Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rebuilding The Ruins of Ambassador

Here are a few pictures the construction going on on the old Pasadena campus and on 
the East Campus area across the freeway.  

The first two are from Del Mar Blvd looking towards where the Health Center and Del Mar Gardens used to be.  The second picture is looking towards the green lawn that was in front of Manor Del Mar.

Click on all pictures to supersize

These pictures are of construction going on where the Data Processing Center/Accounting and 
Shipping & Receiving were.

This shot is from the small parking lot by DPC/Accounting looking towards where the 
Maintenance Shops used to be.  The background buildings are on the old Imperial Schools lot.

This shot is where the old Victorian house was by the Growing Grounds

This shot is looking towards where the old Imperial High School building was.

This is looking towards the area by the Imperial Gym grass lawn.  The Gym would have been to the left.

This is looking at the area where the small parking lot was for the Office Facilities building.


  1. Unless the Lord shall build the house....

  2. The ideal building project for this site would be a prison. Since Armstrongism kept thousands of people imprisoned for decades. That would be the perfect structure to build on this site.
    Too late, atleast the people that will live there can be inspired by the thought that they are dwelling on land that Herbert the Pervert once walked.

  3. Yes, the Ambassador College Prison Experiment, replete with prisoners and guards, so reminiscent of Philip Zimbardo.

  4. There's not much left of Herbie's "great" empire anymore, is there?

  5. Actually the fact that I am a women, the thought of living on a site that "Herbert the Pervert" once walked would be more than a little bit creepy. Also I better watch-out for the ghost of Garner Ted.

  6. What an illusion it all was!

    We confidently thought that campus would endure into the kingdom. I lived in Del Mar Manor for about three years. It was a beautiful dormitory.

    Those old mansions were great places that many people contributed money they should have kept to restore, and I must confess that I'm sorry to see them go, but nothing is permanent in this world.

    Imperial schools helped mess up the lives of my children to a great extent. I was just to blinded to know what was happening.

    The nostalgia and a little bit of sadness over all that wasted time and treasure is kind of profound. It seems so distant now.

    Soon no one will be left to remember. That's the way the world works. A new generation with new dreams, struggles and problems will soon take over and Ambassador College will be completely forgotten.

  7. The timing of this entry may have been coincidental, but at a time when many of us are intensifying the personal meaning of the Resurrection, it's nice to see some valuable real estate being resurrected from Armstrongism!

    Happy Easter, everyone!


  8. Excerpted below from my unpublished essay on "my reflections of the Worldwide Church of God - 1972 God's Practical Joke"

    What about Ambassador College? What about all the graduates over the years who now have a worthless degree (I’m sorry, but a degree from a defunct college is worthless on a resume). Ambassador alumni don’t even have a campus to re-visit the memories of their youthful college years. Were we so immersed in Armstrongism that we completely missed the conflicting statements of “building colleges” while at the same time hearing Armstrong predicting “time is very short”? If Armstrong really believed his own words, wouldn’t it have made more sense to spend the extorted member money on a massive final warning blitz right before the 1972 German attack - instead of spending tens of millions of dollars on college buildings, campuses, and college operations?

    Certainly, other religions have established colleges. The Seventh Day Adventists have long standing educational institutions in Andrews University and Columbia Union College. I received my Masters degree from a private Midwest institution originally founded by the Church of Christ in 1881 – Drake University. Was Herbert Armstrong so selfish that he didn’t even think about an endowment for “God’s college” so it would live on in perpetuity? Apparently, he was!

    End of Excerpt


  9. Anonymous said....Man, you are all sick. You will not blab your mouth of the way you do when you face God in the Judgement, and see Mr. Armstrong in the Kingdom of God. If I were you pray that you do not die to night---It will be to late to repent of your bitter and twisted attitudes and hearts.

    You are all to twisted and bitter because you did not have the backbone to stick it out or endure. You could not see beyond your own sick ideas because you have already given in to your father the Devil, just like Judas. Pray to God for mercy and to forgive you.

  10. Herbert Armstrong was a con-man and Ambassador College was part of the system that kept many of his followers blindly loyal to him. The more it is unrecognized as it was the better. The symbol of religious control and abuse is being errased from the maps!!
