Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 9, 2012

Is Satan Beaming Bad Attitudes Into People Who Question LCG?

With the dawn of the Internet the Churches of God can no longer control the flow of information about church issues.  The Internet has been a great thorn in the side of the COG.  It is what contributed to the rapid dissolution of the WCG when all the changes were coming down the line.  Information flowed too freely and too fast for anyone in "power" to control it.

It's now over twenty years later and the COG's are still trying to control information.  Take a look at Doug Winnail and his belief that Satan is behind anyone that dares questions LCG leadership, doctrines or beliefs.  Even though they don't believe it a lot of what Jesus said and did, they sure love to trumpet out his name when it is needed to be used as a weapon.  Armstrongism is all about the fear factor.

Satan’s Subtle Devices: The Days of Unleavened Bread are a time for self-examination—to carefully examine the motives in our own heart (1 Corinthians 11:29-32). Are we truly motivated by God’s Spirit or by the attitudes of this world? Unfortunately, after months or many years in the Church of God, we can still be snared by Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11)—without even realizing what is happening. Satan—who is the accuser of the brethren and the source of doubts, divisions and rebellion against authority—can cleverly beam ideas and attitudes into our minds (Ephesians 2:2) that stir us to criticize, complain, and question decisions, actions and policies of those around us and over us in the Body of Christ. When we see that Satan tempted Christ (Matthew 4:1-10) and then stirred Peter to sharply rebuke Christ (Matthew 16:22-23), we should realize that we are not immune to Satan’s devices. Jesus said that anyone who criticizes, pours contempt on, or harbors anger against others is actually guilty of spiritual murder (Matthew 5:21-22). At this time of year, we need to ask ourselves if we have the mind and humility of Jesus Christ to esteem others better than ourselves (Philippians 2:1-8). If we accuse, criticize and spread doubt and division among others, we have been snared by a device of the “accuser of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10). Let’s all strive to be real Philadelphia Christians who show love and promote peace and cooperation with others in the Church of God. That is what God is looking for in us at this time (James 3:17-18).

Have a profitable Sabbath and Spring Holy Day season,
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. All my life, ministers have been busy using Ephesians 2:2 as a prooftext to support the belief that Satan magically "broadcasts" ideas and attitudes directly into people just like television and radio.

    What a load of superstitious baloney!

  2. Yup, if you can get people to believe that questioning the beliefs of your cult is really 'Satan trying to influence them', you can control those people more easily.


  3. This is plain sick. His first point is that it is about self examination (I.e. focus on what is bad about you not whether or not we are doing anything wrong)

    Secondly he deliberately distorts what Jesus said. Last time I looked Jesus didn't condemn those who criticized and he said hatred was the equivelent of spiritual murder.

    Looks like he's saying "I'll see your Jesus and raise you one Pharisee" :)-

  4. Perhaps, during the Days of Unleavened Bread, Roderick Meredith can ponder the Satanic Evil he has used to infest the CoGs with the infusion of his own leaven of being a false prophet, totally rebellious against authority, causing divisions.

    Or has he fogotten the fiasco for which he was responsible over at Global where he ripped his own church apart?

    And the people of the LCG -- perhaps they should read II Timothy 3 and see the instructions on what to do about Meredith: From such turn away.

    I've asked LCG members up close and personal why they don't obey that Scripture after reading II Timothy 3 in their presence. They just walk away and never talk to me again.

    While we can't believe in church eras -- another lie fabricated by that false prophet Ellen G. White -- the LCG looks so much more like Laodocea than anything else: Vain, boasting that they have THE truth in the face of all the cesspool of other ACoGs with their own false prophets.

    Roderick Meredith is absolutely disgusting and is filled with all sorts of evil works with his great swelling pride, thinking himself to be the prime example of manhood.

    Hypocrisy is on the rise.

    If God ever worked with the ACoGs, it's clear that He has thrown up His Hands in frustration and sort of walked away, because you can't tell these nim nul sinners one damned thing as they wallow in their self-righteousness.

    Perhaps they should look at the new booklet, This We Believe: Teachings of the Church of God (Seventh Day) to see if they can even begin to measure up to the original.

  5. "Let’s all strive to be real Philadelphia Christians who show love and promote peace and cooperation with others in the Church of God. That is what God is looking for in us at this time."

    With others in the Church of God. Wow. Not others in general. No, no -- others "in the Church."

    THAT is what God is looking for?

    The arrogance of presuming the rest of the world isn't God's concern, and therefore needn't be theirs, is simply nauseating. Their own words continue to indict them, over and over again.

    Simply outrageous.

  6. " we need to ask ourselves if we have the mind and humility of Jesus Christ to esteem others better than ourselves "

    I always wondered if I am to esteem all others as better than myself, what are all others supposed to do?

    "I'm nothing,"
    "No I'm nothing,"
    "Are not,"
    "Am too"
    "I know you are better but what what am I,"
    "I know I am worser than you so what are you!"



  7. M.T., we can always mutually esteem one another better than the other.
