Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Van Robison on "The Battle For the Human Mind"

The Battle For the Human Mind

People are vocal because they want others to listen to what they have to say.  The Worldwide Church of God was vocal, as on radio, television and through its magazines, books and literature, because it wanted to influence as many as possible to accept their perspective.  A consequence of having followers is very often---tons of free money.  There is an on-going battle for the thought life of human beings.  It is like a mental tug-of-war.  Mormons struggle for the non-Mormon mind to come on board, as do the Jehovah Witnesses, splinter groups of the original Worldwide Church of God, Seventh Day Adventists, "Sacred Name" groups and all others.    Virtually every group wants your allegiance.  Why?  For those who believe in Jesus Christ, this is indeed strange, because Jesus taught that He alone is the source of LIGHT and TRUTH.  How then is being a disciple of a Worldwide Church of God splinter group, following Jesus?  Are church members really deceiving themselves about who they really follow?

Allegiance to a man, a "pastor" a church group or denomination is not one and the same as allegiance to Jesus Christ.  Many think they are following Jesus, but in reality they are mental slaves to the pastor of the church they go to.    Going to church has absolutely nothing to do with following Jesus.  Many refer to the teachings of Paul or the teachings attributed to Paul falsely and think that Paul was Jesus Christ in the flesh.  He was an impostor who NEVER knew Jesus Christ and yet millions look to this man, like tens of thousands looked to Herbert W. Armstrong during his lifetime.  "Christians" who are challenged about their beliefs are often highly offended, some are arrogant, some are silent and some are hateful in retort.

Few really examine the mountains of evidence that question the Bible.  As for example if EVERY CHURCH in the world would challenge their members by reading and studying such articles as is found at www.askwhy.co.uk/judaism/0110Scriptures.php, which speaks about the Old Testament, at least the common people would be exposed to thoughts and thinking that they have never entertained before.  To automatically accept that the Bible is true history is a fallacy.  It should be doubted and in that doubt, dig deep and seek answers that one will NEVER hear from any pulpit of any church on earth.  Humans are biased and that is why anyone who is a "Christian" is NOT a good archaeologist.  Archaeology belongs to those who have no vested interest in the outcome of discovery.  Anyone with a vested interest can proclaim fictions that are not true and even produce fake artifacts to deceive the public.

LYING SCRIBES have been around for thousands of years and when the church world awakens from its stupor some day, it will be an embarrassment that so many believed myths on no other basis than they read it in "the Bible."  The Bible is largely myth.  Why then believe in Jesus Christ?  On my part, because He makes sense in teaching that you should LOVE others and NOT WAR, and that people should be humble and not haughty.  He taught that violence was NOT of God, but of men.  Why then did He mention names like Abraham, Noah, Moses and a few others?  Who knows?  That does not mean that He gave His stamp of approval to the barbarity we read in the Old Testament we read today, which is probably very different from anything Jesus ever read in some other language two thousand years ago.

Van Robison


  1. Why then did He mention names like Abraham, Noah, Moses and a few others?

    Here's a thought: Perhaps Jesus was doing what a lot of us do -- quoting Scriptures to people who had such confidence in them to demonstrate that they were wrong by their own standards and show them what hypocrites they were.

    That would seem to be the most consistent reason derived from the Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, where there are long running chapters of the verbal war between Jesus and the Pharisees.

    It's tiresome to continually bring forth facts (such as DNA refutes British Israelism) proving a belief system a fraud, only to have the proponents (like Dixon Cartwrite) knowingly supporting rubbish only because they know that the masses will continue to believe them as they lie to them and then take their money.

    If you are in a position of power and influence, you can spout nonsense without fear of being brought into question.

    Sort of like Robert Thiel with his fifth Beast of Revelation.

    And just in the case of Jesus, eventually the ones in power win and kill off those who attempt to disrupt the social norms (no matter how silly, stupid or abusive they are) even if it is a virtual murder, such as that committed when someone is disfellowshipped.

    The truth must be destroyed!

  2. "Why then did He mention names like Abraham, Noah, Moses and a few others? Who knows?"

    Perhaps because as a Jewish man of his day he thought the stories were true as well.

    Or perhaps, since Jesus wrote nothing at all himself, the annonymous authors of the Gospels later labeled with names to give them credibility believed the contrived history of Israel as well. That would be normal.

    Had someone asked Jesus about the Neanderthal remains in the Caves of Carmel he would not have had a clue what they were.
