Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Malm: Animals Suffer To Teach Us A Lesson About Satan

One of the apostate apostle's acolytes wrote to him asking why animals have to suffer.  According to Malm, animals have to suffer in order to make us realize how mean Satan is so that we will not rebel against God in the Kingdom. 

My question to you is this. Why do you think a Loving and merciful God lets millions of animals suffer everyday all over the world.
No one has answered this for me. With your wisdom and relationship with the almighty you may understand this.
Thank You

Right now this world belongs to Satan and God is letting Satan have his way within certain limits. Even humanity suffers greatly. In the kingdom God will take away the wild nature of even the beasts and the lion will lie peacably with the lamb and the wolf will play with the kid.
It is also true that God creted all things for a purpose; some were created for sacrificial purposes to teach us lessons; others were reated for other purposes. We are to use what God has crated for the purposes that God intended and receive that with thanksgiving.
I dare say that all the suffering and death is to teach us so thoroughly that the ways of Satan and the results they bring are so hideous that we will get so full of the horror of iot that once eternity has come, we will never rebel as he did. James


  1. "With your wisdom and relationship with the almighty..."

    Will these Armstrongites never learn???

  2. "A flattereth mouth worketh ruin..." Prov 26:28

  3. "It is also true that God creted all things for a purpose; some were created for sacrificial purposes to teach us lessons"

    Every time you sin, God tortures a kitten to death. That's why you shouldn't sin. This is why in the kingdom no one will sin, so that way, God won't have to do that anymore.

    Romans 3:23 For all have forced cyute wittle kittehs to be tortured and killed and fallen short of the glory of God.

  4. In my opinion, Jesus will torture Malm, probably by farting on his tail feathers first, then twisting his beak with a pair of pliers.


  5. Isaiah 11:6 The WOLF also shall dwell with the lamb and the LEOPARD shall lie down with the kid and the calf and young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them.

    Isaiah 65:25 The WOLF and the lamb shall feed together and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock...

    It has irritated me for a very long time how these so-called teachers of the word of God cannot even quote the verse properly. It is the WOLF that is referenced in regard to the LAMB. Is their difficulty in understanding this because they themselves are wolves and they just can't bring themselves to think about being that close to a dear little lamb without being able to rend them to shreds?!!!!!!!!! OR they throw the lion thing out there since the lion is elsewhere a reference to the adversary... so they, the wolves (in sheep's clothing) can avoid any comparison to how terrible *they* are in destroying and devastating the sheep? Even if only in their own minds.

    It's universal from what I can tell. Every church I know of says, "lion and lamb". Why? There is a serious lack of understanding when they twist it so.
