Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 2, 2012

COGWA: Can It Really Deliver Life, Hope, Truth?

The 7th Day Sabbath Churches of God are reporting that COGWA has come up with a new internet domain that will be their "gospel" proclamation tool.  The name of it is really, really wrong!  All three of their chosen words depict everything they are not!

Clyde Kilough has announced “a website that will be devoted exclusively to delivering the gospel to the world …. we have settled on this as the domain name for our public proclamation website: www.lifehopeandtruth.com.

Life?  Hope??  Truth???

Are they serious?  Some of the most conniving men in the ministry of the COG today are part of this group where some of them have helped bring into being three different COG's while in previous church organization employ.  That shows an incredible amount of life, hope and truth!  NOT!

Life?  There is a sickening trail of destruction in the Churches of God in the lives of the membership. We have all seen Church of God "love" put into action over the decades we were all a part of it.  Forced divorces, rapes, stalkings, murders, suicides, child abuse, mental and spiritual abuse, and the list could go on and on.  In Armstrongism "love" tends to be a profanity.  A four letter word.

Hope?  How can there be hope in an organization that gives minimal lip services to the one person that offers them that hope? Where is the"hope" in a message that we were never good enough.  We were at fault for everything.  That were were vile filthy sinners. That God delays Jesus coming because COG members were/are too stupid to get it.

Truth??? Truth?  Really? That god of Armstrongism apparently was so incredibly impotent that he lost His own message for 1,900 years only to have it found in an outdated library in America? That He needs apostles and evangelists today? That talking about "a strong hand from someplace" is a hidden truth?

And they all wonder why there is no Church of God today making an impact.


  1. How about:


    I say that, remembering what Larry Grieder said last year, lying and practicing overt deception on the Day of Pentecost, saying that he didn't know to what extent the Waldensians kept the Sabbath (claiming to have descended from them), when, in fact, he knew they never did.

    CoGWA is a slick repackaging of badly, impartially recycled sewage with the smell covered up with cheap perfume.

  2. There are too many people embedded and invested in Armstrongism for it to simply go away, but at least much of the deception and deceptiveness can now be investigated on the internet. So, we can at least console ourselves with the fact that it is not growing, and will not grow. Just as the internet is unraveling totalitiarianism in nations around the world, the same is happening with COGdom.

    When HWA was on the rampage with 1975, the US and BC in Prophecy, and The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last, where would one have been able to go to do due diligence or obtain a second opinion?

  3. I respectfully disagree, Bob. Armstrongism is like the newspaper industry, and the buggy whip industry before that. It's losing relevance, it's on the decline, and even though there are still fifteen or twenty thousand people mixed up in it and will still take several generations to go away perhaps, eventually this scourge WILL go away. Don't crush my hopes and dreams for a better world (tomorrow), Bob. A world without Armstrongism.

  4. "COGWA: Can It Really Deliver Life, Hope, Truth?"

    This would be great, but it sounds too good to be true.

    You might have to settle for Death, Disappointment, and Lies.

  5. At least all three words define Jesus Christ. If they stick to Jesus, good things could happen.

  6. perdictable reactions
    when will you grow?

  7. Unlike so many comments I've read by others - I'm grateful for HWA - he got me to read the Bible, to study and practice what is there from our Creator.

    I understand the Sabbaths are school, that the Law of God is Love in action - a guide to life,

    I looked past HWA and saw God!

    I wouldn't trade that for all the acid comments from all those that condemn, all those that are offended, all those that attempt to correct "errors".

    There are complainers always, bad ministers always, but Jesus DID SAY "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

    Be careful - you complainers you might find yourself fighting against God.

  8. Unlike so many comments I've read by others - I'm grateful for HWA - he got me to read the Bible, to study and practice what is there from our Creator.

    I understand the Sabbaths are school, that the Law of God is Love in action - a guide to life,

    I looked past HWA and saw God!

    I wouldn't trade that for all the acid comments from all those that condemn, all those that are offended, all those that attempt to correct "errors".

    There are complainers always, bad ministers always, but Jesus DID SAY "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

    Be careful - you complainers you might find yourself fighting against God.

    Fred Smith

  9. So is it really godly to sit here and say all these nasty things about others rather than dealing with your own issues?

    1. Exactly, in fact the bible has more than one thing to say about behavior like this. Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

  10. The Power of The Gospel Shall Prevail!!

  11. Dear author,

    I don't know if you believe in God, but if you do, you need to understand that the intense bitterness that you hold for not only individuals, but entire church groups, is something that will put you in danger of the judgement.

    Anger, bitterness, and hatred are of Satan, NOT God.

    Do you want your hatred towards church groups to prevent you from entering the Kingdom of God?

    Jesus said "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do to one of the least of these, you did not do to Me.".

    If He said that about things which these people didn't do to others, then what would He say about you and your hateful words?

    Do you hate God? Do you hate Jesus?
    I'm going to read between the lines a bit here, but it seems to me that "inasmuch as you [hated] one of the least of these, you [hated] Me."

    Mat 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

    You're calling us worse than fools, I'll tell you that.

    I will pray for you, sir, because I think you are in danger of the judgement.

    A second-generation "Armstrongian" and COGWA member.

    1. Amen, Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

  12. Its very obvious there is mean and bitter spirit here.Usually its because someone was offended at some point.I looked past the men who ran the show and recognized that the core teachings were scriptural.So some of us follow the teachings not the men.We should follow Christ teaching about love and lose the bitterness and hatred.If God didnt have to work through men this would have been over with long ago

  13. If we follow Christ teaching we will not be so hateful in our comments.Men make mistakes in all churches,because they are men.I am church of God not because of HWA most who followed have long since left the church because they followed a man.It disturbs me when people take a broad brush and it shows their spirit is bitter.Usually unforgiveness is lurking there

  14. If we follow Christ teaching we will not be so hateful in our comments.Men make mistakes in all churches,because they are men.I am church of God not because of HWA most who followed have long since left the church because they followed a man.It disturbs me when people take a broad brush and it shows their spirit is bitter.Usually unforgiveness is lurking there

  15. I do not know any of the men who have posted here. What I do know is they are full of hate for some reason. It is obvious by their words. Certainly they are not real Christians but in name only. Some of what they say may very well be true. They post no evidence to back them up. To post their vile words in a public forum which possibly could cause someone to reject Gods calling thru GOGWA, or any CoG, to me just proves they are not converted. HWA was just a man like we all are and subject to all the pulls of the flesh. Did he make mistakes? You bet. Will those in charge now do the same? You bet. Are you perfect? Have you done things wrong? Who are you to judge HWA or any other man? That is Gods prerogative. Many thousands were called to Gods way of life through HWA and I am one of them. I worship and follow God, not HWA or any man. Get on your knees and pray for

  16. When we put limits on YHWH, and JESUS, as if there is an organization or person that they can't deal with
    Than we as a people fail in Glorifying our YHWH by not
    Being at one with him, The understanding and bountifulness of his Grace towards us becomes as filfty
    Rags an we in turn aspire to become as gentiles an heathen, let's not forget who called you unto this lively hope that surpasses all understanding. Don't wait until end time events hit us like a slegehammer before we love our brother as yourself regardless of his level of understanding. Your brother in Christ s.Garcia

  17. Hi, I'm an ACOG member. My hobby is writing comments on blogs months or years after a post's original running date so that nobody will contest them.

  18. COGWA is a joke! After over 3 years of being in business, they are doing very little in the way of preaching the gospel. They finally have a magazine called "Discern". It may only be available in hard-copy to members and coworkers.

    We have attended with them some over the past 3 years and went to one Feast. It's doubtful we will be going back. It's obvious that most of the money that comes into their coffers is used for paying the ministry and not much else.

    They are bloated with paid ministers who know very little about the Bible!

  19. COGWA is a legalistic cult that rejects the cross of Christ and what was accomplished on it. The law brings death, Jesus brought life.

  20. COGWA is filled with the same crooks that helped organize UCG while still on WCG payroll. They are corrupt and unethical in the way of starting the church. One of the jerks in leadership position disfellowshipped my father when they were all in WCG because he did not go along with all of the changes. Then a few weeks later these very same scumbags left to join UCG. May you all rot in hell!
