Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Are You One of Gerald Flurry's 'Elite"?

Gerald Six Pack Flurry is jumping on the Titanic band wagon hoping that when people type in the word "Titanic" they will be directed to his comedy or errors page.

Lord Six Pack is spouting on and on about how special he is and the message he and God have to deliver.

Did you know that God is sending out "ice fields" to "wake" people up.  What an impotent little god Six Pack follows that it has to resort to such deadly tactics.

God is sending out the “ice field” warnings. But it is “a voice crying in the wilderness” (Isa. 40:1-10). That doesn’t mean the voice is out on a barren desert. But for most people it might as well be.
I would like to know WHERE there is a "voice crying in the wilderness?"  It certainly is not parked in Edmond Oklahoma!  Old Six Pack is not happy that he and his message are being ignored:

The voice is ignored or ridiculed by most people. They somehow think America and Britain are “unsinkable.” Like the captain of the Titanic, they ignore the warnings. They continue steaming ahead into the darkness.
He wants you to know what an incredible prophet he is:

God and His watchman see the iceberg hidden in the black, dark night—and warn and warn and warn. But it continues to be a voice crying in the wilderness. 
He then wants you to know just how special his message is and how "elite"  those that listen to him are.  According to Lord Six Pack, Jesus will NEVER again accomplish what he is doing in the Philadelphia Church of God.  What an f-ing moron!  To think that people actually believe this filthy drivel!

The greatest rewards ever to be given throughout eternity are being qualified for now. A small group is becoming God’s very elite because they hear God’s voice crying in the wilderness today. They get the glorious opportunity to be the one and only bride of Christ forever. There will never, ever be such a reward offered again.


  1. Another sociopath who's set himself up in business teaching average people that they are a special people. You want to be better than everyone else don't you? You want to be able to look down your nose at everyone else, don't you? I know I want that. Quick, what's the 1-800 number? I better act now. That's one glorious opportunity!

    The ten commandments say not to use god's name in vain. If you're constantly saying that god is doing all sorts of things he isn't doing, does that count as using his name in vain? Oh well, maybe none of this matters anyway.

  2. At the rate PCG is losing members, I'm guessing this is just another Flurry ploy.

  3. At the rate PCG is losing members, I'm guessing this is just another Flurry ploy.

    What it is, is a an article from a 1998 edition of the Philadelphia Trumpet.

    I expect Flurry looks back fondly on the "good old days" of 1998, when PCG was nearly twice its current size, and most members didn't know Flurry had been arrested for public drunkenness (open containers of beer found in his car with him).

    The PCG is the Titanic, and it is being approached by an iceberg known as the truth. Sadly, there are only enough lifeboats to save Flurry and his inner circle once the PCG sinks.

  4. Did you ever notice every single church talks about being the bride of Christ and having special rewards ? Even the Catholic church preaches that. Its like fast food restaurants advertising hambergers. Each have different fixin's but its all still a hamberger.

  5. Yeah, but the difference between a church and a hamburger joint is that no hamburger joint claims to the be the only place in the world you can get a hamburger. And hamburger joints actually give you something in exchange for your money. And when you leave a hamburger joint, nobody shakes their head and mutters about what a disappointment you are.

  6. And when you leave a hamburger joint, nobody shakes their head and mutters about what a disappointment you are.

    Imagine what the reaction would be if McDonalds issued an edict, "All McDonalds customers must cut off contact with their relatives who eat at other hamburger joints. You may remain in contact with other relatives who have never eaten a hamburger, but you must shun customers of all other hamburger joints. If you are caught associating with a Burger King customer, you will be cut off from McDonalds, and if you don't repent God will throw you into the Lake of French Fry Oil to burn to death."

  7. Stay home from church....save ten percent


  8. I am one of the PCG elite
    I can sit for a long time
    I listen very well
    I can think the thoughts I am permitted to think well
    I give money
    I pray
    I give money
    I am a worm
    Gerald is God's Messenger
    He is that prophet
    He tell me to say this
    I have a brain
    I can use my mind

    With permission, I am a free thinker and not held in the grip of anyone or anything

    I give money
    I pray
    I stay
    I obey

    What's all your problem...sheesh!

  9. What's truly ironic, and more than a bit amusing, is the offshoots are actually battling each other more than they are the evil Tkach regime.

    In the process, they're snuffing each other out. I'd say leave them to their own devices.

  10. Moral failures have never been a permanent stigma for Armstrongist ministers. The police could literally catch one of the ACOG ministers on his knees, blowing some other dude in a seedy restroom in some public park somewhere, and most of the members would assume it was a frameup and regard it as persecution.

    How many ministers have been disfellowshipped by those to whose so-called power they had submitted?
    How many members have "left the church" multiple times? You just can't make stuff up that rises to the ridiculousness of what goes on in Armstrongism! It's both sad and devastating.


  11. "At the rate PCG is losing members, I'm guessing this is just another Flurry ploy."

    Gerald Flurry might actually have more control over the rate of member loss than is generally realized. Maybe he just needs to reduce the quota of members that his fake PCG ministers are required to kick out each year.

  12. "Are You One of Gerald Flurry's 'Elite'?"

    "Elite" might not be the best word choice to describe some of those
    filthy rats in Gerald Flurry's sinking Philadelphia ship.

    The "ignorant" might be a better word to describe those PCG rodents who made the fatal mistake of allowing Gerald Flurry to forbid them to read other literature, or to listen to anyone else, or to learn the truth about what is really happening in the PCG.

    The "isolated" might be a better word to describe those PCG rodents who made the fatal mistake of obeying Gerald Flurry when he told them to cut off all contact with family and friends who did not fall for Gerald's lies.

    The "impoverished" might be a better word to describe the PCG rodents who made the fatal financial mistake of pledging too much money to build an auditorium (not a temple) for the glory of men (not of God) in Edmond (not in Jerusalem).

    The "sinners" might be a better word to describe those PCG rodents who made the fatal mistake of financially supporting a false prophet, a false christ, and now (20 years later) a false apostle.

    The "worst" might be a better word to describe some of the filthy old predators in the PCG, who used the whole WCG/PCG/GCG(LCG)/UCGIA/COGWA/ETC. disaster as an opportunity to prey on church people.

    The remaining PCG rats will, no doubt, like to think that they are better than the ones who left or got kicked out earlier. Some day they will find out to their very great dismay that they were actually the most unlucky of all for staying around so long.

    People can only make so many fatal mistakes in a lifetime before they end up totally ruined.

  13. LOL
    The analogy posted above by Anonymous re Maccas demanding loyalty from its customers and to cut off friends or family who might frequent other burger joints is bloody hilarious! I LOVE IT! It shows how TRULY stupid illogical and juvenile the cultish mindset still is within these "babylonish" ACOGs! Get out while you still can people!

  14. "The police could literally catch one of the ACOG ministers on his knees, blowing some other dude in a seedy restroom in some public park somewhere, and most of the members would assume it was a frameup and regard it as persecution."

    Personally, I've long maintained that HWA's or GTA's sex abuse could happen on stage during a sermon in front of a live audience, and most members would somehow justify it.

    In fact, just a couple of weeks ago a Catholic priest put his memory stick in a computer to start a presentation for a large audience, and then gay porn images started popping up on the big screen.
    When that Catholic priest realized that gay pornography was showing on the big screen, he plucked the memory stick from the computer and ran outside.
    He returned after a few minutes and continued his program(sans the gay porn images) as if nothing strange had happened.

    Go figure.


  15. The problem is...You cannot be one of Gerald Flurry's "Elite" unless you can contribute lots of money to support Gerald Flurry's family and extended family and certain black people and members that know "secrets" and that are vain and obnoxious and might cause a lot of trouble if THROWN OUT OF THE CHURCH. Flurry needs lots of money to educate HIS FAMILY and FEED THEM WELL, and send them on vacations, etc. Members continue to send in third tithe...but don't become one of those members that need it...you'll be THROWN OUT!... Lots of money needed to keep Armstrong Auditorium going and SHOW THEM LAODICEANS! But remember, if you're a Laodicean, and you HUMBLY RETURN TO THE FOLD,(after reading "Malachi's Message" which was copied from Jules Dervaes "Letter to Laodicea"), make sure you walk on pins and needles when the ministers are looking or you might just LOSE YOU'RE ETERNAL LIFE, if they take whim to THROW YOU OUT!...And THAT'S the Painful Truth!

  16. Here's another DUMB SHEEP can do/ can't do...CAN... get on "Twitter" CAN'T... get on Facebook/Myspace. Another GERALD FLURRY RULE. All because HE wants to post advertisements for ARMSTRONG AUDITORIUM and KEY OF DAVID, etc. on "Twitter".
    These three are all the same...but watch out!...You'll get THROWN OUT OF THE PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD if Gerald Flurry or any of his TYRANT MINISTERS, (such as Brian Davis and Andrew Hessong)find out you were on Facebook or Myspace.
    CHECK TWITTER OUT...people are acting the same as if they are on FB and MS. They say all kinds of outrageous things and HIDE their tweets!...THROW THEM OUT MR> FLURRY!... YOU DID ME!!What a CULT!!

  17. How "Imperial Academy", of the Philadelphia Church of God, came about...Well the Flurry grandchildren, and Turgeon's and the Davis's kids were all going to public schools. They wee GETTING OUT OF HAND. So Gerald Flurry came up with the solution...ROUND THEM ALL UP AND CORRAL THEM AT HEADQUARTERS. RAISE UP IMPERIAL ACADEMY. Of course make it look innocent, as though they were THINKING OF EVERYONE ELSE IN THE PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD WHO HAD CHILDREN. OFFER IT TO THEM ALSO! ONLY... The parents,(usually the mother at home), has to be the Science teacher, the English teacher , the History teacher, the Math teacher, etc...EASY HUH??...NOT...Only for the "ELITE AT HEADQUARTERS" Their kids mothers don't have to be the Science teacher, etc..They just drop they're little children off at school, and don't think about them till they pick them up.

  18. Matthew 7:21-23

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    I Never Knew You

    21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

  19. Cult what do you mean cult?! We were told by Oral Roberts twin brother Anal Roberts that the Gerald Flurry show is every bit as real as Professional Wresting!

  20. I can not imagine why you were thrown out, what a shock!
    I have no idea who the people posting here are but they obviously are pretty twisted and rude to say the least.
    So I should believe someones account that is very emotional, hateful, rude and on a mission to assault another person. You sound like a class act!
    I personally am not in PCG but was a WCG member before the split.
    What I have to say is that I have close and extended family in the PCG. Including my parents and old family friends from back in WCG. My parents especially and also family and friends are some of the most beautiful people I have ever known. They actually practice what they preach and are the kindest most gentile, loving people truly dedicated to obeying God and following Christ. That says so much more to me than the hateful words I see here.

  21. "...following Christ."

    Hmm. I see you just...can't...utter..."Jesus."

    That says so much more than just about anything else you wrote, Anon.

    And it shows that, even if you're not in PCG, you're still in that COG mindset, which is not our problem.

  22. To:"I personally am not in PCG but was a WCG member before the split":

    This sounds like a lie to have to say you are "personally not in the PCG". Obviously you most likely are! This isn't about Most of the innocent victim/members of the PCG. It's about the "CULT" leaders! And using the words "twisted and rude"...All I've got to say is ...GO SEE FOR YOURSELF...EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF.Then come back and post!

  23. If any of these later comments are being left by any of the "inner circle " at "Headquarters", I'm not surprised. The "inner circle" are not going to be thrown out for any reason like the "outer circle" dumb sheep. Remember what Ryan Malone said: "We at headquarters will probably go first,...speaking of Jerusalem and the "place of safety". Gerald Flurry and his extended family, etc. are not subject to..."living by every word of Gerald Flurry!"

  24. "Class act"...that's so phony. Only a PCG "elite" would post that! You're not fooling anyone!

  25. "Class act?" Show us a class act in that Flurry Cult! It's easy for them to fool themselves and believe all their lies about members and ex members. They have to believe all those lies in order to survive under that regime! They want to keep their income, nice homes, access to every available necessity they need to make their life "cushy" at Headquarters. They (the inner court) wouldn't want themselves and their families lied about, slandered, put through the ringer, thrown out of nice little Utopiaville. Why is it the Hierarchy at "Headquarters" screw up all the time but never get cast out?? Answer that question Wishbone! Steven Flurry has NEVER had a real job. I remember him talking about his daughter asking him that question. And Stephen Flurry is so far out of touch with his own reality, that he can give speeches about people in the world living off welfare. Where do you think your income comes from Stephen? OTHER PEOPLE! People on food stamps. People forced by your daddy to shack up with other families and having to shop at thrift stores in order for you and the "inner circle" to live the good life now! YOU'RE LIVING OFF WELFARE!...CLASS ACT?

  26. Oh, yes,..."you cannot imagine", "twisted and rude", "class act"...I CAN IMAGINE how all the clan at "headquarters" would react when REAL PERSECUTION comes their way. Remain calm now....don't LIE, SLANDER, ATTACK BACK! Don't RAISE YOUR VOICE IN ANGER! Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry,Brian G. Davis, etc., already perform these "class acts!" They couldn't take all the HELL they put the dumb sheep through. That's why they need to squeeze all the money they can right now out of the poor brainwashed members and take all that money and RUN AND HIDE!! CLASS ACT??

  27. IN RESPONSE TO:I personally am not in PCG but was a WCG member before the split.
    What I have to say is that I have close and extended family in the PCG. Including my parents and old family friends from back in WCG. My parents especially and also family and friends are some of the most beautiful people I have ever known. They actually practice what they preach and are the kindest most gentile, loving people truly dedicated to obeying God and following Christ. That says so much more to me than the hateful words I see here...(Yes obviously you are not telling the truth because if you were not in the PCG you would not be in touch with your parents, family and friends that are still in the PCG. REMEMBER GERALD FLURRY'S NO CONTACT LAW??And you definitely would not be talking so kindly about them because of that LAW, either! So who is this PCG LIAR anyway?? Answer: Just another one!)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
