Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is Eric the 7th Messenger?

This is too dumb to pass up. 

Eric King (E.W. King) has written "A Song of Beauty to the Worldwide Church of God"

Eric feels that because of his awesome dudeness he may be the 7th witness/last messenger to the Church of God.  All of these endtime messengers are starting to get pretty ridiculous.  Just how many "witnesses" does the COG need now?  There is Meredith, Flurry, Pack, Cox, Weinland, UCG, COGWA, and many more who feel they are some kind of "special agent" here on earth to present some "special message" to the lost sheep of the COG.

Is Eric King the Seventh [last] Messenger? This free booklet has information not posted on this site or any other. It is a prophetic revelation! Who is the antitypical Cyrus, David and just who is the Seventh Messenger [angel]? 

The Church of God has crossed over to each new era. From the Ephesus to the Smyrna, from the Smyrna to the Pergamos, from the Pergamos to the Thyatira, from the Thyatira to the Sardis, from the Sardis to the Philadelphia, and from the Philadelphia to the seventh and last…the Laodicean. Each church era had a faithful angel [messenger] which helped it cross into the next phase. Herbert W. Armstrong was the sixth messenger in the sixth church age. Who is the Seventh Messenger? It is this Seventh Messenger who is to give the Church “meat in due season”. [Matthew 24:45-47] I am speaking the Truth!

Can these buffoons just give it a rest?



  1. Church eras? Speculation. Church eras each having a human "angel"? Speculation. HWA being the sixth "angel"? Speculation. E.W. King is the seventh "angel"? Speculation. "I am speaking the truth." Speculation.

    Truth. Such an overused, overinflated word these days. Everyone claims to have it. Everyone claims to speak it. Yet no two "prophets of god" speak the same thing. They all disagree, fight, and try to discredit each other. Yes, I am sure you are speaking the truth. Whatever that means. *Yawn* Take a number. Sorry, the number 7 has already been taken.

  2. No2HWA said, "All of these endtime messengers are starting to get pretty ridiculous".

    MY COMMENT - With all due respect No2HWA, it is beyond ridiculous! It is a carnival circus freak show of many clowns all who take themselves way too seriously, and read themselves into Bible scripture. They keep us all entertained, amazed and laughing.


  3. Not so much 7th messenger as Patient Zero.

  4. This is the product of Herbert Armstrong's theology: individuals who think of themselves in "special" terms -- just like he did.

    Thanks to HWA, they can't imagine a church without an anointed leader -- so, why shouldn't it be them?

    Hey, that's it -- "It's me!"

    God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit...they take a back seat to the individual in charge.

    They'll all say otherwise, of course, because that would be sacrilege. But it's lip service. By claiming to be special -- God's messenger -- they actually divert attention away from where it should be (in the biblical context), and put it on themselves.

    What a disgrace that is. Let's face it, somebody's lying. They can't all be "the one." Even if one of them were, the others would obviously be lying.

    So which one is it? Flurry? Pack? Weinland? Malm? King?

    How about "all of the above?" Ewww King included.

    Jockeying for the chief seat. Such silliness.

  5. I am wondering why no other offshoot COG group has claimed this, that of a "7th messenger"...H.W.Armstrong suggested it in "Mystery of the Ages" in his church chapter.

  6. I know Eric King, and his story is one of being involved with many different religions and many different denominations/sects of Christianity. Whatever he's involved in at the time is, in his belief, the one and only true path, and sometimes he claims to be the herald/prophet for our time. Eventually he'll move on to something else and proclaim it to be the only true path.

