Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Reader Asks About HQ Lists...

A reader here asks:

Does anyone not know of the strategic constant STALKING and assults of a.c./church members and the SECRET "LIST"at headquarters?
(only a few employees of Ambassador College knew about this ominous list - some ministers at headquarters didn't even know about it). It was TOP SECRET.
Wives of some of the men involved were terrified and torn because they would be disfellowshipped if the existence of a TARGET "list" was leaked. Lots of court cases in the church would be lost. No one talked about it for fear.

I was told. I was on the list. An employee reported me based on a misunderstanding and his wife was forbidden to speak to me, but she bawled when she told me about the list because it had cause serious damage and trauma to her friend, who had been driven nearly insane by the tactics used to carry out the PURPOSE of the list - by what they would do to people on the list. She almost divorced her husband for reporting me and being apart of the sadistic plan.

At the time, she couldn't explain what the list had in store for me and that once on the list, you can never come off. MCNAIR'S LAW. I just didn't understand what being on a harmless list meant. It meant being spiritual murdered by a select chosen group who knew about the list; it meant insanity; it meant years of trying to make sense of things that were beyond reason.

It meant that people you loved deeply, abandoned you and were forbidden to speak to you even though you were not disfellow-shipped and had no complait against you ever mentioned by a minister.

It was all subversive since they thought you were a devil. Other people were ordered to pretend to be your friend in order to report on you and get you kicked out of the church. They needed dirt to get rid of you and legally disfellowship you, and if they couldn't find the dirt they'd not give up for years, eventually, RAYMOND F. MCNAIR and GREG ALBREIGHT were going to get you.

Nice beautiful people on the list were asummed to be "progressive" and therefore, a threat. They were targeted with ungodly psychotic abuse until the person broke, gave up from the rattled nerves of the dark vicious constant hatred they saw in the people attacking them - (almost all complete strangers just walking up to me, for example, and ripping me apart and NEVER not once (Mr. Helge at the legal department advised them) Never would they tell me why, no accussaton was ever leveled at me other than you are Satanic. (I have some very impressive intelligent people who laugh at that.)

These people recruited to carry out the purpose of the list were generally people who befriended you falsely and creepily and clung to you, and the deception was grotesque sometimes. Realy creepy stories to tell.

Their paranoid psychosis convinced them there were devils everywhere

Even Tkatch had a daily spy, Merry Noel Knowlton - ask her, she'd be glad to tell.

She became Catholic later so she could go to confession and get free psychiatric relief from her dark conscience. Other partici-pants in the various schemes had manifestations of guilt they will have to live with for attempting to destroy so many people they had no knowlege of wrong-doing.

MCNAIR'S fear of being replaced by a more sane "liberal" authority had Mr. Helge's legal department( I knew one of their employees)helped them drive people out of the church legally by doing things to avoid some of their many lawsuits i.e. getting students to sign special wavers for "a special project" at the 1-800 number at "Watts line" (that I don't have time to detail, but I was one of their victims and it nauseats me)


  1. I'm skeptical. Sounds paranoid and dramatic. Convince me.


  2. I just typed a long comment and accidentally lost it. the space here is too small. list your email address and I can send you more info. There are police reports, video, tv, witnesses, Pasadena public general knowlege at the time of some of the incodents. The El Rancho store across from headquarters managment had video of the constant verbal attacks and called police and I think the manager banned students in protest.

    Thrifty on Colorado called police and had video, the mall was in an uproar over the security guard (AC) stalkings....

    Employees names...

  3. Also, of course it sounds paranoid and dramatic. The word stalk is a strong one and it's a traumatic experience to remember.

    Do you not understand or know these people - The McNairs etc.? Was "Satan" not out to destroy the church within the church? That's what they thought and they wanted these people forced out of the church legally so they pushed you until you quit. Find someone in legal department who has left the church and there should be some because it was very very hard on their conscience, seeing what was happening to people who couldn't figure out what was going on.

    I wrote because I'm shocked no one else has said anything about it and I think it should be talked about and exposed. People need to know what they did and who they still are and can still do to present members. Leaving the church is almost impossible until your eyes are open to their cruel behavior.

  4. Write plainly please, and put in some details of who is accused of doing exactly what to whom, and when and where it all happened. What has been presented so far is a series of very vague allegations that some people verbally harassed some other people. I am open to believe that such things may have happened but a few more specifics would help your case.

  5. "I'm skeptical. Sounds paranoid and dramatic. Convince me."


  6. "Leaving the church is almost impossible until your eyes are open to their cruel behavior."

    Highly debatable.

  7. I lived in Pasadena for years and worked for the college. Maybe I was naive, but I never really worried about lists. In my paranoid moments, I did worry that the ministers would find out about some of our parties, as up to a certain point they always seemed to find out about them and to call people in for questioning.

    Perhaps the most bizarre experience I had while working for the college was the time when we had a meeting at the press. We were asked to sign oaths of personal loyalty to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong as a condition to our continued employment. Most of us lied. Only one employee refused, and I ended up driving him home. Several days later, he "repented" and also lied, so was allowed to continue working at the press. By that time, many of us had realized that it was all a sham anyway, but that the administration felt like they needed to lock the chicken coop after the hens and roosters had left.

    HWA hated the domestic press. However, I can't tell you how many times he quoted a Communist Russian newspaper which had somehow learned of him and praised his ability to wield power! HWA repeated himself to the point of nausea in his old age, and this was one of his favorites!

