Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is Your Body Leaking The Holy Spirit? Dave Pack Thinks So

The insanity continues to flow from Dave Pack and crew. Pack claims you can have God's Holy Spirit but at the same time God is not allowing it to be "replenished."  I guess we need to pull up to HS tank and pump in some new Spirit every once in a while.

Then he goes on to say that if you leave the one and only TRUE Church of God (Packsim) the Holy Spirit slowly leaks out of you. 

QUESTION 8: How can one have God’s Spirit, but still be outside His true Church? (This is the first of four related questions and answers, each of which builds on the others.)  
The answer to this has already been covered via many of Mr. Armstrong’s quotes, so only a little more need be said. There are branches—individual Christians—that are cut off from Christ’s Church. From that point, His Spirit is dwindling in them, not being replenished. But these “branches” can still be grafted back into the Vine (explained throughout). The flow of God’s Spirit can begin again, and this is directly connected to anointing their eyes. 
Basic fact. All of God’s people, and certainly the ministry, understood in the past that any particular member could be disfellowshipped from the Church and then brought back into it. We all knew that one can be out of the Body of Christ, but return to it. No mystery here. Members can be in the Church (in Christ’s Body), leave or be put out of the Church—from membership—then come back into the Church, having never lost God’s Spirit. Of course, many never return and obviously God’s Spirit does slowly leave them. This process depended on how much of the Holy Spirit they had, and how much time passed while they were cut off, among other things.

This man obviously does not engage his full mental capacity when he writes this drivel.  Even worse, is his small clan of members who believe it as God inspired.


  1. ZERO proof or scriptural evidence offered. Just his own theorizing based on HWA's theorizing.

    "The answer to this has already been covered via many of Mr. Armstrong's quotes..."

    Blah, blah, blah.

  2. Something is leaking out... of David Pack's head:


    One hole to many in his head?

    Maybe it's a pin-head leak. Oops. I mean, maybe it's a pin-hole leak.

  3. I just loves me some Holy Spirit evangelizing!

    Problem is, even in "mainstream Christianity", the Holy Spirit seems mighty confused.

    I do wish the Holy Spirit would make up it's mind...

    The end is near!


  4. It would be interesting to paraphrase some of Jesus' parables, like fr'instance the prodigal son, based on Pack's drivel.

    Boy Howdy! How they love to limit God, and restrict His work in a self-aggrandizing way to their own little organizations! (Just like the Pharisees!).


  5. In other words, Dave Pack is claiming that he is the true vine. Apart from Dave Pack you can do nothing and will die a slow, agonizing, spiritual death. You don't want that do you?

    Here is a passage from St. David, Chapter 15, beginning in verse 713. The capitalizations are in the original.

    713 DAVE PACK is the vine and you are the branches. Apart from DAVE PACK, you can do nothing. 714 If anyone is not grafted into DAVE PACK, he is cast out, dries up, and DAVE PACK's ministers will gather them and throw them into a fire where, with general rejoicing, they are burned. 715 If you dwell in DAVE PACK and DAVE PACK dwells in you, only then can you bear much mone-ah, sorry, I meant FRUIT. 716 And so shall you be DAVE PACK's disciples.

    717 This is the will of the Father who sent DAVE PACK, that all whom He has given to DAVE PACK should not be lost. 718 And this is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees DAVE PACK, and believes on DAVE PACK, may have eternal life, and DAVE PACK will raise them up at the last day.

    719 The one who believes on DAVE PACK has eternal life. 720 Moses did not bring the true bread from heaven, for the Israelites ate the manna in the desert and they died. But DAVE PACK is the living bread which came down from heaven so that anyone who eats of DAVE PACK will not die. 721 DAVE PACK is the bread of life. The one who comes to DAVE PACK shall never hunger. 722 DAVE PACK gives you the true bread from heaven, for the bread of God is DAVE PACK Who came down from heaven and gives life to the world. 723 Unless you eat the flesh of DAVE PACK and drink the blood of DAVE PACK you do not have life in yourselves. Only the one who eats DAVE PACK's flesh and drinks DAVE PACK's blood has eternal life. 724 For DAVE PACK's flesh is truly food, and DAVE PACK's blood is truly drink. 725 The one who eats DAVE PACK's flesh and drinks DAVE PACK's blood is dwelling in DAVE PACK, and DAVE PACK in him. 726 As the living Father has sent DAVE PACK and DAVE PACK lives through the Father, so also the one who eats DAVE PACK shall live by DAVE PACK.

  6. Only one problem, Andrew. This mysterious dude for some unknown reason always refers to himself as "Mr. Pack".

    I believe he needs to do a complete topical study on the Holy Spirit, concentrating on the New Testament scriptures. If he can successfully do this, temporarily setting aside HWA's writings, perhaps he will come to a new level of faith, and realize how ridiculous and actually sacrilegious his leakage theory is!

    Unfortunately for him, he will also realize that he does not have any authority over those who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. But, that would be a good thing, n'est ce pas?

    ~Miguel de la Rodente

  7. Andrew, if I'm not mistaken, aren't these the words shortly before he is crucified?

  8. Dave Pack: Is Your Body Leaking The Holy Spirit?

    MY COMMENT - Dave Pack: Is your mind brain dead?


  9. It does not matter if anyone imagines he or she has the holy spirit and thus, superpowers.

    Davey Pack only has control over those who hand him control, for whatever flaky or sad reason.

    Having or not having superpower-holy-spirit's got nothing to do with it.
