Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Undeniable PROOF That JC Will Return To Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After His Death

Here is a new moron that has predicted the year Christ will be returning.  Apparently this guy finished his new book on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  So who is this new prophet?  Prophet Gabriel.  Gabriel Ansley.

Gabriel was born December 25, 1970 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  At 12 years of age, in a certain church for the first time, he was picked out and told by a traveling prophet preaching there (who had never met him!) that his name was Gabriel, and that God had given him that name.  The prophet proceeded to tell him he would be like John the Baptist in the last days preparing the people to meet the Lord, for God would place him in a position one day to be able to influence multitudes of people!

Over 25 years later and after many supernatural visitations and revelations from God that DAY has finally arrived; for the prophetic Word of the Lord came unto Gabriel in the year AD 2007.  Instructed by God to write down the message he had received, Gabriel quit his job and dutifully set out to complete the task.  Twenty months later, the book Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return To Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After The Year Of His Death is the result.  In stunning fulfillment of the traveling prophet's words above, Gabriel's message now calls out in the loving, yet earnest, spirit of the Baptist (like all true prophets of God) to REPENT of your sins before it is too late!

He has determined the year Christ is returning.  This date cannot be changes since it was established from the foundation of the world, even though he says "somewhere between...."  I wouldn't call that being really precise.  That's a pretty impotent God that could not figure out the exact day 6,000 years down the line.

Another idiot to mock.

Long story short, when the nation of Israel amazingly, against-all-odds, came back on the map again in AD 1948 (after almost 1,900 years of non-existence) the Fig Tree in Jesus’ parable above had put forth her leaves!  Thus, Jesus was declaring, “The generation of people that sees this happen will not pass (or all die) before my 2nd Coming occurs!”
So how long is this generation of people?  Are you ready for this?  The answer is contained in the SAME Psalm of Moses where God first revealed the prophetic length of a day in His master time plan:
“For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past … The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70 years); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (80 years), yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we FLY AWAY” (Psalms 90:4-10).
There you have it, folks … 80 years added to 1948 yields AD 2028!  THAT is the last possible year on our current Gregorian calendar that Jesus Christ could return to Earth and still fulfill the words of his parable above.  And isn’t it mind-blowing to realize 2,000 years earlier (from that future year) yields AD 28 on our current Gregorian calendar, which is a highly respected year among scholars for Christ’s death!  Friend, I cannot say it any louder or clearer … JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK TO EARTH VERY SOON!  And it will be somewhere between AD 2026 to AD 2028, with AD 2028 looking very likely—which means the final 7 year tribulation period will begin somewhere around AD 2021.
Friend, Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming cannot be hastened or delayed.  It is a set time!
God cannot and will not change His prophetic Biblical Word, and He will NEVER be found a liar.  Therefore, Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth during mankind’s 6,000th year! 

Gabe had a miraculous vision on the Sabbath, December 8, 2007, where God revealed the true meaning about the Bible:

"...on a Sabbath morning, Saturday December 8, 2007, the
Lord first revealed the true meaning of the Bible to me. Oh, but that was
not the end of it, for more revelations continued to happen. For months
it was like God sat down with me, wrapped his right arm around my
shoulders, and carefully explained the meaning behind every detail
of the ancient Bible stories. Friend, the ancient Bible stories are ALL
prophecy: God caused and controlled every detail in them to happen to
foretell the future!!! In due time, the entire purpose and significance of
the Bible was made clear to me. Knowing the true implications behind
the details, I voraciously reread the first 5 books of the Old Testament
and the whole Bible sprang to life! The verses literally leapt off the
pages with spiritual prophetic value! The Bible’s true significance is
flabbergasting, and I bowed on my knees in reverence to God many
times for what He was revealing to me.
Then, during February of 2008, God asked me to quit my
carpentry job to write a book on what He taught me.
 We have William Miller, Ellen G White, Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Waterhouse, Dean Blackwell, Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Ron Weinalnd, Harold Camping and now this dweddle brain.  Give it a rest guys!  Your predecessors have all been proven to be liars, so when will you learn your lesson?


  1. Sigh.

    Another carpenter with long hair who quit his job to preach the gospel (there must be others).


  2. Why so skeptical?

    After all, Gabriel fasted 40 days and 40 nights.

    Well, OK.

    It was 40 nights.

    Fasting 40 days and nights is pretty difficult when you are a working carpenter, particularly in Tennessee.

    I do have a criticism though: If he wants to look like the traditional Christ in his picture, he should let his hair grow longer.

  3. Oh, and one more thing... just a minor fact thing:

    The Israelites were not slaves in Egypt for 430 years, so, Gabe, your whole time line is off.

    Check it.

    And you got such wonderful reviews on Amazon.com for your book: You aren't the only moron.

    Just remember, the Universe is filled with signs and wonders and the most important sign is "Stop".

  4. Thanks so much for putting me onto that book. It has some great new insight.

    Ruwach things are revealed by His Ruwach and it is definitely speaking through that source.

  5. Yes, Ruwach -- hot Ruwach -- and a lot of it.

  6. Yep, almost as good as the organizers of the Olympics in Britain asking if Keith Moon is available for the opening ceremonies: Undeniably stupid.

  7. What, another white guy? I keep waiting for a minority person to act so stupidly, but there just doesn't seem to be any equal representation. How embarrassing.


  8. When will these people learn their lesson?

    When people stop sending them their money!

    I think it is as simple as that.

  9. There are so many liars all over the place, deceiving those that are lost.

  10. Hi guys, this is Gabriel Ansley, the fellow you all seem to want to mock. How we doing? Instead of just mocking, how about actually reading the book I wrote in 2008, which predicted the Lord's return in 2028. The book is now 8 years old, and still going strong proclaiming God's truth!

    It cruised right on past the December 2012 Mayan calendar lie, the 2014-2015 blood moon tetrad, the 2016 shemitah lie. Yes, it will stand! Read it! Learn the truth. Visit www.2028END.com for the book's movie. Hear the confirmations. Yes, Jesus will be here in just a short 12 more years, at the writing of this message Sept 18, 2016.

    God have mercy on us all!


  11. You're arrogant. You don't even realize how you just refuted yourself. the Bible is the only book to read. Dare you say it isn't? Is your book free? Nope. You CHARGE people for GOD's truth?

    every false prophet in history has traits just like yours. But you're definitely a smarter one. If not THE smartest one.

    They all:

    - Predict and end date despite the word being clear that no man knows the day nor hour.

    -They all write their own books.

    -They all try to SELL their books. (Funny as money is useless in the end.)

    -They all pitch their books above the Bible.

    -They all are delusional, and believe they are special, or that only they can understand, and must break it down for others.

    -Quite a few have been numerology doctrine based which has yielded false results 100% of the time.

    The only difference between you, and them is you're smart enough to give yourself ample time in the spotlight preying off people's gullibility and fear while not allowing yourself to become too well known so that after the fact, barely anyone will ever know you for the fraud you are. Count on this. If I am alive and well in 2027, I will do my best to warn people of you. You make my heart, which loves all that is good, rend with disgust. Consider something. You tell a lie long enough, you begin to believe it. I urge you to cease lying to yourself, and others.

  12. Anonymous,

    The book has ALWAYS been free to read online.

    God says clearly in His Word that "He DECLARED the End from the Beginning (Creation) and the things not yet done" (Isaiah 46:9-10).

    So if God DECLARED (SPOKE) it, then we can KNOW it! Amazingly, God declared both the YEAR of Christ's return from Creation, and also the time DURING a year when Christ will return.

    The "timing" puzzle (during a calendar year) of Christ's return is contained in God's 7 Feasts.

    For example, it is a proven fact that ...

    Jesus DIED on the VERY DAY of the Feast of Passover (1st feast of the year)
    Jesus BURIED during the VERY DAYS of Feast of Unleavened Bread (2nd feast of the year)
    Jesus RESURRECTED on the VERY DAY of Feast of First Fruits (3rd feast of the year)
    Jesus SENT HOLY GHOST on the VERY DAY of Feast of Weeks (4th feast of year, Pentecost)

    So, we would be ignorant to NOT understand Jesus is going to do something MAJOR on the VERY DAY(S) of the remaining 3 fall feasts.

    Btw, the very essence of what each of these 7 yearly celebrated feasts was about ... is EXACTLY the essence of what Jesus was going to do!!! AMAZING!!! Jesus BECAME our Passover Lamb on the Feast of Passover, Jesus BECAME the First Fruits resurrection of the dead on the Feast of First Fruits.

    So, with ALL this evidence, the next Feast on the list is .... FEAST OF TRUMPETS!!!! This is simple to understand for those with "ears to hear". On the day Christ returns, it will be at the SOUND OF TRUMPETS! Christ is going to fulfill the Feast of Trumpets on its VERY DAY, the day of his return!

    The Feast of Trumpets was known to the Jews as the feast "no man knows the day or hour" because it was the only feast to occur at the phase of a new moon, and therefore could not be determined until two witnesses confirmed sighting of the new moon sliver, which could happen at any hour of any day around the new moon phase.

    So we know Christ will return Feast of Trumpets during a calendar year, which is in the fall (around Sept or Oct) at the phase of a new moon.

    Now, concerning the YEAR of his return, the first 4 feasts were ALL fulfilled during earth's 4,000 year (AD 28) from creation, and the last 3 feasts will be fulfilled during earth's 6,000 year (AD 2028).

    I tell you the truth ... Jesus Christ is going to return Feast of Trumpets 2028, exactly as God told me back in 2008 to declare to the world.


    1. Hi Gabriel. Jesus said the exact same thing. I tell you the truth and most didn't believe. I believe God is using you. I watched a video of CJ lovik about the 70th week of Daniel and then the fig tree parable and then I watch led your video. 3 confirmations for me. I believe in my spirit that Jesus is coming in 2028 for his bride but people only want to hear what they want and not the TRUTH

  13. You Gabriel, are a false prophet. You are walking a deadly tightrope. Deceiving a few friends, and possibly family members is bad enough. But trying to deceive, multitudes of peoole, (with the internet videos, and a book), whom you do not even know...is quite a different story. I, personally, would be frightened as hell, of the consequences God will most assuredly hold you responsible for, with this deception. You young man, are much braver than I could ever be. And I agree with Anonymous...you are smart, in giving yourself, up to 10 years plus, to perpetuate your deception. No fear of God...is a mistake. I certainly hope I live long enough to see your deception fail. And it will...fail. You my friend...are dangerous, to yourself...and others. May God have mercy on you.

  14. You, Gabriel, are a false prophet. It is one thing, should you be trying to deceive your friends, or family...but to try and deceive multitudes of people with your internet videos, and book, is quite a different thing. I would be frightened as hell, of God, if I were you. Having no fear of God, is a mistake. You are much braver than I. God will most assuredly, hold you responsible, for all that you deceive. I will agree with Anonymous as well...that you are smart about it. At least you are giving yourself 10 plus years to perpetuate this fraud. However, deception, in God's name...is never smart. Should you, yourself, actually believe your mumbo jumbo, (and I find that hard to believe), you are only fooling yourself. Hopefully...you won't fool anyone else. I am seriously concerened for you, and what consequences, God will assuredly hold you responsible for. You should be ashamed of yourself, and quite frightened of what God may allow to happen to you. You, young man, are walking a dangerous tightrope with God. May God have mercy on your soul. Absolutely shameful.

  15. Anonymous II, Is that all you have for me? Just empty threats? Why don't you PROOF where I am wrong. Watch the 10 part video series on YouTube entitled "2028 END OF THE WORLD" and then get back to me with your PROOFS of where my teachings are in error. God bless.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I apologize for that diatribe against Gabriel, Michael. (I believe your name is Michael, if not, I apologize for that as well). And I would also like to apologize to any of your readers, for that diatribe against Gabriel. No excuses. I should learn to handle people like Gabriel, in a more congenial, and civil manner. I am quite embarrassed about it. Thank you Michael, for running this site. I do appreciate you, and your time-consuming efforts. I know, it cannot be the easiest thing to monitor. I promise to try and refrain from showing so much emotion. It is a downfall of mine. Again...thanks for all that you do.


  19. I side with Gabriel up to a point.

    I do believe there will be only 7000 years of total human history. We definitely are approaching the 6,000th year, that's an irrefutable fact if we follow a biblical timeline. God LOVES the number 7, it is the number of God. 6, is the number of man - hence 666. The bible clearly states that one day is like 1000 years, so I take that as truth. 7 days of creation = 7000 years of human history? It could work, I'm not saying it is set in stone but it does make you think!

    We definitely have to discern tho, and Jesus clearly told us we have to study the bible and discern. Just like how God told us not to worship idols, most lukewarm Christians and atheists will think that strictly means gold statues. No, an idol is basically anything you put your time into and "worship" that isn't God.

    So, if you spend all your time doing drugs and spending all your money on that when you clearly heard about the gospel of Jesus Christ, then drugs are your god. If all you care about are sports stars and celebrities, and instead of going to church on Sundays and reading the bible, you use Sundays for fantasy football and NFL, then the NFL is your god. If all you do is chase women and watch porn, then sexual fornication is your god. You guys see where I am going with this? We have to rightly divide the scriptures.

    I take Gabriel's messages with a grain of salt, but there is bits of truth in his videos, although the bible clearly says no one knoweth the day or time, not even the Son, but only the father. Regardless, if we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, we should be spreading the gospel of Jesus. I do hope Gabriel is right though, oh how wonderful it would be if Christ came during out lifetime. Man, that would be THE day.

    1. Yes! What a glorious day that will be for those who are ready!

  20. Hold on - as you said, the bible (in this case, Jesus) basically said "no one knoweth the day or time, not even the Son ...". First, that's present tense. Not future tense. Right? Right. That was a true statement - at THAT time - in Jesus' humanity. So no one knew THEN, but that doesn't necessarily mean no one will ever know at some time in the future.
    NOW - presently - Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. He certainly knows the "day and hour." Right? Is he not God?
    Conclusion - it's not as simple and certain as many often say, that no one will ever know ...

  21. I think ALL of you going against GOD's anointed should be the ones afraid. Those of you "damning" Gabriel's teachings are disgusting. I think you are all full of hate and the devil is guiding you and your words. God will have His vengeance, so be afraid you nay sayers. I believe God is shaking His head at YOU ALL, YOU have ears yet DO NOT hear....WOW..SO VERY SAD!!

  22. I've read his book. I've also read the Bible 3 complete times in the past few years. Gabriel is spot on, in my opinion. God is returning, 2028! Ready, or not, judgement day is coming. I pray everyone reading on this page is spiritually READY. Those streaming hate need to check their hearts. God loves you so I do too!! This world has nothing eternal. Jesus is the answer!!

  23. It's... plausible, folks. Hey, "The Late Great Planet Earth" must have seemed plausible to a lot of people during the crazy times of 1970. When Carlson and Lindsey threw out that '1988' date from thin air (ok, they said 'could'), it didn't necessarily refute everything else they had to say. True Christians believe Jesus will return. If every one of them were to guess or deduce when, and they all came up with a different year, a few have to be right, no? Erb does have a compelling viewpoint. A zillion people out there claim 'God told me'. We should at least listen and test it, even if most are skeptical.

    To clarify some things: Erb's entire book is available at his web site in its entirety. He does charge to print it for you. That seems a reasonable thing to do, although I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want people to say "He's doing it to make a buck." I would think someone who puts together something so 'undeniably profound' would be more likely to say: "I will create and maintain the site at my own expense and I will make the book free. I will not sell anything, even if at cost." There are plenty of other things to sell in this world, and other ways to make a buck. I think God understands we have to make a living.

    Another negative: As I write this, the 2020 Presidential Election has occurred. I took a look at Erb's FaceBook page and noticed that he doesn't seem to care for Donald J. Trump, calling him a liar, among other things. He also stated that he felt many conservatives and conservative Christians are being misled by Mr. Trump.

    Now, that's perfectly fine. He's allowed to like or not like anyone he wishes. Erb does not go as far as to say "Vote for this man or don't vote for that man", but I felt it was so odd that he felt the need to be so politically-motivated to post the anti-Trump stuff, without balancing it with the negatives of the other side. Sure Mr. Trump has faults, as does Mr. Biden. But, if you are someone like Erb, who believes the world WILL take a drastic downturn in or near 2025 (no matter what), then why does it matter who the President is? Really. Why does it matter? No one on earth can stop the implosion of this world, right?

    He might say "It doesn't matter. I just want to save Christians from Mr. Trump." It's a noble concern, but Christians can think for themselves. Most of them understand all of the unseemly things about Trump. They also recognize he's done a few good things for Israel, peace (as in, no new wars), and etc. It's not all bad. I don't believe Christians 'worship' the man the way Erb might believe. It's more about fearing the other side. (For the record, I did not vote this year. When looking at the world stage and the way things seem to be headed, I for one don't believe it matters who the President is. Even if I thought Mr. Trump is great and should stay in office, all that does is push things to 2024 when he leaves.)

    That's my 2 1/2 cents.

  24. I think Gabriel has good intentions, however, you cannot possibly think that God is revealing to you the dates through a football game, or because the fire station near your house has has the number “28” . Sometimes satan uses well intentioned people to distract from God’s truth. I think Gabriel has convinced himself and now is misleading so many. But even with misleading information I think God will bring people to Christ. Gabriel I would love to pray with you in person and discuss this further.

  25. No Sam, God did NOT reveal the year of Christ's return to me through a Football Game or a Fire Station, but rather through the Word of God. Huge difference. Those confirmations are merely additional things God has done based upon the words He wrote through me in my 2008 book "Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return to Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After the Year of His Death." The words I have written will stand till the end.

  26. Well. Sam. He may have good intentions but the is a liar nonetheless. These prophecy kooks have all been proven to be lairs every time they open their mouths. Scriptures state that all they need to do is tell one false prophet and they are then to be ingnore. He sounds more like he has some demonic issues than anything else.

  27. The issue is not even about the prophecy. That's secondary. The issue is Erb's false gospel of works salvation and his unbiblical description of the law of Moses as "Love Commandments", in clear contradiction to the Bibles accurate description of the law as "a yoke our fathers could not bear". Heresy is heresy, and alleged good intentions are not relevant.

  28. Kanbei85, It is VERY CLEAR in Acts 15 the "yoke" is the Jewish law of circumcision. THAT is the issue that's being discussed. Read ALL of Acts 15. This is also the issue that had Paul write in some of his letters "it's not of works". It was NEVER God's 10 Love Commandments (10LC) that had Paul write these things. The 10LC are God's complete instructions for love. When willfully disobeyed, they are the sins that will land someone in hell. You can hate my message all you want, call me a heretic, mock me, but as I said, my words will stand as truth until the end. Your words are meaningless.

  29. Erb's complete rejection of the New Covenant over law-keeping proves he is a false prophet. The notion of works-based salvation is a favorite of Judaizers in the church. Nothing he has predicted will ever come to pass.

  30. The yoke that "neither our fathers nor we were able to bear" was not circumcision. They bore that quite well for centuries. The yoke they couldn't bear was that they could be SAVED by their actions. That was clearly something they did not want to teach the gentiles. Acts 15:1 -- And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”

  31. Gabriel's God complex is on full display here ... "MY words will stand as truth until the end." In the end, however, he will be shown to be just one more demonic judaizer. Calling the Law of Moses God's "instructions for love" is as ridiculous as it is unbiblical.

  32. Galatians 5:3. Paul clearly teaches that law-keeping is INDIVISIBLE. Gabriel Erb teaches that we are obligated to keep certain PARTS of the Law for salvation, while other parts God has abrogated. This is not taught in Scripture. IF you attempt to keep ANY part of the law (Paul uses circumcision as an example), (for salvation), then you are obligated to keep the WHOLE law (perfectly). Nothing less than perfection is acceptable in God's sight. Gabriel has separated himself from God's grace because he thinks (and teaches others) that our works are required to save us.

  33. There is a lot of false teachers out here . But I truly Do NOT believe that Gabriel is one of them . Gabriel be encouraged and keep proclaiming . Remember Noah , when you are being mocked , keep sending the truth out . I pray for all of you that you will be ready when our Lord return . My name is Elizabeth. Gabriel remember me in your prayers . Thank you

  34. It is unfortunate, Anonymous, that you are not choosing to test Erb's false teachings of legalism against the true Scriptures that teach freedom from the Law. His claim to be a prophet of God is invalidated by his heresy.

  35. Kanbei85, Again, the ONLY LAW I teach is God's 10 Love Commandments. Nothing else! So for example, #6 Do NOT hate/murder, but Do forgive; #8 Do NOT steal, but Do Give; #9 Do NOT lie, but Do tell the truth; #10 Do NOT covet, but Do be content, etc.

    These 10 laws of love, are summed up by the Two Great Commandments "Love God" and "Love your neighbor", as Paul explains in Romans 13:8-10:

    "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."

    And Jesus made it VERY CLEAR ... OUR DUTY ... in obtaining eternal life was to strive to live by God's 10 Love Commandments, or by Keeping the Two Great Commandments (Matthew 19:16-19, Luke 10:25-28).

    So call me what you want, a legalist, a Judaizer, a false prophet, or whatever. Hate me. Mock me. Do whatever you want. But in the end, you will be very sad about what you spoke against me, all because of your incorrect understanding of Paul's letters, and your refusal to hear the truth.

  36. I have called you a legalist because you're repackaging the oldest heresy in the history of Christianity. It is no wonder you claim I have a "incorrect understanding" of Paul's letters, since Paul very clearly refutes your false doctrine. There is a good reason the Bible calls the Law "a yoke our fathers could not bear", and an equally good reason the Bible never calls the 10 commandments "love commandments" as you do. They are about showing us we cannot live up to God's standard, and that we must seek a Savior. You deny our Savior by teaching we must live up to God's law (or a portion thereof) in order to justify ourselves.

    I say with Paul and Jesus, "For by works of the Law [the 10 commandments are included here] NO ONE WILL BE JUSTIFIED IN HIS SIGHT, SINCE THROUGH THE LAW COMES KNOWLEDGE OF SIN".

    And, "This is the work of God, to believe in Him whom he has sent."

    You like to pretend (as do all cultists) that you are undergoing persecution by Christians for rejecting you. This is not the case. Rather, you are being excluded due to your heresies, that you might repent and be saved.

  37. Kanbei85, Are you talking about the same Paul that wrote in Romans 2:13 ...

    For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who OBEY the LAW who will be declared righteous. (NIV)

    For merely listening to the law doesn’t make us right with God. It is OBEYING the LAW that makes us right in His sight. (NLT)

    For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the DOERS of the LAW who will be justified. (ESV)


    Like I said, you are utterly confused by Paul's writings.

    But if you ever want to be cleared up on them, just google "THE SALVATION EQUATION by GABRIEL ANSLEY ERB" and read or watch the entire thing, so you can be corrected, that way you can be free from the lies you believe.

    "IF you want to obtain eternal life, KEEP my (10 Love) COMMANDMENTS" ~ Jesus (Matt 19:17)
