Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 5, 2012

Former COG Member Speaking At London Event on “To a Place of Safety? The Elect in the Great Tribulation”


When Prophecies Persist 




Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building,
London School of Economics, Saturday 12 May 2012

To register: WE ARE NOW TAKING PAYPAL BOOKINGS: http://inform.ac/node/1550
Or post a booking form (attached) and a cheque payable to ‘Inform’ to Inform, Houghton St., London WC2A 2AE. (Inform@lse.ac.uk; 020 7955 7677).
Tickets (including buffet lunch, coffee and tea) paid by 16 April 2012 cost  £38 each (£18 students/unwaged).
NB. Tickets booked after 16 April 2012 will cost £48 each (£28 students/unwaged).
A limited number of seats will be made available to A-Level students at £10 before 16 April 2012 (£20 after 16 April). A party of 5 or more A-Level students from one school can include one member of staff at the same price.

The presence of speakers on an Inform programme does not mean that Inform endorses their position.
The aim of Inform Seminars is to help participants to understand, or at least recognise, different perspectives.
For Inform’s codes of practice see www.Inform.ac

9.30-10.00   Registration

10.00-10.10 Professor Eileen Barker (Professor, LSE; Chair & Honorary Director, Inform) Welcome

10.10-10.20 Dr Suzanne Newcombe and Sarah Harvey (Research Officers, Inform) Introduction

10.20-10.45 Dr Simon Dein (UCL and University of Durham) “Prophecy: Social Scientific Perspectives”

10.45-11.10 Sheila Tremlett (former member of the Worldwide Church of God) “To a Place of Safety? The Elect in the Great Tribulation”

11.10-11.35 Coffee

11.35-12.00 Dr Hugh Beattie (The Open University) “The Mahdi and the End-Times in Islam”

12.00-12.25 Abi Freeman (mid-lifer) “Living in the Time of the End”

12.25-13.00 Group Discussions

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.25 Andrew Fergus Wilson (University of Derby) “From the Mushrooms to the Stars: 2012 and the Apocalyptic Milieu”

14.25-14.50 Kevin Whitesides (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh) “New Age: (Still) Doing What it Says on the Tin”

14.50-15.15 David G. Robertson (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh) “(Always) Living in the End Times: The “Rolling Prophecy” of the Conspiracy Milieu”

15.15-15.40 Tea

15.40-16.05 Wendy Grossman (freelance writer and founder of The Skeptic Magazine) “Chasing the Horizon: Prophecy in Secular Contexts”

16.05-16.30 Professor Gordon Melton (Baylor University and founder and Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion)
Looking into the Future: Why Prophecies Will Persist”

16.30-17.00 Panel Discussion


  1. I am fascinated how you find out all this COG stuff!
    I am glad to see Armstrongism constantly being held accountable. I would love to hear this lecture in London.

  2. Is this the same Event sponsor that invited Ron Weinland to speak at a couple years ago? If it is, then I think the sponsor invites people from Armstrongism to their annual event more as a joke than anything else. That's because WCG was a joke!

    Ooops! There I go again stoking the flames and temperature heat of my future in the Lake of Fire.


  3. No, this is a different group than the one that set Weinerdude up to be mocked.

  4. Anon: I have a worldwide supply of sources....much to the chagrin of the Armstrongite cultists.
