Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Knockers Church of God Tells You EXACTLY How Things Were When The Israelites Fled Egypt

The Knockers Church of God wants you to know that they know EXACTLY how things went down when the Israelites fled from Egypt.  This is from their latest article THE REAL ACCOUNT and ROUTE OF ISRAEL COMING OUT OF EGYPT
"Moses married one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah. Many claim Moses married an Ethiopian woman which is false. We can be sure that Moses never married a Negro or a Nuba. It’s true, he had married a non-Israelite, but she was a descendant of Abraham, therefore was white, and closely related (Acts 7:29)."

God forbid if Moses had married a black woman! 

"Please take note of Psalms 105:37 There was not one feeble to be found amongst the 12 tribes of Israel fleeing Egypt. Also they tended to live longer in those days, e.g. Moses was 120 years old.

Imagine being slaves for over 400 years with generations being born and dying.  Yet, through it all there are absolutely NO feeble men and women.  No elderly that need assistance.  No small children who cannot walk for miles on end every day.  All strong, healthy, virile macho men and amazon women.

At his death his sight had not dimmed Deut. 34:7. Remember this was just 900 years after Noah’s Great Flood. The Israelites were very fit, and marched, having greater vitality and strength. Wish I could say that of Israel’s descendants today."

"Exodus13:18—“. . . the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt.”
The term harnessed indicates that they went out, not as an unruly mob of fleeing fugitives, but as a well organised body. The Hebrew word “Chamushim” is translated “harnessed” and means “in ranks.” Therefore Israel marched with military precision in ranks of five.

Have they ever wondered how 3,000,000 people could be gathered together on short notice, load up all their belongings, gather their spoils of  the Egyptians, march out of Egypt with all their animals, elderly, and children in a matter of hours so they can set up camp to keep the first  day of Unleavened Bread?  They seem to assume that the second the first person started walking away from Egypt that every single other person started moving at the same time.  That is an impossibility.  Most Armstrongites never think about that.

"The Egyptians had watch posts all through the Sinai Peninsula. It is documented that they flashed messages from tower to tower by day and night, using reflected light. Perhaps this is how Pharaoh knew exactly where the escaped slaves had gone."

"The crossing site is 12 miles long, and miraculously, by the Great God’s design, has an underwater bridge dividing the two deeps. The crossing site is 800–900 metres or 866-975 yards wide, and it descends and ascends on the Saudi side with a 6-7 degree slope. One km further along the coast, the descending approaches 40 degrees. British hydrographic maps illustrate this.
The British Admiralty charts show that the Gulf of Aqaba is like a deep trench, and across that deep trench is a raised area—at the very place the remains"

Did you know that the Red Sea Gulf of Aqaba actually FROZE solid on both sides of the Israelites?

"I have been soundly ridiculed by ministers in God’s Church in the past, for suggesting that Almighty God actually froze the waters of the Red Sea. The evidence is there; for God plainly says, He congealed the waters. Now how does one congeal water? What happens? How could you congeal water (salt water at that)?
The Dictionary defines CONGEALED as “to change from a fluid to a solid or rigid state.”
Strongs Concordance says CONGEAL “to shrink, thicken as in curdled milk or frozen water.”
When the waters were parted by a wind from the East; the Bible says that they were congealed. This word congealed"
"4. These walls of water (ice) stood firm for hours until every Hebrew was safely on the opposite shore, and then crashed down when every Egyptian pursuer was on the sea bed.
5. The sand was also frozen hard to assist wheels of heavily laden, Israelite carts to move along the sea floor. It must have been like concrete. Pharaoh started his pursuit in the morning watch (6-9 am). By 10 am the hot sun was melting the walls and sand on the sea floor; so that the Egyptian chariot wheels would break through the melting, sand floor into ruts and fall off, slowing them down."

"On the sea floor there are two lines of stones with a wide, stone-cleared pathway between them, extending into the crystal clear water! They were dead straight along the edge on both sides. Could it be that Moses had a large team of strong, tough ex-slaves (his “rock group”) going on ahead, tossing the stones out of the way to smooth the pathway for the multitude?"

What this Knockers minister is doing is quoting the material from Seventh Day Adventist Ron Wyatt.  Wyatt was a wanna-be archaeologist that claimed to have found Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant and the remains of the Egyptians  that pursued the Israelites out of Egypt and more.   If I have the correct person, he even came and spoke in the Auditorium in Pasadena and brought wood that he claimed was from the ark   Armstrongism bought into his lunacy lock stock and barrel. His so called research had been debunked for decades.

His work has been debunked thoroughly by professional archaeologists and respected biblical scholars. On August 8, 1996, Joe Zias, Curator of Anthropology/Archaeology with the Israel Antiquities Authority (Jerusalem), issued the following statement:
“Mr. Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. We are aware of his claims which border on the absurd as they have no scientific basis whatsoever nor have they ever been published in a professional journal. They fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun, etc. It’s amazing that anyone would believe them…” (http://www.tentmaker.org/WAR/Zias.html).
 Ron Wyatt, the “Indiana Jones” of the SDA Church

Ron Wyatt: Colossal Fraud

A Great Christian Scam

ARCHEOLOGY WITH RON WYATT: a personal account

Amateur archeologist Ron Wyatt is known for making sensational claims regarding alleged discoveries of Biblical sites and artifacts.

Here are just a few of his most amazing discoveries: The true site of the crucifixion; the Ark of the Covenant; the true Mount Sinai (with a plaque announcing it as such); the site of Korah's earthquake; the true site of the Israelites' Red Sea crossing also with a marker 'built by King Solomon' as a memorial; Chariot wheels from Pharaoh's drowned army; the actual rock Moses struck to release water; the ashen remains of Sodom and Gomorrah; Noah's Ark; Noah's grave; Noah's house; Mrs. Noah's grave; Moses' stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, held together with golden hinges.

Wyatt claims were so fanciful and plentiful, it would seem logical to ask Ron if he had yet unearthed Jesus' High School diploma. Wyatt most bizarre discovery has to be when he claimed to have found the blood of Christ, and a DNA analysis of that blood indicates Christ was born of a virgin.

Although it took several years for reality to set in, most Christian ministries have finally come to disavow Wyatt's work. About the only true believers remaining are ones that continue to financially benefit from promoting his videos.

Ron was either a fabricator or he was delusional, but whatever the case may be, he was clearly one of the greatest frauds the field of Bible prophecy has ever seen. Wyatt's years of research may amount to nothing more than garbage, however, he did help prove that some Christians are limitless in their gullibility. Ron Wyatt


  1. Let’s do the math. If there were 3 million folks (3,000,000) walking in ranks of five; that would be 3,000,000 / 5 or 600,000 ranks of folks. If each person used 30” of space (that is the military standard) that means the line of folks would be 600,000 x 2.5’ or 1,500,000 feet. That is approximately 284 miles (1,500,000 / 5280’ = 284). The straight line distance from the Land of Goshen in the northeast part of the Nile delta to the Gulf of Aqaba is approximately 250 miles. Of course there are no straight line roads, then nor now.

    If the average person walks at a pace of 3 miles per hour, it would take approximately 80 hours of total walking time; (250 miles / 3 = 80). That is 3-1/3 days. Normally folks need 5-8 hours of rest. So let’s add 5 hours x 3.33 or 17 hours to the total; 80 + 17 = 97 hours of walking time. Of course that doesn’t account for eating and potty breaks. But maybe those folks were so strong and healthy they didn’t need to eat or rest.

    This would equate to 3 to 4 days from the time the first 5 people left until they arrived at the Gulf of Aqaba. The line of ranks of people is approximately 35 miles longer than the 250 mile distance. That means that it is possible that some of the folks didn’t leave until after the first folks arrived at the gulf. If we figure that the first rank started at time “0”, then in 1 hour they would have walked 3 miles. With each rank taking 2-1/2’ of space, that means in the first hour 6336 ranks had started walking [(3 x 5280) / 2.5 = 6336]. If we take 600,000 ranks and divide by 6336 we will find the number of hours before everyone has left. That equates to 600,000 / 6336 = 95 hours. That is very close to the 97 hours in the previous paragraph.

    Of course this is all speculation on my part. I could be wrong.

  2. This is just another group claiming to have special truth or special knowledge, just like their idol and mentor. It's the modern day equivalent of Gnosticism, because, like the Gnostics, they believe that special knowledge is what ends up saving them.

    There is a lot of knowable fact out there, and there is also knowledge that few educated people dispute. But, there's also an awful lot of twiggy, inconsequential stuff that people think they know as fact that ends up being wildly disputed by just about anyone. Claiming to know the truth about disputed information is a big advertising "hook", and that's about it.


  3. BTW, where does this Knockers Church of God meet???? Hooters????


  4. This is so totally ridiculous that I just can't resist having another go at these people. Moses married Zipporah years before returning to Egypt, and years before leading the people out of Egypt, and years before the "law of Moses" was even given (check St. Paul and Josephus for reference). I say this to partially rebuttal Knockers' theory that Moses would not have been allowed to marry a black woman, and act for which Miriam and Aaron openly criticized their brother. I also hope Knockers realizes that Joseph's wife was non-Israelite Egyptian, making the ACOGs' precious Manasseh and Ephraim multi-ethnic.

    Attention racist British Israel theorists: Please don't attempt to "whitewash" the Bible. God equally loves all of the ethnic groups which He created. It's idolatry, false worship, and other sin that separates people from Him.



  5. Who says it was 3 million? Most estimates I've heard stated were in the neighborhood of half that number. This is all extrapolation of Exodus 12:37, where it says 600,000 plus children.

    Some (I won't say who) regard the KJV as an infallible translation, so when it says "men" in verse 37, they assume that figure does not include women. We are talking about an entire human population, not some artificial set of just warrior men and then just children, and no women or elderly or anything else. That word in context should take a different one of it's meanings, "persons" or "adults" which would include fathers, mothers, and grandparents. We know it had to be greater than the population replacement rate of 2 surviving children per couple because the Israelite population was growing. Under these assumptions, in order to reach 1.5 million total, the average number of children who lived to reproduce would have to be 4 children per couple. But to reach a total of 3 million people, it would require a SURVIVING birthrate of 9 children per couple. I doubt that is a realistic figure under the circumstances of their slavery.

    "Harnessed" might mean orderly as opposed to pell-mell, but the "military precision" and "ranks of five"? These are slaves, not trained military troops. Those parts came out of someone's ass. What, were the livestock goosestepping too?

  6. ReAlLy? The Red Sea froze? If there were two walls of ICE on either side of them, please explain who scooped out the middle part to make a channel to walk through and where that vast amount of H2O went. It's more likely they ice skated across while eating sno-cones.

    So many idiots out there making up rediculous stuff and telling you that they know for sure exactly everything, no doubt. The only people stupider are the people who believe them.

  7. A. Ron Wyatt was God Haunted and found every major Biblical artifact except the broken tablets....or so he thought.

    B. The Exodus is a myth.


  8. It just didn't happen. No way. No how.

    All of this story was fabricated hundreds of years into the purported future. Fabrication is indemic to Middle Eastern and Egyptian cultures. The Israelites were no exception.

    Because of printing, there is less mythical fabrication today, but there still is a lot of history revolving around the birth of our own country that is considerably less than factual.

  9. Never heard of these guys, the Knockers before. Are they related to the Shakers or Quakers? How could anyone seriously choose a name like that? Unless you lived in the town of Knock, Ireland, its just a little weird.

  10. Do Knockers meet at Hooters!

    Outstanding Bob!


  11. If anyone bothers to follow the chronologies as given in Genesis and Exodus, it should be clear that the Israelites were not in slavery for 430 years. In fact, you can "prove" that the Israelites were in Egypt for a total of 215 years, if you are retentive enough to do the research and lay out the tables.

    If you do not have Microsoft Excel, I can highly recommend LibreOffice Calc: It's a free download and works really great as a spreadsheet (and while you are at it, check out LibreOffice Writer as a great alternative to Microsoft Word -- which also integrates nicely with both the OO Database and Calc).

    You will need to figure out the length of time the Pharaoh who knew Joseph was still in the picture, since the actualy slavery did not begin until his successor took over.

    Obviously, the Knockers Church is factually wrong and no one needs to speculate on their viability: They are simply kooks.

    Sort of like Ronald Weinland: Look, you stupid fools in PKG (Pathetic Kook Group), he's already been proved to be a false prophet. You do NOT have to wait until May 27th to prove it yet again.

  12. Mish Mash:

    I am being catty in regards to the name. It is the Vigilent Church of God that uses Christ's Knock as it's major headline.


  13. Hi No2HWA,
    Oh, that guy, with the big hair that looks like he needs a date with a 80's girl with big hair too.

    He can knock on someone else's door, we already gave at the office.

  14. Sooz howz come we get the detailed names of hebrew relatives in the OT but no one can seem to come up with the name of a Pharoah who was doing all this terrible stuff to the Israelites.

    Sounds "once upon a time," to me.

  15. The bottom line is that religian is devoid of critical thinkers. People that sift through the facts to see if biblical events could have actually happened. If you are a critical thinker and express doubts about some of the religious beliefs you are told that you lack "faith". Critical thinkers believe that the evidence must be substantial to validate the stories of the bible. Many reigious people try to find evidence to validate their pre-concieved beliefs instead of looking at plain and clear facts to see if these events had any reasonable chance of ever accuring.

  16. And I say, Do the Math!.

    It's so fun to disprove the kooks using the Bible itself (you get more points!).

    Just railing about the Bible is plain lazy (give 'em facts to confuse them!).

  17. I am surprised that the ‘Knockers Church of God’ is so careless to think the Israelites were in slavery for over 400 years.

    As Douglas Becker says its ‘clear that the Israelites were not in slavery for 430 years.’

    Just ‘doing the maths will show this, that from the time Joseph’s brothers arrive in Egypt, to when the Israelites left Egypt was just over 200 years, of which maybe around half of that time was in slavery – i.e. around 100 years, rather than 400 years. The 400 plus years are referring back to when Abraham left his own country.

    But this is a well known thing; Jewish sources acknowledge this, as do many Christian groups, and so too do just about all the COG groups, except apparently the ‘Knockers’.

    For those that can’t be bothered to do the maths, you could check out the article on


    The article does the maths for you, and seems to cover things relatively well from a Biblical point of view, should you actually want to look at it from the Biblical point of view.
