Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Compromising the Commandments Is Equivalent to Feeding Your Child "Poisen"

Don't you just love educated Apostles!  Apostate Malm is a great example on how legalism destroys the mind.

The Father and Christ are full of mercy and will quickly forgive the repentant, but THEY WILL NOT tolerate any sin; for sin destroys the people that they love so very much.
To illustrate the point:  Would a good parent feed his children a cup of arsenic each week?  Of course no, because that is a poison!  God expects elders to feed his flock of the good pasture of his word; and NOT the poison of  compromise with that Good Word!  To allow compromise with the commandments, is to feed the flock POISEN!  To teach tolerance for sin, teaches men to tolerate poison;  in God’s temple, his people.
The Apostate Apostle continues:

God’s Kingdom is not of this world.  We are IN the world, yet not OF the world.  As long as we are IN this world, we are to be subject to its authorities and powers; while still and always putting God FIRST.  And IF a law is made that requires us to break any of God’s commandments, we are to flee that nation and go to another city or nation, as our first choice.
Um, Herb and crew all teach that the Kingdom is coming to this world.  Christianity teaches that the kingdom is already breaking forth in believers.  They know that with God working in their lives that the kingdom is breaking forth in them and that they have no worries or fear about what is to come (unlike Armstrongites who live in houses of fear.)  Apparently Malm and crew are heading off to distant planets where they will be made kings and priests of their worlds where they will wreck havoc on sinners that will be sent to them for 1,000 years of correction by rods of iron. Talk about hell!

We have no business reaching out to the world, while we are full of sin inside ourselves and our organizations.  We need to clean up our own spiritual lives and get right with God.  We need to rekindle our passionate  zeal for God and his commandments; we need to get rid of those traditions not consistent with scripture; we need to start practicing what we preach, and to start setting a godly example instead of acting so shamefully. 

What a stupid excuse in not reaching out to the world!  Armstrongites will NEVER get rid of their sin by keeping the law.  They will NEVER be PERFECT keeping the law.  If you are a believer then you know that the commandments are irrelevant. Maybe that is why Malm and crew are such miserable, sad, and obsessively angry people.  No matter how much they try they just cannot get it right.  If they were believers, then they would know that it has all been taken care of, but they would rather slop around in the swill they were brought up in as they try to polish their dirty pearls around their necks.

Apostate Malm and crew would love to be able to walk by a beaten up black person, a gay person, a commandment breaker, etc., that is laying by the side of the road as they click their tongues in disgust.  Instead of reaching down and healing wounds they will walk on by with delight as they pretend to be perfect law keepers.  Can you imagine any of them taking out their wallets and getting a doctor or room for the person to heal in and then to provide for the long term care?  It will NEVER happen!  Malm won't do it.  Thiel won't do it. Pack, Flurry Meredith, Weinerdude and Hulme won't do it.


  1. All kidding aside, the anonimity of the net makes a person like Malm larger than he deserves to be.

    The man is seriously defective in his thinking . Nice you can tell everyone you are not qualified anything but crying aloud. I am so sick of the crying aloud concept. You end up with a bunch of cry babies who spin and weave tales that mislead and misdirect.

    That is the Poysen they aflict on others. It Eets there insizds and it simpleey hertz the huemen soowle

    M.T. Spellcheck

  2. Yes, M.T., much, much larger than he deserves.

    Malm thinks himself a prophet sent to the lost house of the COG's (who btw are all a lot more biblically observant than Israel ever was during the OT period) spewing forth a message of judgmental condemnation for all those people in the world who are most similar to him (while ignoring all the billions who were never part of Armstrongism. Knowing Armstrongism, those people are all below mention or concern.)

    But Malm is also a pharisee's pharisee. He thinks that the pharisee's method for seeking righteousness is the only way, and therefore the right way for everyone to please Malm's god. The entire part of Christian theology about the righteousness of Jesus being applied doesn't register. Unless, of course, it becomes necessary...

    Malm, the pharisee that he is, condemns everyone who is less self-righteously fastidious than he is as being lukewarm, lacking in zeal, and just plain lazy. However, if someone else comes along who is even MORE fastidious than he is and goes to even GREATER lengths for ritual purity, who accuses the Great Malm himself of being lazy and lacking zeal, then this person is ALSO condemned for lacking humility! Now all of a sudden, the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ registers, but not to comfort, but as a stick to beat up other people! If anyone is MORE fastidious than Malm, they are trying to "out-do," not Malm, but Christ's own sacrifice!

    John 15:13 "Greater love has no man than this, that he use the fact that Jesus laid down his life for his brethren as a weapon to chastise and condemn those very same brethren." (Malm translation)

    So, not only does Malm believe his pharisaical way is the only way, he also believes he is in the sweet-spot of pharisaical fastidiousness. Malm believes that only he has just the right balance of humility and self-righteous fastidiousness. He condemns anyone who is either MORE or LESS self-righteous than he is.

    I think, in the final analysis, the only one who could possibly make it into the heaven of Malm's god, is Malm himself. Other people aren't really friends or brethren unless they are adoring acolytes, otherwise they are competition. Sooner or later, Malm will condemn everyone else because he's too insecure. This guy is seriously mentally ill.

  3. Ditto on the "crying aloud" business.

    Who said they are? They did. That's it. It's baloney. Smoke and mirrors.

    These pontificators presume a lot. Theologically speaking, their claim of having some special role here at the "end-time" means that they must improve on the already completed work of Jesus. As if they could.

    A little clarity of thought is all that's needed to counter their self-aggrandizing claims.

    Think for yourself. When you do, they're nothing. Nobodies. Their boastings and proclamations and decrees amount to nothing.

  4. LOL. James Malm is perfect, and everyone else is doomed.

  5. I picture him as a frumpy nearsighted man with thick glasses, about 5'7" and 300 lbs., in his whitey-tighties and a wifebeater, blogging all day in front of a large, heavy laptop with a smallish dim screen in the middle of a small, cluttered apartment. There's lots of take-out containers around since all he knows how to cook is ramen noodles and unleavened bread.

    "It's baloney. Smoke and mirrors...Their boasting and proclamations amount to nothing."

    Well said Deacon.
