Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Apostle Malm: Call Soon To Go Out For True Believers To Leave the COG's

Since TRUE Armstrongites are revolted by it, please ignore the cross.

The apostate apostle has issued a decree that there will soon be a call going out for all true believers scattered throughout the various COGlets that they are to leave.

Very, very, soon now; the call of God’s prophets will go out; to LEAVE all these groups who will not turn to God and keep his commandments with passionate Christ-like love. The zealous WILL be separated from the lukewarm in the very, very, near future.

So where are all these deceived fools to go?  With the apostate Apostle to his cult.

I am already a part of a group: The Ekklesia of God; the body of Christ. There are at least a few thousand who are a part of the same group. 

Who will be the leader of this new splinter cult?

Yes, there are other COG Bloggers, but none who would be free to say what I have said....The truth is that I am already a part of a much biogger and better Group than any corporate church organization; which is different than the common today: It is unincorporated and has its brethren scattered throughout all nations and peoples and kingdoms and ages!
What an arrogant, pompous, jackass!


  1. Yeah. He plainly doesn't understand. Passion for God's things isn't something you can work up or force. It's a gift one must pray for.

    But, someone into legalism would never understand. He probably thinks he's going to get into the kingdom on sheer willpower.


  2. I am already a part of a very special group of people. No one is 100% sure that they are part of this group except me. We are scattered all over the globe. We never meet. They don't know they're brethren. But I know who they are and I love them. With a passionate, Christ-like love. (XOXOX, my little darlings.) I don't have any evidence that such a group exists, except that in my mind, I am sure of it. That is what faith is.

    Very soon now, I will summon my little darlings unto myself from among all people and languages. Only the most pathologically neurotic will qualify to be part of my unincorporated group. Normal people need not apply, because they are not obsessive and unbalanced enough. I know all you normal people are jealous of us.

    Passionate love and kisses, (or scorn and contempt, depending on who you are),

  3. The boy is slipping into the religiously obcessed abyss. Interesting but ultimately sad to see yet another person overcome with God hauntedness.


  4. All because he says so. Just like Pack. Just like Flurry. Just like.... What nonsense.

    The presumptuousness of these people is astonishing, not to mention tragic.

  5. "Apostle Malm: Call Soon To Go Out For True Believers To Leave the COG's"

    James Malm is probably too late.

    The true believers probably got kicked out long ago for rejecting the advances of the old perverts and predators who are so numerous in all of the larger splinter groups. It is a numbers game where the "ministers" faithlessly believe it is in their best interests to serve the numerous perverts by kicking out anyone who will not go along with them.

    Years ago I read a letter posted on the Internet by a former WCG member who claimed to have been to the PCG, GCG, and UCG, and said that he had found them all to be worse than the WCG ever was. Unfortunately, he was right.

    Some splinter leaders, like David Pack for example, seem to think that people in the splinter groups somehow "survived the apostasy." They just don't know how bad the situation really is in these groups.

  6. You mean "True Believers" as defined by Eric Hoffer?


  7. About the picture:) I'm not revolted by the cross but by the prophets, saints, and Jesus (maybe?)centered around the pulpit and the pastor.

  8. "Apostle Malm: Call Soon To Go Out For True Believers To Leave the COG's"
    7 Comments - Show Original Post
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    Byker Bob said...
    Yeah. He plainly doesn't understand. Passion for God's things isn't something you can work up or force. It's a gift one must pray for.

    But, someone into legalism would never understand. He probably thinks he's going to get into the kingdom on sheer willpower.


    April 4, 2012 5:43 PM

    Andrew said...
    I am already a part of a very special group of people. No one is 100% sure that they are part of this group except me. We are scattered all over the globe. We never meet. They don't know they're brethren. But I know who they are and I love them. With a passionate, Christ-like love. (XOXOX, my little darlings.) I don't have any evidence that such a group exists, except that in my mind, I am sure of it. That is what faith is.

    Very soon now, I will summon my little darlings unto myself from among all people and languages. Only the most pathologically neurotic will qualify to be part of my unincorporated group. Normal people need not apply, because they are not obsessive and unbalanced enough. I know all you normal people are jealous of us.

    Passionate love and kisses, (or scorn and contempt, depending on who you are),

    April 4, 2012 5:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The boy is slipping into the religiously obcessed abyss. Interesting but ultimately sad to see yet another person overcome with God hauntedness.


    April 4, 2012 5:56 PM

    Assistant Deacon said...
    All because he says so. Just like Pack. Just like Flurry. Just like.... What nonsense.

    The presumptuousness of these people is astonishing, not to mention tragic.

    April 4, 2012 7:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Apostle Malm: Call Soon To Go Out For True Believers To Leave the COG's"

    "James Malm is probably too late.
    The true believers probably got kicked out long ago..."

    MY COMMENT: True believers either left or got kicked out when they finally woke up to the fact that old Herbert was a con man, a pervert, and a liar from the get-go, and old Junior was no different, and they never darkened the door of another Herbie cult again.

  9. This is earthshaking news!

    Apparently, Malm has an army of winged monkeys under his command, who, when the (end) time is just right will follow Malm's command, and fly all over the Earth gathering up the True Believers and bring them to Malm, to await further instructions from the Malmpostle.

    Malm: "FLY, MY PRETTIES, FLY!"

    Cop at Malm's door: "James Malm, you are under arrest for operating a zoo without a license."


  10. Mickey:

    That's exactly why I picked the picture. Malm claims he is surrounded by saints from generations in the past who preach the truth. He was no more surrounded by a multitude of the saints than HWA was. Liars all.

  11. Did Malm's claims appear on The Shining Light Blog website?

  12. Yes, it is in his comments that he makes to readers. Many times that his were his true side comes out instead of in the main article.

  13. Thank you.

    I went to the website to read the comments to his incredibly long & boring posts.

    He must have deleted the comments, since none of his posts have any comments.
