die for our sins and go back to heaven to wait until his return. The lcg response to this is to emulate his example in keeping the law, supporting "the work" that proclaims the kingdom. Other more mainstream churches state Jesus' role to forgive sin and restore humanity's ability to relate to God without the need to go beyond loving God and neighbor. There are variations on the theme of course but it all comes back to that centuries old argument of works vs. grace

  9. It would be nice if Theil stopped slandering the church of God Seventh Day, as if LCG were some how superior.

    The drivel effluent he generates is overwhelming and it is difficult to keep up with his obvious nuttiness, including, but not restricted to his choice of the fifth Beast of Revelation.

    Say, does that mean we have two more to go?

  10. Dr. Theil has strenously opposed the contention that HWA committed incest with his daughter. He could call David Antion and ask. He could call Gary Antion and ask. He could call any of HWA's grandchildren (there were others, not just GTA's sons) and ask. But he is apparently more comfortable burying his head in the sand and casting aspersions on others.

    There are many reasons the incest is relevant, but chief among them is the fact that HWA was doing it during the time frame when he claimed God was raising him up to be his one and only messenger on earth. Scriptural qualifications for ministry totally counter that premise, making HWA's claim to such a calling totally bogus. That's easy for a newcomer to scripture to discern.

    As with any argument or philosophy, if the original premise is false, everything that follows can be disregarded.

    Nonetheless, Bob clings to the claims and teachings of HWA.

    Bob, don't go too much further west. You might fall off the edge of the earth.

  11. Oh, Bob Thiel! Coward and idiot ordinaire! Man, you are such a moron. Can't wait to see you squirm when the world doesn't end this year. You are going to be ripped into tiny giblets by this blogosphere. You know it's coming, don't you? Gods, I can't wait... Hell, maybe I won't.
