Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dan Cafeo: No Movies, TV's, Video Games, in World Tomorrow

A few words of wisdom from Dan Cafeo of the Church of God In Training:

Look at what happened to the United States during the “roaring 20’s” following World War 1. Excess gave rise to immorality. Lavish parties and cabarets. Short skirts and heavy drinking. Then what happened? The Great Depression and “dust bowl” brought on by severe drought. This national experience was felt by everyone, even the wealthy.

The man is built differently. His muscles are bulky and larger to bare the physical burden of working the ground and constructing things. The female is more delicate and gentle, with greater compassion for raising children. The man has a greater capacity to focus on accomplishing a singular task. The woman has a greater capacity to multitask and care for energetic, young children. The man works primarily outside, the woman works primarily inside. The man is rugged and rough, laboring in the heat of the sun, while the woman is protected from the elements, therefore soft and fair. And these two attributes were designed to be attractive to each other. Women are attracted to ambitious, hard working, rugged, masculine men. Men are attracted to virtuous, discreet, gentle, delicate women. Like two magnets drawn to each other.

There will be NO movies, TV shows or video games in God’s Kingdom to come. Human beings were designed to be creative, inventive and productive—not mindless, idle “zombies,” hypnotized by entertainment.

Children fighting over toys are like murdering dictators:

Satan’s way is the way of get—be it a child who takes another child’s toy or a ruthless dictator who murders whole populations without a conscience.


  1. This guy and his group (of like 8 people) joined my last cult(COG-FF) for the feast one year. He totally creeped me out. He gave a sermon where he brought all the kids up on stage with him and then broke down into a fit of crying. It was the most awkward, embarrassing thing I've ever seen in 27 years with the cults.

    His icebreaker sermon was equally scary, if I remember correctly, talking about how he ran away with his wife when she was really young, 13 I think. He ended up trying to push some doctrine that Don Billingsley didn't agree with, and the two groups parted ways.

  2. Reading through his "Who We Are" info I quickly got the feeling there are not many people following him. Probably another living room COG.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Satan's way is the way of get" -- like Cafeo and all these other yappers claiming for themselves some lofty mantle of leadership under God.

    His article on "How to Raise Children" is reprehensible.

    He writes: "Today’s generation is portrayed, quite accurately, as a generation of over-privileged, disrespectful, rebellious, sexually promiscuous, fat, lazy human beings."

    I would like to stand him, close-mouthed, in a room while I walk before him teenager after teenager whom I know in my local community who are industrious, respectful, hardworking, intelligent, dependable people of character. I am through listening to self-aggrandizing pontificators like Cafeo proclaim this kind of nonsense. He has no basis for what he's saying other than his own warped interpretation of what's going on around him. There are aspects to society that are worse than 100 years ago, and aspects that are better.

    "...they’ll gripe, complain and tell you they feel deprived, that they don’t have enough," he blathers on.

    Some will, some won't, but the majority I know won't do that at all. It's a flat-out lie. Nontheless, human weakness and frailty has been a part of the human condition from the beginning. But he has to lump everybody together in order to argue just how terrible everything is.

    Cafeo, he of the no TV, no video games, etc., then reflects on how the wealthy nations of Old Testament times became complacent, experience moral decline, and were given over to captivity because they turned from God.

    Strange, how that happened with no TV, no video games, etc. to corrupt them back then.

    So -- it's not the fault of modern conveniences? Or it is?


    Round and round and round these guys go, proving nothing, constantly displaying their bias and ignorance in equal amounts.

  5. Deacon: I thoroughly agree with your comments. I volunteer with one of the largest volunteer organizations in the country here in Pasadena. We have several programs for area youth to also volunteer with us. They have to go through an interview process. Listening to these kids I was blown away with their abilities and the things they already do. We all remarked afterwards that there is hope for this country after all.

    Another time a group of us were at a restaurant and there was a long table of 16-20 year-olds. Listening to their conversations was fascinating. It went from politics to religion and what they were doing to make their community better. Never in my 40 some years in Armstrongism did I ever hear a group of COG youth sitting around talking with rational words about politics and religion and what they were doing to help the community.

    The picture Armstrongism and extreme fundamentalism present as "the failure of youth of today" is completely false.

  6. "Reading through his "Who We Are" info I quickly got the feeling there are not many people following him. Probably another living room COG."

    This was 3 or 4 years ago and he had 8 people tops (that came to the feast anyway) I can't imagine his numbers growing. Fun fact: One of his members designed Billingsley's "magazine" cover (which they still use today!)

  7. Church of God In Training for the Kingdom? LOL. Where do these guys come up with these names? Just what the world needs now - another Armstrongite Church of God preaching the gospel around the world with power and authority.

    Ooops,LOL I mean preaching the gospel around the world with the power of a toothe pick influencing no one and having no real impact on the world or society - but will provide a small income stream to the Pastor General.


  8. How long before there's a Church of God Strongly Holding Its Truth?

    Act now -- the domain name for that acronym is still available!

  9. They can call it anything they wish. It's still HWAcaca, and it stinks to high heaven!


  10. I think it's fine to say that murderous dictators are like children fighting over toys. I think it's totally perverse to turn it around and say that children fighting over toys are like dictators engaging in genocide.


    Children had better learn to fight to stick up for themselves and what's theirs, or else they aren't competing and they're gonna give up, roll over and die.

    His is a very unhealthy perspective that will only inhibit children from growing up to be fully functional adults.

  11. And he knows this because?

    It's not in the Bible.

    It's not in Scripture anywhere.


    He just KNOWS.

    So do creepy kooks with psychoaffective disorder.

    What is in Scripture is Jesus condemning the hypocritical Pharisees (of the which this is yet another modern example) and James saying that God resists the proud. The arrogance is showing. Hypocrisy is on the rise.

    Christians are commanded to mark those who cause division.

    This guy is just one more for the scrap heap.

    Wonder who he things died and left him God?

  12. When I start a church, I'm going to call it:

    Church of God, One More Group of Self-Righteous Idiots Dedicated to Holding Fast to the Truth Once Delivered By God's Apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong, and Even Though We Fit the Definition of a Cult, We Aren't, So Stop Saying That Already.


    I'm hoping that my peak attendance will eventually reach as high as 25 people before half of my followers and their tithe money decide to split off and go elsewhere.

    I'm starting to realize I better hurry because that name and its corresponding web domain might get taken sooner than I thought.

  13. "When I start a church, I'm going to call it:

    Church of God, One More Group of Self-Righteous Idiots Dedicated to Holding Fast to the Truth Once Delivered By God's Apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong, and Even Though We Fit the Definition of a Cult, We Aren't, So Stop Saying That Already."

    I love this.

  14. The road of rationality is broad and there are few who find it, choosing instead the path of insanity.

  15. I really become apalled with this mentality, because these people severely limit the channels through which God can reach them, and the channels through which God can work through them. I suppose it's just as well, because their theology is anything but Christian, and you really wouldn't want it to spread.

    They need to open their eyes! People caught in a disaster like the Haitian earthquake are often receptive to the gospel. Criminals do become exhausted by their lifestyles, and will often look for a pushing of the "reset" button. Yet, the Armstrong paradigm for all of this is that most such people won't have any chance until the 2nd Rez. So much for the great commission!


  16. What kind of vigorous, rugged, outdoor, he-man kind of work does he do? Or is he an exception to the rule?

  17. these people severely limit the channels through which God can reach them

    Byker Bob, isn't that because they don't watch TV?

  18. Anon asks, What kind of vigorous, rugged, outdoor, he-man kind of work does he do? Or is he an exception to the rule?

    Excellent question.
    I remember shaking hands with Herbert W Armstrong and noticing his hand was extremely soft and mooshy.

    Not the hand of a "He-Man", by any means!

    Perhaps Loma is the one in the family who wore the pants (and a strap-on dildo).

  19. Douglas,

    I'm constantly amazed by the sheer number of Bible-based or Christ like (although they do not acknowledge the source) lessons one can learn from the morality plays broadcast regularly on television! Yes, it can also be a cesspit, but you're going to find what you seek! I look for the positive, but know that someone embedded in HWA theology would typically be looking for paganism, or evil which they can put down.

    Sometimes, I believe that the Unitarians have something on the rest of us. They believe that all paths lead back to God. Let's face it, a crack whore on the streets would certainly be receiving one heck of an education! Becoming sick of sin, wrong, and evil can be a very powerful gateway to enlightenment.

    It illustrates once again that the human mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open!


  20. It is interesting that many lessons rooted in paganism could be termed, "Christ like" lessons!

    I guess that a person might focus on the "Christ like" definition more, if that is their favorite frame of reference, even when "pagan" would be more accurate and less misleading.

