Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Big Dude Breaks Ground With Second-Rate Shovel

Dave Pack broke ground on a ROAD this week for his new cult HQ project.  Since Dave thinks he channels HWA in all aspects, I wonder why he missed the mark and broke ground with a silver shovel?  Is this a subtle reminder that Packs's cult HQ is second rate to HWA's?  Everyone in the COG knows that real apostles break ground with GOLD plated shovels.

Dave still has not been granted funding by a bank for his new project.  However, he now claims that his membership has given all the money he needs.

It's funny seeing them in the middle of a field trying to look important with their hard hats on.  As if anything dangerous is going to hit them, other than maybe some bird crap.

Headquarters staff, volunteers, ministers, wives and children gathered on Thursday, May 10, for the official onsite groundbreaking ceremony commencing construction of its new World Headquarters Complex in Wadsworth, Ohio. The ceremony took place where the cornerstone of the 40,000 square foot Hall of Administration will be laid.

Mr. David Pack turned the first shovel of earth and gave the signal for construction to begin on the temporary road that will lead to the construction site. Permits for this phase of the project were granted by the City of Wadsworth, and enable Medina County to now issue the final shell permits to begin excavation.
The Restored Church of God Staff Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony


  1. I hope they uncover some Adena or Hopewell artifacts, or perhaps some ice age encampment, which would put the project off for a bit while paleontologists surveyed the site...

  2. No wonder God placed Restored in Wadsworth:


    Definition #2 seems particularly apropros: "Anyone with more buzz-fuzz than brains."

  3. I wonder what that is on the front of Dave Pack's hard hat? Is it the construction equivalent of "birthday boy" just so everyone knows who the party is about?

    Okay - LOL moment. My challenge words are cultiont and sinsin

  4. Mickey said,"I wonder what that is on the front of Dave Pack's hard hat? Is it the construction equivalent of "birthday boy" just so everyone knows who the party is about?"

    MY COMMENT - LOL,does this Armstrong Church of God offshoot even allow celebrating birthdays, or has that changed since I was a boy growing up in the WCG?


  5. Let's see:

    Dave is 63ish

    He is the whole shabang

    His offspring aren't known or deeply a part of spreading the "Gospel" and probably would not inspire a following

    Jesus is no doubt coming soon or soon enough to keep the brethren interested.

    Economic tanking looms large for the world and humans

    There are 10,000 theological schools though admittedly not ONE that DCP can control the info flow unless he has his own.

    A couple thousand souls can't support this.

    Is this not a case of , "without vision the people perish" or at least "I wouldn't do that if I were you...?"


  6. @Richard

    Seriously doubt it:) considering that this is the "restored" church of God

  7. A ground breaking ceremony for a TEMPORARY construction road???

    Are you freakin' kidding me?

    There is no financing. There is no permit. All they have is the ability to put down some gravel so the trucks don't sink in the mud.

    What the hell are they celebrating?

  8. They are celebrating the fact that Big Dave finally, finally, FINALLY got the chance to wear a shiny hardhat. Yet another sign of his true apostleship, and helps him keep pace with his arch-nemesis Flurry.

  9. Man...I couldn't even afford the hat!


  10. It's just another photo opportunity to style himself in the image of HWA before his followers. In this case Pack is making himself appear in the image of HWA from the groundbreaking of the WCG auditorium when he was photographed also wearing a white hard hat.

    On the one hand, this is propaganda to maintain the goodwill of his followers, on the other hand, it's the sign that Pack idolizes HWA as a god, or at least as a cultic figure (in the pagan sense). Roman emperors would also frequently portray themselves clothed in the imagery of Jupiter, Mars, or other previous emperors who were also thought to be gods. In more modern times, Napoleon and Hitler were two notable examples of men who heavily engaged in this sort of demagoguery also.

    Propaganda aside, it's sad how people like Dave Pack and Ron Weinland have so little sense of themselves that the only way they can figure out how to gain any self-respect is to pretend to relive someone else's life over again.

  11. Well, yes, he should have used a gold shovel.

    He usually uses his silver one for shoveling manure.

  12. Dave couldn't even get it right in regards to the hardhat. Dave's was white, while HWA's was gold.

    All of this for a road. Stupidity shines forth in all it's glory.

  13. I believe they call this and "Edifice Complex" or something like that :)


  14. Or how about, "without people, the vision perishes".

  15. The irony is that it's really Davey's followers who need the shovels.

  16. It's not edifice complex, it's edifice wrecks.
