Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 25, 2012

RCG: The Biggest, the Baddest, the Most Perfect COG Ever!

More dumb comments from Dave Pack, The One True Church:

Only one Church has all the truth and is practicing real brotherly love (the meaning of Philadelphia), including to the other groups. Even this very book is a loving attempt to wake you up. I do not receive a bonus for writing it, or a bigger house, car, office or promotion. You might ask why no one else is helping you with such matters—why no one else will put in the long hours of “labor of love” to write just even one such book.
Does a church filled with brotherly love sue community neighbors in a land grab?  Some fine Christian example you are setting!  And what the hell does the ability to write a book have to do with  good Christian leadership?  Dave is living in proof that numerous books do NOT make a church leader a loving Christian.

God knew the scattering would occur because He understood the conditions that would prevail in the wake of the apostasy, prior to Christ’s Return. This certainly does not mean that He wants His Church scattered. This would be contrary to all the verses that we have reviewed. (Could any think that He actually wanted Christ rejected as Head of the Church?—and engineered it?) Yet some now use this reasoning as an excuse to reject God’s government, His true Church and Work—and then, of course, any other doctrines they wish to discard.

What Pack is really telling brethren is that God has played a cosmic joke on all of us and that he never had the capacity to protect his church or people from harm.  Now you know brethren, you're f*cked!

I guess a god that can loose a gospel for 1,900 years, then find it again, and yet be so embarrassed for loosing it that he has to turn it over to HWA and Dave Pack to reveal is one mighty powerful god!  That makes me want to run out and join up immediately!  NOT!

If God’s people agreed with Mr. Armstrong and the Bible, they would all be together, just as when Mr. Armstrong was alive. The prophesied falling away (II Thes. 2:3) occurred, and almost all “survivors” (not The Restored Church of God) have rejected a number of beliefs. They forgot Christ’s admonition in Revelation 3:11: “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which you have, that no man take your crown.” Most have not done this. It certainly would be wonderful for all of God’s people to be in one organization, but the sixth era has given way to the seventh, one Christ calls “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev. 3:17). I repeat, the only cure Christ offers is for individuals to anoint their eyes (vs. 18).

Pack is truly an idiot if he thinks all the other COG's out there do not believe the same thing.  They all proclaim to be following the beliefs and government HWA set into motion.  Yet Davey has the most awesome, biggest, baddest, most perfect Church of God that has ever graced this planet.  Pack's cult is as corrupt and vile as the Philadelphia Church of God.  It will only be a matter of time till one of these two group leaders cause the death of members.


  1. DCP says:

    "I do not receive a bonus for writing it,"

    I have all the money from the members anyone could wish for

    " or a bigger house, car,"

    I already have a huge house and amazing car


    I already have a wonderful office space


    You can't promote an Apostle anyway. I have more titles than you can imagine already.

    "You might ask why no one else is helping you with such matters—why no one else will put in the long hours of “labor of love” to write just even one such book."

    I don't ask because I already know the answer. You don't let others write anything you don't dictate to them to write. If anyone worked as hard as you, you'd send them home to keep yourself on top and no one else gives the sermons either from what I can tell.

    Any psychologist would note that numbers, houses, offices, cars, promotions and control are very much what this is all about.


  2. In Pack's view, "God knew the scattering would occur because He understood the conditions that would prevail in the wake of the apostasy, prior to Christ’s Return. This certainly does not mean that He wants His Church scattered."

    Aha! Thank you, Dave Pack, for this new truth.

    Now I understand what has always been a mystery: almighty god is actually powerless. He doesn't want the church to scatter, but it is scattering. He didn't want Christ rejected as the head of the Church, but he was rejected.

    This principle explains the words "Thy will be done" in the Lord's Prayer. God thinks the psychic energy generated by his many worshipers as they utter that incantation will somehow magically let him get what he yearns for but cannot achieve on his own.

  3. The only proof of RCG being the "true church" is that Pack says so. And that's because he thinks he has the right to say so. He doesn't, of course -- no man has the right to set himself up between God and man the way so many self-professed (or even "elected") supreme leaders do -- and so it's easy to reject his premise. What happens regarding his planned property purchase and building program is none of my business, really, but the fact is, information is much easier to come by in this age of rapid technology. If more people learn facts more rapidly than in the past, and his plans are thwarted because people learn the details about what he's doing and what he's teaching, then that's his tough luck.

    Personally, I think that all of the leaders and pontificators in all of the COG groups have to answer for a system that, with increasing regularity, produces self-aggrandizing types like Pack.
