Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dennis Does A Synopsis of Ron Weinland's Latest Sermon

Sermon synopsis:

"I have no earthly idea what this man is saying, where he is going or how he got there."

Ron's sermon today explaining the spiritual meaning of Rev. 11 is truly lame. This man knows nothing and is endeavoring to make the nothing he knows into something to save his sorry ass from past mistakes in understanding. He acts like the Greek scholar he is not as if he knew. He's in for a great fall. Those who follow him and take this as truth are simply brain dead.


  1. Lake of Fire Church of GodSunday, May 6, 2012 at 5:37:00 AM PDT

    "I have no earthly idea what this man is saying, where he is going or how he got there."

    Great synopsis Dennis! That says it all.


  2. Basically Ron has woven an explanation of Rev. 11 that makes it all spiritual and all recounting the Church's experience with apostacy and his ministry of the last 3 1/2 years. Of course, Revelation 11 meant nothing of the kind.

    Ron is a fascinating study in what religion can do to the mind, and how we use it, or it uses us to explain our world. I don't feel it is based in insincerity. It is based in misunderstanding but the outcomes can be very negative.

    In other cases, I believe we see the workings of different forms of mental illness combined with religious inclinations. I think we can see that in the Bible itself. After all, in just one place in the Gospels, ultimately edited out, Mary and Jesus brothers came to take him home "because he was mad."

    A man with mental illness can hide well in a church setting as his illness and quirkiness looks like character or obedience and spiritual.

    Those who let such men lead them and tell them how it al is are on their own journey I suppose and will learn what there is to learn

  3. Well, you have to admit that after the WCG, he's found a quite effective way of sustaining a viable income!

    That isn't lame, that's brilliant!

    So what if you have to sacrifice your morals and ethics?

    How can you argue with success.

    Oh, right.

    The felony trial.

    Good luck!

    Now for the rest of you Armstrongist cult leaders, know that as Ronald Weinland fails, he casts a deep shadow on all of you, because, except for some of the details, what he preaches isn't so different from the rest of you, even if you don't explicitly say that Jesus is returning a week from next Tuesday.

  4. Lake of Fire Church of GodSunday, May 6, 2012 at 2:03:00 PM PDT

    Is it true that if you've heard one Ron Weinland sermon, you've heard them all?


  5. Lake of Fire Church of God said...
    Is it true that if you've heard one Ron Weinland sermon, you've heard them all?

    In my view of sermons, yes. Ron gives the same kind of sermon on the same topics over and over. He lacks any creativity and seems more busy trying to keep people realizing how awesome his views are than how wrong they tend to be.
