Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is It Wrong To Send Apostle Malm Second and Third Tithe Money?

A Malmite asks:

Is is okay to use tithes other than first tithe to your blog? For instance, I wanted to know if I can start sending my third tithe to the Shining Light blog. Please explain as I am sure others also wonder about this.

The apostate apostle responds:

The first tithe is for the preaching of the Gospel. As that is what I do, first tithe and offerings are gratefully accepted to help with this effort. That is God’s money and should not be given to those NOT preaching the true gospel that Christ commanded us to preach, just because they are incorporated in some state.

My credentials are not from some government of man but from God; You must judge for yourself if I or anyone else teaches the true doctrine of God, or not; and act acccordingly.

The third tithe is for the very poor and needy; I do not have the means to organize a poor fund at this time. If you do not want to give that to any organization at this time I suggest that you look around for others to help on a personal basis, or that you save it up for a few months.

I expect that certain things will come to a head around the Fall Feast and that there will be needy folks among those who make a decision for God. There are a number of good elders and hundreds of people who will be taking a decision when the full fruits of these things are made evident.

Things are moving quickly and will be made manifest in the coming months, those faithful folks will then coalesce together. This situation will not last too much longer. James


  1. Well, now, see that's the reason I can't in good conscience send any of my tithes to anyone who preaches the Armstrong gospel! It's not the true gospel, therefore not part of the great commission, and worse yet, the HWA gospel is a lying witness. Why would I want to support a gospel which focusses people on saving themselves from the tribulation, not by concentrating on the spiritual, transformation and reconciliation, through the fruits of the Holy Spirit (like love), but on physical legalism that was all fulfilled at the turn of the covenants?

    As far as second and third tithe go, there are none!


  2. Malm says: "My credentials are not from some government of man but from God;"

    Uh oh...Of course there is no way to actually prove this is true. We might go with the "by their fruits we shall know them, " but that's a crock too for credential proofing.

    Malm is self appointed of course. He has no background in the real history, origins, authors, intent and problems with the inerrant Bible. He's a mere bible reader as are most fundamentalists .

    The self appointed usually prove to be the most self righteous, self absorbed and self deluded.

    I'd like to see a picture of this man and bit of a biography on him. The internet can make a small minded and insignificant person into a Rock Star .

    Malms views are no more credible or important or true than the views of many mentally ill and unstable souls I have visited over the years in mental institutions. He sounds so familiar to me.


  3. Crock though it may be I cant help but play the game:) so if we were to go by fruits and the first fruit of spirit listed is love, where does that put malm?

    Why is it that cogs always jump for numbers to prove fruit rather than attributes?

  4. Does this guy have any kind of following?

  5. Malm claims to have over 1,000 people who are on his legalistic side. 1,00 stupid people ready to send him money and attend a Feast site, if and when,he sets one up.

  6. I'm surprised that Malm didn't say it was okay to send third tithe to him, since he's always claiming to be so very poor and needy.

  7. And let's not forget blind as well! Hey, he's starting to sound like a laodicean. Oh, wait, I think I'm getting confused. If you KNOW you're poor and blind, that must be the sign of a philadelphian, if you DON'T, THAT'S the sign you're a laodicean...

    So much garbage, piled upon garbage, piled upon yet more garbage. Examining Armstrongism is like the archeological excavation of an ancient dump site.

  8. "There are a number of good elders and hundreds of people who will be taking a decision when the full fruits of these things are made evident."

    Wait! That's Pack's line!

  9. I keep my conscience clean by only sending my tithes to godly causes.

    In the past, I've supported such excellent causes as Jan Crouch's Christian Liposuction Seminars, and as soon as I finish typing this post I'm going to send a big fat check to support the upcoming "DON'T BLOCK MY FLOW!" Christian women's conference.

    I'm not sure, though. I sent a letter to the "DON'T BLOCK MY FLOW!" people, asking if they'd like me to send them a big fat check.
    I got a letter back which stated, "Yes, please send us a big fat chick."

    But sending a big fat chick to them would involve astronomical postage rates, and I'd hardly have any tithe money left to send them, and anyway, they probably have enough big fat chicks already.


  10. "Is It Wrong To Send Apostle Malm Second and Third Tithe Money?"



  11. 1) Is there a temple in Jerusalem still?
    2) Is there a Levitical priesthood still?
    3) Are there animal and vegetable sacrifices still?

    If your answer is no to all 3 questions then there's no requirement for tithing--period! 1st, 2nd and 3rd tithes have all been abolished like the physical temple, priesthood and sacrifices itself.

    I suggest you save your money--which by the way was never tithed on (e.g. Lev. 27:30-32; Mat 17:24-27; 1 Pet 1:18)--for those poor and needy in society who don't have anything to sell you.

    For more info see Should the Church Teach Tithing?

  12. Click here to see a video of Gospel Bill teaching the kiddies how to give their allowance to sleazy Jesus-preachers!
